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1、不问收获,但问耕耘,最好的资料给最好的自己!2021精编初中英语评估【精编初中英语教学与评估2021】时间:20XX年X月X日2021精编初中英语评估【精编初中英语教学与评估2021】 时间:2021-07-20 10:56:50 A.根据所听对话选择正确答案 ( )1. What is the picture?A. A dog B. A cat C. A sheep ( )2. What colour is Jims pothers shirt?A. Blue B. Yellow C. Red ( )3. Where is Tommy now? A. At home B. At school

2、 C. Near a river ()4. How many boys are here today?A. Twenty-three B. Twenty-five C. Twenty-seven ()5. Who has the colour pen?A. Lucy B. Lily C. We dont know B. 根据所听内容选择正确答案 ( )6. Where is Better from? A. China B. England ( )7. What class is John in?A. Class1, Grade 4 B. Class5, Grade1. C. Class 4,

3、Grade 1 ( )8. How old is Liu Weiguo?A. Twenty B. Fourteen ()9. Who is their Chinese teacher?B. Mr HuangC. Miss Jiang C. ThirteenC. AmericaA. Miss Wang( )10. How many students are there in Liu Weiguos class? A. Forty-seven B. Forty-five C. Twenty-five()11.Id like _next to a restaurant.B. live in C. t

4、o live D. to live inA. live ()12. Which country is in Asia?A. The UK B. Japan C. The USA D. France ()13. Keep _! Your sister is sleeping.A. quietly B. clean C. happily D. Quiet ()14. Can you swim _ the river?A. in B. over C. on D. under ()15.- How do we say the number 2021? -_A. Two thousands and tw

5、o B. Two thousand and Two B. Two hundreds and two C. Two hundred and Two()16. My new bike is _yours.A. same with B. same as C. different with D. different from ()17. He_ his mother, but he _his mother very much.A. isnt like, likes B. isnt like , looks like B. doesnt like , likes C. isnt look like, i

6、s like ()18. I like the bathroom_ a shower and a bath in it.A. have B. has C. and D. with()19. September is _ month of the year.A. ninth B. the nineth C. the ninth D. nine()20. My uncle wants to buy a large _ in B eijing. It will be his clean_. A . home B. home ; house C. house ; family D .home; fam

7、ily()21. Is that _e-dog ? No, its not_.A. your; my B. yours; mine C. yours; my D. your; mine()22.-Nanjing Duck is delicious. _ can you eat ?-Its hard to say.A.How many B. Where C. How much D. How()23. Ill come back in three _time.A. day B. days C. days D. days()24.Li Lei is _ old friend of _ . We ar

8、e close to each other.house;A. the ; me B. an ; me C. an ; mine D. the ; mine()25. We find _ pollution in the city.B. a lot C. muchD. manyA. aA peasant ( 农民 ) cant read or write. One day he went to a man and askedhim to write a letter_1_ him. He asked to post the letter_2_ his uncle. He live in a to

9、wn, not very far off.“I _3_ write your letter,” said the man, “because I have a bad_4_”.“Sir,” said the peasant. “ I_5_not know much, But I cant _6_what a bad leg hasto_7_ with writing a letter.”“ It _8_ much to do ,” said the man, “_9_I cant walk so far and read the letter toyour uncle.”“What do yo

10、u mean, sir?” said the peasant. “He knows _10_ to read and his sonswith him can read _11_. Why do they need you to go_12_ rea d the letter for them?” write?”( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ()26. A. for B. to C. about )27. A. for B. to C. intoD. of D. onto“_13_ you understand,” answered the _14_ man, “ that only

11、 I can read_15_I)28. A. mustnt B. can C. will not D. cant )29. A. hand B. armC. legD. foot)30. A. do B. will C. can )31. A. look B. saw )32. A. did B. doD. shallD. see D. doesC. watch C. doing)33. A. had B. have C. has )34. A. But )35. A. howD. wasD. Because D. whatB. S o C. Or B. whereC. thatD. eit

12、her)36. A. also B. to C. too( ( ( ()37. A. for B. to C. but )38. A. Arent B. Cant )39. A. other B. one )40. A. manyD. inD. Dont D. anotherC. Not C. thatB. when C. what D. whichAn artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a farmer.Every day he went out with his pai

13、nts and pushes, and painted from morning to evening, and then when it got dark , he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed.At the end of his holiday, he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said , “No, I dontwant money, but give me one of your pictures. What is money?

14、In a week it will all be finished, but your picture will still be here.” pictures.The farmer smiled and a nswered, “It is not that. I have a son in London. He wants to The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such kind things about hisbecome an artist. When he comes here next mo

15、nth, Ill show him your pictures. Then he will not want to be an artist any more, I think.”( )41. During the holiday the artist _.A. stayed at home B. stayed in another city C. lived with a farmer in the countryD. went to another country)42. Every day the artist_.(A. went out to visit his friends B. went out to help farmerC. went out for a walk D. went out to p aint from morning to evening () 43. He had his supper_.B. in a restaurant C. with the farmer D. with his parentsA. at his own home ()44. The farmer wanted_.A. t


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