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1、高级英语下册重点句段高级英语下册重点句段 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(高级英语下册重点句段)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为高级英语下册重点句段的全部内容。#Lesson One The Companv in Which I Work 1.所有人都害怕那12位顶层上司,他们帮助创建了这个公

2、司,而且现在仍然大权在握。 And all the people are afraid of the twelve men at the top who helped found and build the company and now own and direct it. 2.如今所有这12位上司都年事已高,他们历经岁月沧桑,壮志已酬,心力交瘁。 All these twelve men are elderJy now and drained by time and success of energy and ambition. 3。当我在大厅里偶然遇见他们时,他们看上去非常友善、沉稳而且

3、心满意足;而且他们与别人一起乘坐公共电梯时也总是彬彬有礼、沉默不语。 They seem friendly,slow,and content when I come upon them in the haHs and always courteous and mute when they ride with others in the public elevators。 4.没有人知道到底谁在真正经营这家公司(甚至那些被委任管理公司的人也不知道土然而公司的确在运转着. Nobody is sure anymore who really runs the company ( not even t

4、he people who are credited with rurning it) ,but the company does run. 5. 格林偶尔也对我不信任。 Green distrusts me fitfully. 6。我知道这并不是他真正的意思,他自己的工作非常忙,根本就无暇顾及我们所有的工作.我会将大部分工作绕过他而直接交给那些亟需要它们的人,而不愿意占用他的时间。 I know he does not really mean this:he is too busy with his own work to pay that much attention to all of

5、mine,and I will bypass him on most of our assignments rather than take up his time and delay their delivery to people who have an immediate need for them. 7.如果他没有事先看到或听到这件事,就会气得双面通红,窘迫不已。 He turns scarlet with rage and embarrassment if he has not seen or heard of it。 8.营销员们无论是集体或是个人,总是在接受审查,总是处于失败的边

6、缘。 They are always on trial,always on the verge of failure,collectively and individually. 9。他们工作都尽心尽力(就连他们中那些有保障的和充满自信的人都是这样),以便使自己的书面报告看上去好些,况且他们有太多工作报告需要用心去做。 They strain,even the most secure and self-assured of them,to look good on paper; and there is much paper for them to look good on。 10.譬如,每周

7、每个销售办事处及销售部前一周的销售业绩总记录需由公司各部门加以保存,并且与前一年同期的销售业绩相比较。 Each week,for example,a record of the sales results of the preceding week for each sales office and for the Sales Department as a whole for each division of the company is kept and compared to the sales re- suIts for the corresponding week of the y

8、ear before. 1 1。当营销员业绩好时,他们因为要开始使工作做得更好,唯恐销售业绩滑坡,从而慼压力重重。 When salesmen are doing well,there is pressure upon them to begin doing better,for fear they may start doing worse。 12。当他们的销售业绩不佳时,他们的工作就会很糟糕。 When they are doing poorly,they are doing terribly。 13。当一个营销员争取到了一份大订单或者新讨回一笔欠账,他也只是高兴一会儿,因为他此时也正面临

9、着危险,也许很可能下一次他的那份大订单或者大笔的进账有被竞争对手公司营销员抢去的风险。 When a salesman lands a large order or brings in an important new account,his elation is brief for there is danger he might lose that large order or important new account to a salesman from a competing com- pany the next time around。 14.在没有消化不良的困扰或不再苦苦为未来忧

10、虑时,他们是一群充满活力、爱说爱笑的人;另一方面他们会突然之间变得任性并且牢骚满腹。 They are a vigorous,funloving bunch when they are not suffering abdominal cramps or brooding miserably about the future; on the other hand,they often turn cranky without warning and complain a lot。 15。 他们每个人都至少能说出一个公司的上层人物,认为这个上层人物存心跟他过不去,并决心要毁掉他的前程。 Each o

11、f them can name at least one superior in the company who he feels has a grudge against him and is determined to wreck his career. 16。营销员们工作努力,薪金丰厚,并有一大笔个人经费,因此他们私下对公司内外的人,包括我,出手都很大方。 The salesmen work hard and earn big salaries,with large personal expense accounts that they squan der generously on o

12、ther people in and out of the company,including me. 17。实际上,公司为他们支付乡村俱乐部会员费以及他们在那里的所有开支,并且对那些在高尔夫球场上给人留下深刻印象的销售人员给予奖励. The company,in fact,will pay for their country club membership and all charges they incur there, and rewards salesmen who make a good impression on the golf course。 18.很奇怪的是,营销员们对长期的

13、压力和他们所受的严格监督能够坦然处之。 Strangely enough, the salesmen react very well to the constant pressure and rigid supervision to which they are subjected. 19。他们在上司的点拨下获得成功,业绩蒸蒸日上。 They thrive on explicit guidance toward clear objectives。 20.男人的硅格中一定有一种东西不但能使他做一名营销员,而且也使他盼望自己能成为一名营销员。 There must be something in

14、the makeup of a man that enables him not only to be a salesman,but to want to be one. 21。公司里最不担惊受怕的人,就是在我们这个小小的市场调研部工作的为数极少的几个人,他们从不担心任何事情,而只关心对公众、市场、国内以及世界的统计信息的收集、组织、解释以及重新组织。 The people in the company who are least afraid are the few in our small Market Research Depart ment,who believe in nothing

15、 and are concerned with collecting,organizing,interpreting,and reorganizing sta tistical information about the public,the market,the country,and the world. 22.但有一点,他们的工资很少,而且他们也知道如果一旦失去这里的工作,不用费太大的劲儿就可以在别的公司找到工资如此低的工作. For one thing,their salaries are small,and they know they will not have much trouble finding jobs paying just as little in other companies if they lose their jobs here。 23.市场调研部门的人发现了公司外的一些情况使我们处于竞争的劣势,他们也从来没有因为出现这些情况而受到责备. People in the Market Research Department are never held to blame for conditions they discover out Side the company that place us at a competitive dis


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