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1、The wild honey suckle In this poem the poet expressed a keen awareness of the loveliness and transience of nature.1.He not only meditated on mortality but also celebrated nature.It implies that life and death are inevitable law of nature, “the wild honey suckle”is Philip Freneaus most widely read na

2、tureal lyric with the theme of transience.2.The poem express the poets view about the writing material of American writors.In the authors opinion, the origin land in America was fiiled with beauty and myth,which could compete with the rilics of Europ.It revealed on the basis of American beauty, the

3、American writor can produce good works.The central image is a nativewild flower,which makes a drastic difference from elite flower images typical of tradition english poems. The poem showed strong feelings for the natural beauty,which was the characteristic of romantic poets.The poem was written in

4、regular 6-line tetrameter stanzas,rhyming:ababcc .The structure of the poem is regular,so it has the neoclassic quality of proportion and balance. Alliteration ,assonance,masculine rhyme used in the poem also produce musical or melodious and harmonious,which matches the beautyof the flower,the beaut

5、y of poem is partly ambodied in the effects created through changes in the rhythm. The poem contains iambics trochaics and spondee. The arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables suggests the transience of the life of the flower and the poets emotional change.the poem is full of sensuous image

6、s such as fair flower visual image,comely grow kinasthetic image and honeyed blossoms olfactory image.All the images make us feel pity for the beautiful flower which has only a short life. The line”the sapace is but an hour”contains a hyperbole stressing and transience of life. The tone of the poem

7、is both sentimental and optimistic.This is a lyric poem, written in iambic tetrameter. Its rhyme scheme is ababcc and contains four sextette. The tone in this poem is sentimental and emotional. The arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables suggests the transience of the life of the flower and

8、 the poets emotional change.Honey suckle:The name honey suckle comes from the sweet nectar that the flower produces to introxicate the greedy bee. Its powerful fragrance seduces the human senses as it pervades the air. The perfume of this passionate plant may turn a maindens head, hence wild honey s

9、uckle is a symbol of inconstancy in love.Content:In this poem the poet expressed a keen awareness of the loveliness and transience of nature.He not only meditated on mortality but also celebrated nature. It implies that life and death are inevitable law of nature. Throughout the whole poem, you may

10、have a strong feeling of pathos. Because the poet use lots of words, tending to build up something seculsion, such as: “hid” “silent” “dull” “retreat” “untouched” “unseen”Besides, the poem is full of sensuous images such as fair flower image,comely grow kinasthetic image and honeyed blossoms olfacto

11、ry image. All the vivid images make us feel pity for the beautiful flower which has only a short life.At the end, the poet try to tells us something about philosophy, that is: the material things are mortal, but spiritual life is eternal. This also implies his optimistic attitute towards life. Every

12、thing makes its start from “morning suns and evening dews”, they come from nothing and lose nothing when they die. Everyone is the same as others, we are equal to each other. Though life is transience, we have to cherish it. The raven Poes poetic theories are remarkable in their clarity(诗歌理论简洁明朗)abo

13、ut even if they lack what Joseph Wood Krutch terms “intellectual detachment” and “catholicity of taste.” (尽管缺乏Krutch所说的“知识分子的超脱”和“大众品味) These are best elucidated(最好的证明)in his “the Philosophy of Composition” (创作原理)and “ The Poetic Principle.”(诗歌原则) The poem, he says, should be short, readable at one

14、sitting(一口气能读完)( or as long as “The Raven”【或与诗歌”乌鸦“的长度相当】). Its chief aim is beauty, namely, to produce a feeling of beauty in the reader. Beauty aims at “an elevating excitement of the soul,” (震撼灵魂) and “beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to t

15、ears. (无论何种形式的美,只要达到最高境界,就能令敏感的灵魂落下泪来) Thus melancholy is the most legitimate of all the poetic tones.” (所以悲伤是诗歌最好的基调) And he concludes that “the death of a beautiful woman is, unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the world.” Poe stresses rhythm, defines true poetry as“the rhythmical creation

16、of beauty,” (真正的诗歌是富有美好旋律的作品)and declares that“music is the perfection of the soul,or idea,of poetry.”(音乐是诗歌灵魂和思想的最高境界) Poe was unabashed to offer his own poem“The Raven”as an illustration of his point. “The Raven” is about 108 lines, perfectly readable at one sitting. A sense of melancholy over the death of a beloved beautiful young woman pervades the whole poem: the portrayal of a young man grieving for his lost Lenore, (早逝的美丽女友Lenore )his grief


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