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1、一、词组:一、词组:1无话可说 have nothing to say2没有足够的钱买一百听狗粮dont have enough money to buy one hundred tins of dog food3和一个来自英国的交换生交朋友make friends with an exchange student from the UK4不得不在图书馆保持安静have to keep quiet in the library5向当地人求助 ask local people for help6学习庆祝西方节日learn to celebrate Western festivals7错过赶早班公

2、共汽车miss catching the early bus8盼望收到我父母的明信片look forward to getting postcards from my parents9计划去故宫欣赏艺术品和国画 plan to go to the Palace Museum to enjoy the works of art and Chinese paintings10拥有更多得多的宾馆own many more hotels11种多得多的小麦grow much more wheat12 养绵羊挣钱raise sheep to make money13没有必要开车送他们去车站dont nee

3、d/ have to drive them to the bus station14闻起来有点特别smell a little special15对他周围的所有人友好be friendly to everybody around him16一次动物园之行 a trip to the zoo17继续径直往前走go straight on18直接去猴林 go straight to the Monkeys forest19整天忙着躺下吃竹子be busy lying down and eating bamboo all day long20记得点披萨饼remember to order pizza

4、21记得修过这台坏冰箱remember fixing the broken fridge22听见鸟儿们每天发出悦耳的声音hear the birds make beautiful sounds every day23记得不要过马路remember not to cross/ walk across the road24听起来相当不同sound quite different25把那个小女孩弄哭了make the little girl cry26带那些厨师去电影院take the cooks to the cinema27邀请那些女医生和我们吃晚饭invite the women doctor

5、s to have dinner with us28有许多作业要做have a lot of homework to do29Lily 和Tom的妈妈(兄妹关系) Lily and Toms mother30Lily 和Tom的妈妈(非兄妹关系)Lilys and Toms mothers31互相学习learn from each other32一个居住的好地方a wonderful place to live33不认识去最近的医院的路dont know the way to the nearest hospital34叫我别怕狮子 tell me not to be afraid of li

6、ons35动物世界的国王 the kings of the animal world36跳来跳去逗别人笑jump around to make others laugh37一个开阔的地区an open area38吃树上的树叶eat the leaves from trees39半小时之后half an hour later40一个相当有趣的故事a very interesting story/ quite an interesting story二、句子1洗衣机里有什么? 什么都没有。Whats in the washing machine? Nothing.2扬州因为它的园林而出名。Yan

7、gzhou is famous for its gardens.3扬州作为一个历史悠久的城市而出名。Yangzhou is famous as a city with a long history.4你对京剧感兴趣吗?Are you interested in Beijing opera?5这些邮递员正盼望做什么?What are the postmen looking forward to doing?6这些钥匙圈是谁的? 她的。Whose are the key rings? They are hers.Who do the key rings belong to? They belong

8、 to her.7看看你的笔袋。它们到处都是。Look at their pencil cases. They are all over the place.8你的家乡是什么样的? 它是个时尚的城市。What is your hometown like? Its a modern city.9徐州在江苏的北部。Xuzhou is in the north of Jiangsu.10香港在南京的南部。Hong Kong is to the south of Nanjing.11如果明天我们要去森林野餐,我会带些纸盘子去那里的。If we go on a picnic in the forest

9、tomorrow, I will take some paper bags there.12她多快会回来? 一小时之后。How soon will she come back? In an hour.13还有十条连衣裙要洗。There are ten more dresses/ another ten dresses to wash.14也许她会回电话给我。Maybe she will call me back./She may call me back.15秋天,树叶会变黄。In autumn, leaves will turn yellow.16请问那些孩子的家怎么走?Which is t

10、he way to the childrens homes? / How can I get to the childrens homes?17在这个博物馆你可以了解中国历史的全部。You can learn all about Chinas history at the museum.18我们何时何地见面? 我们明早九点在剧场前面见吧。18. When and where shall we meet? Lets meet in front of the theater at 9 tomorrow morning.19大多数年轻人不喜欢像这样的衬衫。 Most young people don

11、t like shirts like this.20一些女孩子喜欢穿连衣裙,其他的喜欢穿牛仔裤Some girls like wearing dresses, and others like wearing jeans.21我们的班级旅行将要去哪里?Where are we going for our class trip?22那个购物中心离动物园有多远? 大约十公里。How far is it from the shopping center to the zoo? It is about ten kilometers from the shopping center to the zoo.

12、23记得玩火很危险。 Remember that playing with fire is very dangerous.24千万不要靠近那些猴子。好的,我不会的。 Never go near the monkeys. OK, I wont.25那些象宝宝的耳朵是什么样子的? 像打开的扇子。What are the baby elephants ears like? They are like open fans.26你的法国之行怎么样? 还行。How was your trip to France? Not bad.27这里有一只足球。这只足球看起来很新。让我们去山脚下踢足球吧。Here is a football The football looks very new. Lets play football at the foot of the hill.28足球场的左边有许多苹果树。There are many apple trees on the left of the football field.Many apple trees are on the left of the football field.友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! /



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