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1、新时代交互英语视听说4改版后答案(2010-11-30 15:18:43) 标签: 杂谈分类:学习Unit13/19 his meeting At a juice A soccer8/19they metdealHe bad to wear The company wantsShes working starHe wants to10/19What does Talia选最长According to Probaly sometime next yearWhat isHe likes the ideaJack hasNick sits on a park11/19Fromwants Nick t

2、o agreeNicksTheseWhensurprisedAfterrealizesHang on leave out the deal wear ads Sounds good work out appear Cool In fact Picture So far so good comes up like that What else all edited accepting a bribe1A/5friendship?Happyfamily?She feelsnow?They e-mailtogether?.or just talkShe firstelementaryfirst ti

3、me?There were on1B/5 in a show my age get to went away meet up together sort of like hung outhate talking back and forth keep this friendship going a long way away2A/5Nick wasOneWe arrangedWe setNick isHeWe talkedWe didI cantIts all2B/5看见下面单词选之independent,insane,unlikely,illegal,irregular,unsuitable

4、3/5thinking ,have we ,have been working ,had ,shouldnt ,are going to have ,isnt4/5noc cre mer a or5A/5Whats. To. As. By.5B/5A:Whats up J:ByUnit 23/19Nicks voice was.Dean is jealous.Nick was.8/19What doessome assistanceWhen Taliavery eagerTony thinksDean wantsWhen TonyconfidentWhen is TonyTomorrowTon

5、ys mainwont be10/19DeanHes a member ofPatty suggestShe doesntWhats Amy goingTry toWhat isShe wants to get11/19When Amy findsexcitedPatty tellshelp AmyAmy winks atmake PattyAmy doestntdoesnt want12/19get iced tea Coming right up a little get hold of told used to stopped coming Too bad brother works o

6、ut Id rather complicated acting catch up acting tip likewise1A/5How speaker feelawkwardWhat kindvery niceHow you boss feel选最长Whats wrongmean to kindsWhat happened at last选最短What boss&workerquarrel1B/5 major falling out awkward kind of mean complaining to sort of hyper weird with ruining so bad confl

7、icts right in the middle quit pretty much coming back to2A/5He wasHe was trickedHe most importantThe bottomThis storyI dontHe is He reseatsWhats newcan you2B/5read between the linesShes just giving you a lineAlong the same linebut thebottom linelay it on the linevacation,drop me a linetaking a hard

8、lineOut of line3/5by spoke examineda lot of(money) many(commercials)a lot of(members) was editedmany (soccer) many(soccer)4/5ec mo se ri in5A/5is something wrong Im really stressed out heres an idea Hmmmthat might work5B/5Are you OK? ThatsUnit 33/19What Talia askTo talk toAmy learnThat she has beenW

9、henin about 108/19When Talia says最长What do you know最短What are Amy最长Why does AmyJackieAmy talkmakeJackie saysHe has taughtAt the endangry10/19What did DeanTo introduceWhat doesTo look atWhom didAn agentWhat are Dean最长11/19During this She wants JackieJackie最长Jackie doesnt最长Jackie probably最短12/19by the

10、 way real stage an agent As a matter of fact incredible surprised do seem film director wait adore celebration celebrating Nothing really ever eaten ate exciting the right places booked perfect people-wating impressed plan ahead1A/5Whats the best最长How does sheShe usesWhat does she最长What has sheMakin

11、g hand-madeWhen of最短1B/5 hand-made funniest usually do cut around the edges favorite a bunchof cut out creativity no limits2/5an unplannedimprovingto researchdo yourexcellentfabulousto getfind outencourageinspiring3/5ve called Have you being doing have you taken ve had ve been watchingve eaten4/5 ir

12、 vi ulo me a5/5The actors wereHow was your meetingShes absolutelyWhat do you think of his。Hes reallyWhat do you think of itUnit 4 3/19 go to class ; works in journalism ; Walking around the university 8/19 To remind her ; She needs to talk with Jackie a little more ; He teaches Jackies acting class

13、; She wants to find a way to be introduced ; she wants her to think theyve met before ; Gower Building ; Their majors are different 10/19 Nick and Talia ; excited ; To make a dinner reservation ; She acts as11/19 threatening Jackie ; angry ; modest ; apologizing ;12 /19 shoe company serious quite serious Ive got must be talking to find out celebrate booked Great work Piece of cake reservation was planning being understanding anything else a lot two hours1A/5 movie ;Mondays ,Thursday and Saturdays;20 ; e-mail



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