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1、高一英语必修一能力评估试题第一节:单项填空(每小题1分,满分15分)21. Will you join us in the game?Thank you, _A. but why not? B. but Id rather not. C. and I wont. D. and Ill join.22. A wise decision is always _ true facts and reasonable judgment.A. interested in B. based on C. regarded as D. covered with23. Jane _ this Sunday. Le

2、ts go and say goodbye to her. A. would leaveB. left C. has leftD. is leaving24. To keep _ with the rapid changes of society, the old man keeps the habit of reading newspapers every day.A. terms B. pace C. progress D. touch25. At _ present we are going through a hard time, but Im sure _ things will g

3、et better in the near future.A. the; the B. the; 不填 C. 不填; the D. 不填; 不填26. _ he has made a decision, it is not easy for you to make him change his mind.A. Though B. Unless C. Once D. Until27. In the face of danger, we need to stay _. Only in this way can we come up with good solutions.A. still B. q

4、uiet C. calm D. silent28. The policeman didnt argue with us. He just told us _.A. how to do B. what to do it C. what to do D. how do it29. The old couple live in a house _ windows face to the south, so they can have plenty of sunshine every day.A. whose B. of which C. that D. which30. A great _ of s

5、tudents in our school go to university every year.A. plenty B. lot C. number D. many31. We _ him to give up the plan, but he turned a deaf ear to us.A. tried to persuade B. persuaded C. suggested D. did persuade32. We felt it a great surprise when he said he _ abroad soon.A. should goB. would goC. h

6、as goneD. had gone33. With more forests being destroyed, humans have to _ a lot from what they have done.A. suffer B. separate C. stop D. protect34. May I _ you in buying some presents for the children?Why not?A. ask B. advise C. join D. trouble35. To be honest, I dont have the _ to make a final dec

7、ision on whether you can join the League.A. purpose B. power C. strength D. energy第二节:完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分30分) Mrs. Green was a science teacher. She believed very strongly in 36 work as a means of teaching science effectively (有效地), and she wanted her pupils parents to see how 37 their children were lear

8、ning by her methods. She 38 arranged for all the parents to come and see the 39 of one of the childrens experiments on a Saturday evening, when all of them were free. The children had been 40 the growth of plants, and they had 41 four pots of beans (豆科植物) a few weeks before. They had put 42 soil in

9、one pot, to see what effect this would have on the 43 of the beans in it, and good soil in the other three pots. Then they had kept one of the pots in the 44 for several days, and had given a third pot no water for the same length of 45 .At the end of the lesson on Friday afternoon, Mrs. Green put l

10、ittle notes on the four 46 : “The beans in this pot were planted in poor soil.” “This pot has been 47 in the dark for four days.” “These beans have had no water for four days.” “These beans have had good soil, plenty of light and 48 water.” Then she went home.When she arrived on 49 evening, half an

11、hour be-fore the 50 were due to come, Mrs. Green found this note beside the pots:We 51 your notes to the school servant and thought we would 52 him, so we watered all the plants, 53 the earth in the one with poor soil, and 54 the light above the one which had been left in the dark for four days. We

12、55 that the plants will now grow well. Your friends, The Boy Scouts36. A. practicalB. actual C. activeD. hard37. A. gradually B. wellC. exactlyD. equally38. A. howeverB. thereforeC. evenD. instead39. A. progressB. methodC. purposeD. result40. A. studyingB. consideringC. destroyingD. preventing41. A.

13、 boughtB. broughtC. plantedD. found42. A. goodB. poorC. wetD. dry43. A. tasteB. smellC. shapeD. growth44. A. sunshineB. darkC. rainD. sand45. A. restB. researchC. timeD. distance46. A. plantsB. beansC. experimentsD. pots47. A. putB. keptC. trappedD. buried48. A. cleanB. coldC. warmD. regular49. A. F

14、ridayB. SaturdayC. SundayD. Monday50. A. childrenB. studentsC. parentsD. teachers51. A. readB. wroteC. answeredD. passed52. A. persuadeB. rescueC. remindD. help53. A. changedB. threwC. checkedD. tested54. A. put on B. take onC. left on D. came on55. A. hopeB. dislikeC. wonderD. suggest第三节:阅读理解 (每小题2分,共40分)AAdults usually do not remember most of the things that are taught by their teachers at school. But this story is o


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