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1、强调句的讲解与训练强调句 知识要点强调句式是英语中的一种修辞,是人们为了表达自己的需要,通过某种手段把句子的一部分甚至整个句子所表达的信息加以突出、强调, 而使用的一种句子形式。通常有助动词do的强调,very、only等形容词的强调,ever、never等副词强调,on earth,at all等介词短语的加强语气,最基本结构:It be+强调部分+that+其他部分的强调几种形式。 疑难突破1. 强调句型的几种结构(1) 助动词Do 表示强调。例如:He does know the place well. 他的确很熟悉这个地方。Do write to me when you get the

2、re. 你到那儿后务必给我来信。注意:用助动词“do(does/ did) ”来表示强调。这个结构主要用来强调谓语动词。(2)用形容词very,only,single,such表示强调。例如:Thats the very textbook we used last term这正是我们上学期用过的教材。You are the only person here who can speak Chinese. 你是这里惟一会讲汉语的人。Not a single person has been in the shop this morning.今天上午这个商店里连一个人都没有。 (4)How dare

3、you buy such expensive jewels?你怎么敢买这么贵的宝石呢?注意:用形容词very,only,single,such修饰名词,用于强调定语、说明事物的特征。 (3)用ever,never,very,just等副词和badly,highly,really等带有-ly的副词来进行强调。例如:Why ever did you do so?你究竟为什么要这么做?He never said a word the whole day. 一整天,他一句话也没说。Youve got to be very,very careful. 你一定得非常非常小心。This is just wh

4、at I wanted. 这正是我所要的。He was badly wounded. 他伤得很严重。I really dont know what to do next. 我的确不知道下一步该怎么做。 (4)用in the world,on earth,at all等介词短语可以表达更强的语气(常用于疑问句)。如:Where in the world could he be?他到底会在哪儿?What on earth is it?它究竟是什么?Do you know at all?你到底知不知道?(5)最基本结构:It be+强调部分+that+其他部分 It is /was +强调部分+th

5、at (who/whom) +其他成分(强调人或物或其它) 强调除谓语以外的句子成分, 只能是单数。例如: 强调 人 It is they that/who will have a meeting in the hall tomorrow.强调 物 It is a meeting that they will have in the hall tomorrow.强调 地点 It is in the hall that they will have a meeting tomorrow.强调 时间 It is tomorrow that they will have a meeting in t

6、he hall.2. 使用强调句应注意的问题(1)主谓一致 例如:It is your father who is wrong this timeIt is his parents who have come to China.主语 谓语:保持一致总结归纳:主谓一致:被强调部分作主语时,其形式与谓语动词在人称和数上保持一致。(2)人称一致 例如:It is I who am wrong.It was her whom I saw in the street just now.注意:人称照应:强调主语用主格,强调宾语用宾格。(3)强调句的疑问形式一般问句:Is/Was it + 被强调部分+ t

7、hat + - 例如:Is it the dictionary that you are looking for?Was it yesterday that he was fired? 对其回答:yes . it is/was特殊问句:疑问词+is/was +it +that+- 例如:What is it that you want me to do ? Who was it that told you the news?When was it that you called me?How was it that you succeed?(4)notuntil的强调形式 例如:I didnt

8、 realize what trouble he was in until at that time.It was not until at that time that I realized what trouble he was in.注意:当强调notuntil结构时,必须将not until连用,后面接肯定式The teacher didnt stop his lesson until the bell rang. It was not until the bell rang that the teacher stopped his lesson3. 强调句的判断把“It is/was

9、 - that”去掉,如果剩余部分句子结构仍然完整,那么这个句子就是强调句;如果句子不完整,则不是强调句。例如:It is true that he once went to America.It was at 8 oclock that he came back. 即学即练1.It might have been John _ bought a present for Mary yesterday. A. that B. when C. what D. which2. It was evening _we reached the little town of Winchester. A. t

10、hat B. until C. since D. before3.It is not who is right but what is right_is of importance. A. which B. it C. that D. this4.It _we had stayed together for a couple of weeks_I found we had a lot in common. A. was until; when B. was until; that C. wasnt until; when D. wasnt until; that5.It was not unt

11、il she got home _Jennifer realised she had lost her keys. A. when B.that C.where D.before 、6._the catastrophe happened that the local government realized the importance of substantial development . A. It was until B. Not until C. Until D. It was not until7. Was it form the lake_ he often went fishin

12、g_ he saved the drowning girl? A. that; that B. where; where C. where; that D. that; where8.I really dont know _ I had my money stolen. A. when was it that B. that it was when C. where it was that D. it was where that9.If you have a job,_ yourself to it and finally youll succeed. A. do devote B. don

13、t devote C. devoting D. not devoting强调句 即学即练1. A。为强调句型,由于句中动词be采用了might have been这一复杂结构,所以许多同学们可能会看不出它是一个强调句型。2. D。有的考生一看到句首的it was,再联系到选项中的that,就以为这是考查强调句。其实错了。此题是考查连词before的用法。因为去掉It wasthat这一结构后,原句不能成为一个完整的句子,所以这不是强调结构。句意是:我们还没有到达Winchester这个小镇,天就夜了。 3. C。考查强调句型,that是强调句型的结构词,句意是“重要的不是谁正确,而是什么是正确

14、的。”4. D。本题考查notuntil结构的强调句式。在notuntil结构中,如果对until及其后面的部分进行强调,要将not一词提前,形成“It is/was not untilthat”的结构注意尽管强调的是时间,但不可以用when。5. B。 考查强调句中对not until的强调,是否能辨析出引导词that.6. D。 考查强调句中not until的用法.考查了 It was not until the catastrophe happened that。7. C。 解答此题关键是能够对句型进行正确的分析和判断。本题题干为一个强调句式,it was +被强调部分+that/who,lake后面是个定语从句,由关系副词where引导,第二空才是强调句中的that。8.C。 强调句作know的宾语,语序应为陈述句语序,被强调部分为where,但是强调句为宾语从句时,这类wh-连接代词或副词常置于it之前,作宾语从句的连接词。9. A。此处应是祈使句,又有谓语动词的强调要借助助动词do,故选A。句意:如果你有了一份工作,付出努力去做它,最后你定能成功。


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