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1、英语口语精粹-英语口语之精华英语口语之精华A1. What college are you attending?2. What are you majoring in? /Whats your major?3. What grade /class年级和班级are you in?4. What school did you go to? /Where do you go to school?5. How many courses are you taking this semester?6. Id better hit the books勤奋地钻研或学习.7. Many students are

2、 working at part time jobs.8. Im a graduate毕业生of Harvard University.9. Ive got six months to go until the graduation.10. He worked his way through college半工半读. 11. Hes busy preparing for class忙着准备功课.12. I dont think I have a mathematical brain数学头脑.13. This has been a hard course这门功课很难for me.14. Ive

3、been studying all day, and Im sick and tired of it厌倦.15. He seems to be getting on very well at school. (他在学校似乎念得很好。)16. Speaking of school, how are your grades this term?17. The costs of college get higher every year.18. Shes an easy-going随和的teacher.19. The course I took was above me超过我的能力.20. As f

4、ar as English is concerned, he is second to none. (就英语来说,没有人能够比得上他。)21. He is burning the midnight oil开夜车;挑灯夜读.22. How did the test turn out? (考试结果怎样?)23. I hope Ill go down in history as a famous English professor. (我希望成为未来历史上有名的英文教授。)24. Theres nothing wrong with hard work. (刻苦没有错。)25. Examination

5、s are at hand. (考试在即。)26. She is at the top of her class. (她名列前茅。)27. How did you get on in your exam? (你考得怎样?)28. He is a college dropout. (他从大学辍学半途而废。)29. He took French leave. (他不辞而别。)30. She was kicked out of开除;退学the university.31. Se won the first place in a speech contest. (第一名)32. Im taking 1

6、9 credit hours. (我修十九个学分。)33. I dont/ wasnt to cut class旷课;逃学.34. Have you ever-studied French? (你学过法文吗?)35. Whats the book about? (这本书写什么?)36. She is giving me piano lessons in exchange for her English classes.37. Where did you go to high school?上英文课时最有用的句子:38. What do you call this in English? (怎么

7、称呼这个?)39. How do you pronounce this word? (怎么念?)40. How do you spell it? (如何拼写?)41. How do you say that in English? (用英文怎么说?)42. Whats the meaning of NATO? /What does NATO mean? /What does NATO stand for? (NATO代表什么?)43. How does live differ from leave? (有什么不同?)44. Whats the difference between A and

8、B?45. I cant express myself very well in English.46. How well do I speak English? (我英文说得怎么样?) BYou are a dreamboat. 你是位(异性所追求的)理想人选 You are such a dish. 你是个绝色美人 Ive been dying to meet you. 我非常非常想见到你 Every time I see you, you leave me out in the cold. 每次我见到你,你都不睬我 I only have eyes for you . 我只在意你 Id

9、do anything to see you crack a smile. 为了博得你的一笑,我情愿做任何事 You swept me off my feet. 你使我神魂颠倒 You dont have a care in the world. 你不知人间烦恼为何物 Im still trying to get to second base with you. 我仍旧试着想和你发展到第二阶段(在美国,first base 指拉手,接吻,second base 指抚摩等,third base 指做爱) If you dont want to lose me, youd better lay i

10、t on the line. 如果你不想失去我,就最好一五一十地告诉我吧 Tell me your story, Im all ears. 告诉我你的故事,我洗耳恭听 Someday, when your ship come in, youll build your dream house. 总有一天,当你有钱时,你会建造你梦想的家 I hope your idea takes wing. 我希望你的想法成真 I wish that you would put your cards on the table. 我希望你干脆把话挑明 Have you ever seen your old fla

11、me? 你还见过你的旧情人吗 If the shoe fits, wear it. 如果是真的就承认吧 This experience will make me show my true color. 这种经历将使我暴露我的本性 I have a bottomed-down mind. 我是个没有什么独到见解的人 I have no direction, I just get wherever the wind blows. 我没有方向,只是随风到处飘 I cant burn the candle at both ends forever. 我不能永远这么过分地消耗精力 We could ma

12、ke beautiful music together. 我们也许会是和谐幸福的一对儿 You are always trying to get my goat. 你总是想惹我发火 Im a man of my word. 我是个讲信用的人 Someday youre going to have to face the music for your actions. 总有一天,你将不得不承担自己的行为所带来的后果 Just cool your heels! 好了,安静会儿吧 Save your breath! I dont want to hear it. 不要说了,我不想听 Really?

13、You are so bad! 真的吗?你真棒! 容易弄错的美语下面一些用语或口语,在字眼上,颇有相似之处,但在意义和用法上,却有不同。使用时要特别小心,以免出错。 son of a gun 与 son of a bitch:son of a gun 是对好友表示一种惊讶的口语(an interjection or an exclamation of surprise between very good friends),有点像坏蛋、家伙的味道。但 son of a bitch(或 SOB)是美国人极为严重的骂人话(curse word),千万不可乱用,以免闹事。因为这不但意味这位 son 没

14、有确定的父亲,同时母亲也是缺乏道德和贞操(less virtuous)。 例如:* I have not seen you for a long time;you (are)son of a gun!(你这坏蛋啊,我好久不见你了!) * After the two men called each other“son of a bitch”(SOB),they started a fight.(这两位男子互骂SOB後,就动起武来。)至於 son of a gun 的来由,据说从前女人可以住在海军船上服务。结果一位女人生下孩子时,不知父亲是谁,於是船上的人,就以gun做为孩子的 paternity

15、,孩子也就被称为son of a gun。虽然只用在好友中,但有时也真有坏蛋的意思(evil person or a rogue)所以不是恭维语(complimentary word),除非真正好友,少用为妙。 at large 与 by and large:at large 当形容词,最常用的意思是指嫌犯脱逃,逍遥法外(escape,referring to criminal before arrest)而 by and large 当副词用,意思是一般而言(generally speaking on the whole)。 例如:* The murder suspect is still at large. (凶手仍然逍遥法外)* By and large, I feel(that)the new proposal is sensible.(大体来说,我认为新的建议是很切合实际的。)* By and large, most people will care about their weight. (一般而言,许多人关心他们的体重)然而,有时 at large 也有一般(in general)


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