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1、八上Module 5 Unit 2 教案教学目标1. Key vocabulary: act, show, common, describe, society, beginning, head teacher, college, novel, if, magic2. Reading and understanding the sequence of events.3. 双宾语结构的用法4. Writing a short passage about ones favorite play or film.教学重点双宾语结构:give/buy/tell教学难点动词不定式作宾语的用法;双宾语结构学情

2、分析在一单元学习了动词不定式的用法基础上,本课将接触双宾语的用法,学生需要了解此结构的构成形式及其用法学法指导Top-down approach 教 学 过 程教学内容教师活动学生活动效果预测(可能出现的问题)补救措施修改意见Step 1 Warming-upStep 2 Work in pairs.Step 3 ReadingStep4Complete the timeline.Step5Language pointsStep6Complete the passage.Step 6 WritingStep7homework1、Review the text of Unit 1. 2. Sho

3、w some pictures3. Introduce the new words.4.teach the new words1. Ask questions about Lao She.1) What do you know about Lao She?2) What are his most famous books and plays?3) Whats the special about Lao She Teahouse?2. Tell the students about Lao She.Learning to learnWhen you read a passage, remembe

4、r to look at its title, the paragraph headings and the photos if there are any. They will help you understand the main ideas.1. Play the recording 2. Ask the students to read through the passage.3. Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs in Activity 2.4. ask the students to Check

5、 with a partner.5. Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys: 1 b 2 c 3 a6. Read Para1 and check the true sentences7. Read Para3 and fill in blanks1. Read the passage again.2. Complete the timeline with information about Lao She. LAO SHE1957 _1924 _1918 _1913 _1899 born in Beijing3. Check with

6、 a partner.4. Call back the answers from the whole class.1.one of +形容词最高级+名词复数,表“中的一个”2. 表示出生要用be born,并且动词be通常只用was 或were 。 born + in/on等,表示“出生的时间,地点”。3. give (sb.) a welcome (to) 意为“对(某人)表示欢迎”,其中 welcome是名词。4. “动词+人+物”的结构,我们称它双宾语结构。1. Ask the students to complete the passage with the words in the

7、box in Activity 4.century common if magic society writers2. Ask the students to read through the passage in Activity 4.Lao Shes play, Teahouse, has three acts. It describes the life of Wang Lifa and the changes to the lives of (1) _ people in Chinese (2) _ in the first half of the twentieth (3) _. L

8、ao She went to a teachers school in Beijing, taught in London, and later returned to China. He is one of Chinas greatest (4) _. Come to Lao She Teahouse in Beijing (5)_ you like Beijing Opera, traditional music or (6) _ shows. 3. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.4

9、. Check with a partner.5. Call back the answers from the whole class.1. Complete the table about the Teahouse.2. Write sentences about Teahouse with the information in Activity 5. Use the passage in Activity 2 to help you.The story of Teahouse takes place in Beijing.3. Now join the sentences. Write

10、a passage about Teahouse. Write a passage about your favorite play or film. Use Activities 5 and 6 to help you.1、Review2、Look at the pictures, and talk something about the pictures.3、 Learn the new words.4 、Read the new words.1Answer the questions2.learn something about LaoShe1.Listen to the tape ca

11、refully.2. Read through the passage.3. Match the headings with the paragraphs in Activity 2.4. check in pairs5.check the answer together6. read and do it7.read and fill1. read the text again2. Complete the timeline with information about Lao She.3. check in pairs 4. check the answers together做笔记并理解1

12、. complete the passage with the words in the box in Activity 4.2. read through the passage in Activity 4.3. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.4. Check with a partner.5. Call back the answers from the whole class.1. Complete the table about the Teahouse.2. Write sen

13、tences about Teahouse with the information in Activity 5.3. Now join the sentences. Write a passage about Teahouse.Write: My favorite play or film. 1、在长篇的阅读材料中,难以获得信息2、阅读有畏难心理3、写作吃力,思维混乱1、做到泛读与精读的结合,使学生快速获得信息2、在阅读前,做一些与阅读有关的辅助练习,比如谈论老舍,3、通过表格的形式把要写的重要内容一一列举,然后再串起来板书设计Unit 2 It describes the changes in Chinese society.动词不规则过去式: 双宾语结构:


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