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1、Booking a Table 预订餐桌脱口而出I need to order a dinner here.我想在这儿预订晚餐。Is there any chance of a table for three for tonight?能否订一张今晚的三人桌呢?Where would you like to sit?您愿意坐在哪儿?We have a window table reserved for you.我们为您保留了一张窗边的桌子。Please come this way. Ill show you to your table.请这边走,我令您去预订的桌子。How many people

2、 are there in your party?你们一共有几位?We open 24 hours.我们24小时营业。When would the table be for?请问订哪一天的餐位?What is it going to be, Chinese food or Western food?您要中餐还是西餐?We look forward to your coming then.我们期待着您的光临。对答如流Dialogue OneHello, is that Friendship Restaurant?喂,是友谊餐馆吗?Yes. Can I help you?对,我能帮您什么忙?May

3、 I reserve a table for two this evening?我能预订一张今晚的两人桌吗?What time do you want it?您想订几点的?Half past six.六点半。Im sorry. There isnt any table left at that time. Would you reserve it at 8:00?对不起,那个时间已经没有位子了。您能不能订8点?Im afraid its too late.恐怕太晚了。Sorry about that.对此我实在抱歉。Not at all. Bye-bye.没关系。Good-bye.再见。Dia

4、logue TwoGood afternoon. This is Beijing Restaurant. May I help you?下午好!北京饭店,需要我效劳吗?Yes. May I make a reservation for seven at 7:00 this evening?是的。我要订一桌今晚7点的7人餐。Im sorry, sir. There arent any tables left then, but I can arrange a table for you at 8:00.真对不起,先生。没有那时候的位了,但我8点可以为您安排一桌。Im afraid its too

5、 later. Could you make it a little earlier?恐怕太晚了。能不能早一点?How about 7:30? Ill manage to get one for you at that time.七点半怎么样?我给您安排一桌那时候的桌。OK. Thank you very much.好的,谢谢您。Youre welcome.不用客气。Dialogue ThreeChengdu Restaurant. Can I help you, sir?这里是成都饭店。您有什么吩咐,先生?I need a table for this evening.我要订一张今晚的桌子。

6、Which kind of table would you like to have, in the hall, or in the room?您想要哪种桌子,是大厅里的还是包间里的?In the room, please.要包间里的。OK. When will you come?行,你们什么时候来?We will come at about eight.我们大概8点来。Thats OK.行。Dialogue FourHello, is that the Sunshine Restaurant?喂,请问是阳光餐馆吗?Yes. May I help you?是的,有什么需要我效劳?Yes, Id

7、 like a table for 4 tonight.我想预定一桌今晚的4人桌。Im afraid we are fully booked for tonight. Would you like to make a reservation at another restaurant?今晚的席位恐怕已经订满了。您要不要订别地餐馆的席位?Well, where do you recommend?嗯,您建议的是哪里?Green House Restaurant is good, too.绿房子餐馆也不错。Do you know the telephone number?你真的电话号码吗?Yes,

8、its 3811658.知道,是3811658。OK. Thank a lot.好的,谢谢。出口成章订餐桌If you are going to a restaurant for dinner, it is usually a good idea to telephone for a reservation. Cities are crowed and good restaurants will not hold reservations for more than a short time. If you cannot get into a restaurant because you ha

9、ve not reserved ahead, dont be angry. Restaurants can only serve a certain number of people at one time, and if they are already filled, they must turn away any additional people who want to dine there. Frequently, a table will be available if you are willing to wait 20 or 30 minutes for it.要到餐馆吃晚饭,一般最好先打电话订座。城市人多,好的餐馆只给你预定的座位留一段时间。如果你由于没预先订座而不能进餐馆可别生气,餐馆在一定时间只能招待一定数目的客人,要是位子已满,只有其余想进餐的客人挡驾,如果你肯等上二三十分钟,就可以等到一张桌子。



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