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1、初中八年级英语基本知识、语法复习及测试(一)(第一、二单元)一、基本词汇及重点短语(每空1分,共0分)1、锻炼、运动: ;2、踩滑板: ;3、在冲浪: ;、垃圾食品: ;、健康: ;6、健康的: ;、不健康的: ;8、活跃的、积极的: ;9、习惯: ;1、不同的: ;11、区别: ;、与同样: ;13、疲劳的、劳累的: ;1、饥饿的: ;1、蜂蜜: ;1、牙医: ;17、渴: ;18发热: ;、Goo ed early: ;20、感冒: ;、保持健康: ;、stressed out : ;2、be god : ;24、例如: ;25、生.的气: ;6、 tired 变累了27、lok afer

2、 : ;28、e difen 与不同;29、s 至于、有关 0、egood 对有益于二、单选(每空1.5分,共46分).I sa you come t shoo y bshis morng(0)Oh ,I ome toscool b bu,ut tis ranig oday.A. hardl B. alys C. smtimes D. ally2 d o atveetabes?(B0-41)Thtimesa eek.A. Hw an BHw mh C.How on .Hoften. ties do you haveto tak ths ediine day ?(B1-)Threemes. Ho

3、w mny . How much . lng D.Howoten4. doyou do you howr t home L Ming?(B01-E)Ote. How may B. Hwfen C. Holong D How much. doe it tak?(P4)About eek.A. Ho my B Hw ote .owlong D.omuch6. is itfro his h t schl?(94)Itsbout 3 mis.A. Hwmany Ho oten C. Hw lo D. Hofa7. onts trein a yer?(P182)TelveA. Hwmany are .

4、Ho often C. Ho ong ae D. Homuch i8 the a ofshoes?(P1) nt dollars eoghA. How many are,sB. Ho mc is, a C.How ay are, r D.How ch s, is9 o you agee me?( 01-4)N, I don. Mide is dffren yor.A. to,for B. with,for C.wit ,rm D. with,10She is frienly and oleat tmake friendswth her. ( 01-5)A. fe B. muh ot .lo o

5、11 Cola eathy drin?(B1-46)No, it istut ilkajuic heathy dinks. Is,i B. Is,r C. D, D.oes, ae1. Etingveetales and it is yor healt. ( B047). gd to .ood r C o at D. ad fr 1. My grndahr is ery healthy h i vy old.( B0-0)A. althog B beca C. when Dif 14. Tere is ny coal leftt asrini wn Igot here. Onceyu are

6、usdosmoking, yuca stop i .The pe are ll wokin ( B01-E)A hardly, ardly,har,hardly hardy,hd, hard, hrdly C. ardly, hard, hardly,hard D hard, hard, hrdly,hr1. doou havea fac-to-fc talk wiyour pares?(J01-9)A Hw m . w often How lng D. Hwsoon16. wll heeak?e wil beback n n hou . Hwmy B How ofte C. ow long

7、D owsoon7. hen did yu ome bkfom Beig?(J01-2) the mrnin of Aprl 18th.A At B C. On D. I18. an yu g katerdng with us?I amsyI ant. My mther ass meto siteat hme (J1-)A. look lie . lok t C o fer D. ookfo9.Irkedf hou. cause thee is homework to do.SIfelt ire(P47+B024)A. to much,to many, mu to B. too many, t

8、oo may, ch too C. toouch, much oo, to any D.toomany, too muh, mucht20. joy wth you veryc But you are ill, ad yu dont want .A o ok, et anythig B. working, to eat aytig. toork, eatin ayhin orng, eat somthing21. Iam very ungry. Ca you give m soethin to ea?(B-4)ory. We ave ood. Le oanb some.A fe .few C.

9、 litle a ltlIts dangrous te by in t rivr.( 02-47)A. to, wimming . r, smg C.for,to sim or, sms. She lke toea rut, ,bannas.( 2-8)A. suh as .for xamle instead f D. as or 24. you knowthe man? (02-49)s ,o, Heis tw tech comesfro LondnA.se B. who C. wo .which25. You have sre k,a yu shol down and st.(P552)

10、A.o lie ying C lie D. li26 We wt sr th meeing ourtaerarrie (P51)A. thogh B. il .whie D. or27.OurEglish teacher in theofice ow.Iswherjut nw. (B02-)A.sh be . hulbe C. shuld s D can 28. Whats ater wth o?(B21,2) I ve ba ld and hav to sty in bdA. a, a ,the B.te, a, C. , a, .the,a, th29. Ife stressedou. Iave so much work todo .You btr not ork tooard tsgoo or you t e soe ndeepyor .A.every y, hve, hlh B.eve dy, had, heal C. ryda, had,heath D. every day, had, eah30.This kind of Tsht loks



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