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1、Module 7 Unit 2 Project1. Eventually, metal needles began to appear and took their place. (Line 6)考点take sb.s / sth.s place = take the place of sb. / sth. 代替e.g. She couldnt attend the meeting so her assistant took her place.她不能参加会议,所以她的助手代她出席。拓展1in place of sb. / sth. = in sb.s / sth.s place 代替e.g.

2、 He was unable to come to the ceremony, but he sent his son to accept the award in his place.他不能来参加仪式,但派了他儿子前来代他领奖。拓展2in place 在正确位置;准备妥当out of place 位置不当;不得体;不适当if I was / were in your place 我若在你的位置put yourself in sb. elses place 设身处地替别人着想2. used for letting liquid out of body parts which had swoll

3、en up. (Line 11) 用于让血液从肿胀的身体部位流出。考点let sth. out 发出(叫声等);(把衬衣、外套等)放大,放长,加宽;放出;泄/透漏let sb. out 使某人解脱请翻译出下列句子中let out的意思:He let the air out of the tyres. 放出At the sight of the frightening snake, he let out a scream of terror. 发出(叫声)It was Mr. Smith who let out the secret. 泄漏He was let out of prison las

4、t week. 释放He was getting so fat that his trousers have to be let out. 放大Tom accidentally let out that her mother had telephoned. (无意中)说出拓展let alone 更不用说let / leave sb. alone 不打扰,不惊动let / leave sth. alone 不碰,不变动,不移动let alone 不管,不干涉let sb. down 不能帮助,不能支持(某人),使失望let sb. / sth. down (使)略逊一筹,美中不足let sb.

5、/ sth. go = let go (of sb. / sth.) 放开,松手;放弃,摒弃(想法、态度或控制)let in 让进来,放进e.g. Depend / Rely on it that this machine wont let you down. 你尽管放心,这台机器不会出毛病。She speaks French very fluently, but her pronunciation lets her down. 她法语讲得很流利,但美中不足的是发音不大好。Dont let go of the rope. = Dont let the rope go. 别松开绳子。Its ti

6、me to let go of the past. = Its time to let the past go. 该忘掉过去了。For most people, its almost impossible to operate a computer without a mouse, let alone surf the Internet. 对多数人来说,没有鼠标几乎没法操作计算机,更不用说上因特网了。Shes asked to be left alone but the press photographers follow her everywhere.她要求别打扰她,但摄影记者到处都跟着她。

7、Ive told you beforeleave my things alone! 我告诉过你别碰我的东西。即学即用:单项选择He accidentally _ that he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadnt been home for acouple of weeks.A. let out B. took careC. made sure D. made out3. The main needle now used for acupuncture is fine and sharp. (Line 14)现在用于针灸疗法的主针细而锋利

8、。考点sharp adj. 锋利的,尖的;急剧的,骤然的(变化);清晰的,鲜明的;敏锐的,灵敏的;急转的;尖锐的,严厉的;(常指受伤似的)剧烈的,猛烈的;辛辣的,刺鼻的 (声音)突然而响亮的e.g. a sharp bend in the road 公路上的急转弯a sharp knife / sharp teeth 锋利的刀/牙齿a sharp rise in crime 犯罪率的急剧上升a sharp increase in unemployment 失业人数的剧增to have sharp eyes 有敏锐的眼睛a sharp sense of humor 很强的幽默感a girl of

9、 sharp intelligence 聪颖的女孩The cheese has a distinctively sharp taste. 这奶酪味道很冲。Emma has a sharp tongue. 爱玛说话尖刻。I felt a sharp pain in my back. 我感觉背上一阵剧痛。A sharp drop in prices got the company into trouble. 价格急速下跌让公司陷入困境。The teacher was very sharp with me when I was late. 我迟到了,给老师狠狠地训了一通。When the drive

10、r made a sharp turn to the left, the car turned over. 当驾驶员向左急转弯时,车翻了。拓展sharpen v.(使)变得锋利;变得清晰e.g. The knife needs sharpening / to be sharpened.即学即用:单项选择Nowadays, there is a _ increase in childrens creativity, for theyre greatly encouraged to develop their talents. (2011福建高考卷)A. sharpB. slightC. natu

11、ralD. modest4. Some people have also used acupuncture to treat smokers, alcoholics and people who are addicted to drugs. (Line 37) 有些人也用针刺疗法来治疗吸烟者、酗酒者以及吸毒者。考点be addicted to (doing) sth. 对上瘾 / 入迷;沉溺于e.g. Addicted to computer games, he had to drop out of school.由于迷上了电脑游戏,他不得不辍学。拓展addiction n. (to sth.

12、) 瘾;入迷;嗜好additive adj. 使人上瘾的;使人入迷的addict n. 吸毒成瘾的人;对.入迷的人e.g. He is now fighting his addition to alcohol. 他现在正努力戒酒。Her addition to alcohol ruined her life. 她的酒瘾毁了她的一生。The drug is additive physically and psychologically. 这种毒品会使人在心理上和心理上上瘾。_ made him _ to drugs?A. What do you think; addictingB. Do you

13、 think what; addictedC. What do you think; addictedD. Do you think what; addicting5. One theory explaining this phenomenon suggests that acupuncture blocks pain signals from reaching the brain. (Line 39) 一种解释这一现象的理论认为,针刺疗法使疼痛信号无法传达到大脑。考点block vt. 堵塞,阻碍;堵住(某人的路等);挡住(某人的视线等);妨碍,阻碍block sb from (doing)

14、 sth. e.g. After todays heavy snow, many roads are still blocked. 今天下过大雪,很多道路仍然堵塞着。An ugly building blocks the view from the window. 一座难看的大楼把窗外的景物挡住了。拓展block the / sb.s way 挡住某人的去路block the / ones view (of sth.) 挡住某人(看)的视线e.g. The huge building across the street blocked our view of the sea. 马路对面那幢大楼

15、挡住了我们看海的视线。6. Another theory relates acupuncture to the production of chemicals in the body which reduce pain. A lot of people now subscribe to these theories. (Line 41)另外一种理论则将针刺疗法和人体内减痛化学物质的产生联系起来。现在很多人认同这些理论。考点1relate v. relate A to B 联系,把.联系起来relate sth. (to sb.) 叙述,讲述,讲(故事)relate to sth. / sb. 涉及,与.相关;谈到 (=be related to sth., be connected with, be associated with, have a l



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