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1、学校姓名班级装 订 线 油田教育中心2014年初三年级下学期期末检测 英语试题 考生注意:1、考试时间120分钟 2、全卷共十大题,总分120分第一部分 听力 (共25分)(提示:听力部分共20小题,每小题读两遍。)I. Choose the right picture according to the dialogue you hear. (1*5)( )1.Where does Mary want to go? A B C( )2.What is Jim doing? A B C( )3.Whats the weather like? A B C( )4.What are they goi

2、ng to do this Sunday? A B C( )5.Whats the matter with the young man? A B CII. Match the best choice from A to G according to the dialogue you hear. (2*5)A. Jim.B. At the gate of Peoples Park.C. No, she wont.D. The twins.E. The small island.F. In the city.G. Yes, she will.( )6.Who will go for a picni

3、c?( )7.Will Mary go with them?( )8.Where are they going for the picnic?( )9.Who will go with Jim?( )10.Where will they meet?III. Choose the right answer according to the dialogue or passage you hear. (1*10)听第一段材料,回答第1112 题。( )11.Which season do you think it is now?A. Its winter. B. Its summer. C. It

4、s spring.( )12.Why do they go to the beach for their holiday?A. Because there are lots of hotels. B. Because they can swim there.C. Because they can get relaxed there.听第二段材料,回答第1315题。( )13.Why does the man want to buy his mum a present?A. Mothers Day is coming. B. Christmas is coming. C. Her birthda

5、y is coming.( )14.What did the man give his mum last Christmas?A. A camera. B. A scarf. C. A book.( )15.How is the book called Easy Recipes?A. Its boring. B. Its popular. C. Both A and B.听第三段材料,回答第1620 题。( )16.What happened to the three boys on a cold day?A. They were happy to spend the night in the

6、 open air. B. They lost their way.C. They couldnt find the big house.( )17.What did the three boys ask the farmer to do?A. Give them some water and food. B. Let them stay in his house for a night.C. Tell them the way to walk out of the forest.( )18.Why did one of the boys have to sleep in the big ho

7、use?A. There wasnt enough room in the farmers house.B. One of the boys made a loud noise when he slept.C. The farmer didnt like the third boy.( )19.Who was the first to sleep with the horses?A. Jack. B. Mike. C. Tom.( )20.What happened to the horses at last?A. They all slept in the house. B. They al

8、l went out of their house.C. They all died in the house.第二部分 笔试(共95分)第一节 选择题 (共50分)I. Multiple Choice(共15小题,每题1分,共15分) Choose the best answer according to the meaning of the sentence.( )21. Why not _ a car? You can drive to work.A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought ( )22. _ 11-year-old boy gave us _

9、useful advice about how to deal with it . A. An; a B. A; an C. An; / D. The; a( )23. If he _, I _ swimming alone.A. doesnt come; will go B. wont come; will goC. will come; wont go D. is coming; dont go( )24. When people want to relax themselves, they prefer _ TV or listen to music rather than_ newsp

10、apers. A. watching; read B. watching; reading C. to watch; read D. to watch; reading( )25. Lets go home now. I dont think there is_ we need to discuss tonight. OK. Lets go.A. something else B. anything else C. else something D. else anything( )26. The boy _ a lot of time on computer games. A. spends

11、 B. takes C. costs D. pays( )27. There are _ books in this library. A. millions of B. two millions C. two million of D. millions( )28. Yao Ming is known _ a great basketball player. A. for B. to C. as D. by ( )29. She was encouraged _ more English after school. A. speakB. to speak C. speaking D. spo

12、ke( )30. Wine (葡萄酒) is made _ grapes. A. of B. from C. in D. by( )31. The police _ going to search every corner of the city for the thief. A. is B. are C. was D. will( )32. Do you know the student _ pronunciation is the best in our school? A. who B. that C. whose D. whom( )33. _ it was very cold, _ he went out



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