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1、毕业典礼56836位来宾、各位老师,亲爱的同学们:大家上午好!Good morning distinguished guests, teachers and my dear graduating class!又是一年玉兰花开,我们在此隆重集会,举行华南师范大学2011届本科生毕业典礼。我谨代表学校向6361名本科毕业生表示衷心的祝贺,祝贺大家再一次收获人生“成人礼”。大学毕业,是许多人一生难忘之事。在这个重要时刻,我能以校长的身份,和大家共同见证你们的成长仪式,倍感自豪,深感荣幸。Now it is a wonderful season that all the magnolia flower

2、s are blossoming. Today we are overjoyed to get together to hold the commencement for all the 2011 graduating class. First of all, I wish to express, on behalf of the school, my sincere to all of the 6361 graduating students. Congratulations to you on gaining the fruitful achievements of your life!

3、Successfully graduating from university is a memorable thing which will accompany you all through your life. At such significant moment, I, as your headmaster, to be a part of you, feel really proud and honored of you for witnessing the rite of your graduation.在即将毕业离校之际,每个人的脑海都是千头万绪,每个人的心里都有千言万语。是的,

4、这就是大学烙在我们身上的深刻印记。从入学到毕业,同学们和许多人在一起,经历了很多难忘的事,这些都将成为你们最美好的青春记忆。At this graduating period, our minds must be full filled with complicated feelings and each of us have thousands of words to say. That is what the college life rewards us. All of you have met a lot of people and must have different memora

5、ble experiences from the first day youve been here. All those memories will be the sweetest one of your youth age!和教官在一起,站军姿,练队列,整内务,比射击,你们懂得了什么是纪律,什么是集体荣誉;和兼班师兄师姐在一起,听讲座,办沙龙,开班会,过佳节,你们懂得了什么是传承,什么是华师精神;和辅导员在一起,商讨学风,热议评优,畅谈人生,你们懂得了什么是师恩,什么是静水流深;和大学老师在一起,凝神静听,神聊神侃,如痴如醉,你们懂得了什么是学术,什么是科研魅力;和社团同事在一起,写策划,

6、布会场,编内刊,你们懂得了什么是实践,什么是激扬青春;和食堂师傅在一起,吃陶园的面,打雍园的饭,喝沁园的汤,你们懂得了什么是物价,什么是“食在华师”;和宿舍管理员在一起,关门前冲刺,关门后求情,你们懂得了什么是早出晚归,什么是不醉不归。大学四年,你们和太多人在一起,一起经历,一起感悟,一起成长。正是一个又一个这样那样的经历,谱写了属于华南师大的真实历史。Under the direction of the drillmasters, you learned to stand Junzi as well as got the training of formation drill and too

7、k competition of shooting as an army man, from where you got to know what the discipline and what the collective honor is! Attending the lectures, running the salons, holding the class meetings, spending festive season with your academic brothers and sisters, from where you can know what the heritag

8、e and what the spirit of SCNU is. After discussing the style of study and talking about life with your instructor, you got to know what is the kindness shown by the teachers and what the true life attitude should be! Sparing no efforts to acquire knowledge from your teachers, you got to know what th

9、e academics is and how charming the science is. Working with your colleges, just like writing the plans, editing the papers, you got to know what the practice is and what the passion of youth is! Tasting the food made by our chefs. The three canteens of our school, Taoyuan, Yongyuan and Qinyuan are

10、specialized in different features. You got to know the price of goods in these years and you certainly knew the reputation of our schools food! Rushing into the dorm at the eleventh hour and sometimes begging the houseparent for giving the chances for you, from where you got to know what the meaning

11、 pf going out in the early morning and returning in the late evening, and you learned what is “do not came back until drunk”! During the four years of your college life, you lived your life, you shared your feelings, and you grew up with many of your friends. It is those activities that recorded the

12、 true history of South China Normal University!对于母校,也许你们有太多要唠叨的故事。你们埋怨校园网速太慢,于是你们解嘲说,“如果想戒网瘾,请上华师校园网”。你们埋怨宿舍夏天太闷热,于是你们解嘲说,“我宁可贷款装空调,也不愿享受这破风扇”。你们埋怨华师建筑太现代,缺乏历史感,于是你们解嘲说,“我宁愿坐在以往的风雨草棚里,也不愿坐在到处反光的瓷砖大楼”。你们埋怨“被安排”听讲座,你们埋怨喜欢的课程总选不上,你们埋怨考试周课室总有人霸位是的,母校并不尽善尽美。转型发展中的母校,总会有一些瑕疵。但无论如何,我们始终相信,同学们口上再怎么唠叨,心头总是热的

13、。正所谓世上没有无缘无故的爱,也没有无缘无故的恨。责之切,是因为爱得深沉。同学们,你们的每一份关注,都真实地推动了母校的成长与进步。I know that most of you may have a lot of complains about our school. You were not satisfied with the campus networks, so you consoled yourself by saying “If you want to get rid of addicting to the web, PLS use the campus networks of

14、SCNU”! You complained about the dormitory conditions that you can hardly bear the hot weather in summer days, so that you just consoled yourself by saying “I would rather apply for a loan to buy an air condition than stay in the dorm with the poor fans”! You were dissatisfied with the modernized con

15、structions of our school, for it lacks of historical sense. So you consoled yourself by saying “I prefer to study in where it used to be than sit in the building which is decorated by the ceramic tiles”! You hated to be appointed to attend the lectures; you grumbled about the course that you havent

16、applied successfully; you even yelled that some students always account for the location unreasonably and so on. It is true that our school is not perfect enough. Our school is developing, which means some inconveniences are inevitable. But, I firmly believe that no matter how much chatter you have, you still have deep love for our school! Just like there is no such a kind of love that appears without any reasons, nor hate. The more you hate it mean



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