2023年深圳市初中英语九年级 上 Unit 12单元综合能力测试题.docx

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1、九年级 (上)Units1-2综合能力测试题第一卷选择题(60分)I.词汇测试(15分)i.从下面每小题的A(B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分)()1. Mr Zhang, are you happy with the score your class got? Of course. Our class got the highest score of all.A. afraid ofB. pleased withC. tired from()2. Oh, Mom. Whats wrong with the floor? It is all wet! I

2、forgot to turn off the tap and the water ran over.A. took overB. flowed outC. stood out()3. Dad, I want to watch TV. OK. But you must make sure that you have enough time to finish your homework.A. be worriedB. be doubtC. be sure()4. Doctor, I have a toothache.OK. Take a seat and open your mouth. Let

3、 me have a look at your teeth.A. Sit downB. Go awayC. Hurry up()5. Wow, you play basketball so well. Why not join in the school basketball game?Because Im busy with my study and have no time to play.A. play withB. take part inC. jump into()6. Lily, you are my dearest sister. Ill help you whenever yo

4、u are in trouble.Thank you, my dear brother.A. in difficultyB. in publicC. in turn()7. Today is April Fools Day. Lets go to play a joke on your deskmate.OK. But dont go too far.A. call onB. bring upC. make fun of()8. Do you know well have a two-day holiday next week?Sorry, I have no idea. Nobody tol

5、d me the news.A.dont know it at allB.hear of itC.dont agree it at allii.根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。(共7 小题,每小题1分)()9. If something is_, it means it is right.A. goldenB. paleC. correct()10. If you_ someone, you believe that he or she is honest and will not do anything to harm you.A. hitB. tru

6、stC. invite()11. Tommy, lets go to see a film tonight. Sorry, I cant. I cant go out at night without my moms_.A. thoughtB. smileC. agreement()12. Are you_ that Miss Gao will come to our party?Yes. When I invited her last week, she promised that she would come on time.A.special B. worried C. certain

7、()13. The man is_ enough to save the boy who was in danger.Yes. He set a good example to us.A.brave B. good C. careful ()14. You said that you knew me well. Then do you _ know when I was born?5:16 p.m., on September 10, 2019.A.usually B. exactly C. quickly ()15. Im sorry. Mrs Huang is not in at the

8、moment._? I have something important to tell her.A.How about herB.May I come inC.Can I take a message II.完形填空(15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-25 各小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。 (共10小题,每小题1.5分)I cant believe that my cat Lady has died, even though mountains of tears come. She has been mine since she was eight weeks old.

9、 At that time, I had so many 16 questions, so I called her former (以前的)17 once a week. She taught me everything from cleaning her face to brushing her teeth.Now, just short of eight years later, I watched my 18 breathe her last breath. I didnt 19 this day when I picked her up those years ago.We had

10、a wonderful life together. Everyone who 20 her liked her. Whenever they met her, they would hug and 21 her. She was so smart. She kissed them back.Lady liked bringing back sticks (棍子)and catching different kinds of balls. She also loved to 22 whatever I threw to her. When I was 23, I would like to t

11、ake her to the beach near our house. I threw balls or something else, and she ran after them 24. When we were tired, we would sit down together. How 25 the life was! Now I wish I could have her back.()16. A.differentB. easyC. private()17. A.friendB. ownerC. father()18. A.dogB. catC. fish()19. A.expe

12、ctB. believeC. think()20. A.fedB. knewC. caught()21. A.touchB. kissC. push()22. A. wait for B. take after C. run after ()23. A.freeB. busyC. sleepy()24. A.sadlyB. angrilyC. happily()25. A.wonderfulB. terribleC. boringIII. 阅读下列短文,从下面每题的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。(共20小题,每小题1.5分)AOne day,a man was reading a p

13、iece of newspaper sitting near a window. And his father stood by the window.After a while, a bird flew to a tree outside of the window and sat on a branch. The father noticed the bird and asked his son,“What is that?” With a quick look, he answered,“It is a sparrow (麻雀).” A few seconds passed and th

14、en again the father asked his son,“What is that?”Slightly angry, this time the son answered the same “It is a sparrow”. Another a few seconds passed and again the father asked. This time the son became quite angry. He shouted at his father, “Telling you over and over again that what you are asking a

15、bout is indeed a sparrow.” The father sighed gently and left After a short time, the father returned. He told his son that he had also asked the very same question about a sparrow when he was a kid. He asked 21 times and each time the father told him and hugged him. Hearing this, the son felt ashamed and regretted. He stood up, hugged his old father and said, “Im so sorry.”The father smiled and said,“It doesnt matter. I recalled the sweet memory when I saw the sparrow. I just


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