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1、动感英语笔记Action English 101-150ACTION ENGLISH 101MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典reaction shot 反应镜头AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 from no sweat it means no problem or is no trouble . 没问题,别客气。e.g. Its no sweat for me to drive you to work . Im going in the same direction. 稍你一程不会耽误我太长时间的, 我和你顺路啊。“Thanks for helping me with my

2、homework”. “no sweat” !谢谢你帮我辅导功课。 没关系啊!CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 1. Ill take care of the squealing.take care of it means to take responsibility for something . 处理某事e.g. Honey! Dont worry about the dishes. Ill take care of them. 亲爱的!你别管那些盘子了。我来刷它们。Ill go buy the movie tickets. You take care of the popc

3、orn. 我去买电影票,你来买爆米花吧。2. pinheadit means someone whos stupid . 傻帽,蠢。e.g. Ive told you a million times what my address is , you pinhead !我可告诉你N多遍我家的住址了,傻哥们儿!Dont listen to my litter brother.he is a pinhead! 你可别听我弟弟说的话,他就是个蠢蛋!MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 from 曼哈顿女佣Im coming out我将一举成名The time has come for me to break

4、 out of the shell 时机已到,我即将脱颖而出 I have to shot 我要大声呼喊 Im coming out . 我将一举成名 #break out of the shell 脱颖而出ACTION ENGLISH 102MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典Handheld shot 手持摄影AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 Jerk 意思是 a foolish or rude person一般有三个意思:笨蛋很怪的人不懂事,很粗鲁,很让人不舒服的人e.g. That guy is such a jerk. He told me I was fat. 那家伙太

5、粗鲁了,他说我胖!My boss is a jerk, he always make us work late every night and doesnt pay us for it.我老板是个古怪的人,他总是让我们工作到很晚,还从来不给加班费。CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白1I just couldnt live with myself. live with myself 意思是不感到内疚;心安理得(多用于否定句中)e.g. If I ever got kicked out of university, I wouldnt be able to live with myse

6、lf.如果我被学校开除,我会很内疚的。I cant believe you swore at your dad. How can you live with yourself?我不敢相信你诅咒你爸爸。你怎么还可以这么心安理得?2Got enough in there to finish someone offfinish someone off 意思是 kill somebody 杀死某人或者给某人以重击e.g. He had a horrible life, and when his wife died, it really finished him off.他的生活太悲惨了,当他妻子去世的

7、时候,几乎要了他的命He had no bullets in his gun, so he couldnt finish you off. 他枪里没有子弹, 所以他杀不了你。3One way to find out 这是发现真相的唯一办法,等于 this is the only way to discover the truthe.g. “I wonder what this letter says,” “Theres only one way to find out open it!”“我想知道信里说什么”“只有一个方法打开它”If you want to know if shell go

8、out with you, theres only one way to find out you have to ask her.如果你想知道她会不会跟你出去,只有一个办法你去问问她MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 ACTION ENGLISH 103MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典Rating 电影分级美国电影的级:Ggeneral PG parental guidance etc.AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 like, chill out Scoopy Doo! chill out 意思是冷静点,放松点e.g. Hes been working very hard t

9、he past couple of months so I think he just needs to go on holiday and chill out for a bit. 他最近几个月太努力工作了,我觉得他应该放个假休息一下。Im sick of studying at weekends. I just want to chill out. 我就讨厌在周末学习,我想要的是放松一下。CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 1Get up to speed 两个意思,1. 你的速度落后了,你得追回去;2. 了解最新的事态发展。e.g. I really need to get

10、up to speed on this project before I give my presentation next week.在下周我做介绍之前,得看看这个工程的最新进展了。Weve only got one week of training, theres no way I can get up to speed with everything in that time.我们只培训了一周,绝对不可能在那么短的时间内超过去。2lug 通常用lug something 表示吃力的,不情愿的拖或者拽什么东西e.g. If we go for a drink after work, I w

11、ant to go home first so I dont have to lug my briefcase around all night. 如果我们下班后去喝一杯的话,我想先回家一趟,这样就不用整晚上都提着我的公文包了。Last week we went shopping, I had to lug my wifes purchases all over Wangfujing. 上周我们去购物了,我提着我老婆买的那些个东西穿过了整个王府井大街。MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 From “ Another brick in the wall “Pink Floyed Snapshot 快

12、照ACTION ENGLISH 104MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典Focus 焦点AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 I call dibs on its clues. Call dibs 通常指你有权利(要求)怎么样,怎么做。经常是 call dibs one.g. I paid for the beer so I called dibs on the last bottle. 啤酒是我付钱的,所以我有权喝最后一杯。I get carsick in the back seat so I call dibs on the front seat. 我坐在后排晕车,我有权要求坐在

13、前面。CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 1. Fishy 等于 suspicious 可疑的e.g. That guy over there in the hat and dark glasses looks very fishy.那边那个家伙,就是那个戴帽子和墨镜的家伙,看起来很可疑。I thought it was supposed to cost 100 kuai, but the guy charged me 50. Very fishy.我觉得那个东西大概值100元,但是那个家伙只要了我50元,事有可疑。2. Dos and Donts 等于 该做的和不该做的。e.g.

14、 He always dressed badly. Its like hes got no idea about fashion dos and donts.他穿的总是没品味。好像他不知道潮流的好与不好。Its difficult traveling to new countries as it takes a while to learn all their cultural dos and donts.去国外旅游并不那么容易,因为需要你花时间了解他们的文化中什么事可以做,什么事不可以。MOVIE TUNES 原声碟the wall comfortably numb ACTION ENGLI

15、SH 105MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典Spot light 聚光灯AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 We have three suspects as to whos behind this evil hooty. 电影中原句behind being behind something or somebody 意思是对什么负责任,支持什么e.g. At school I was behind starting a debating society. It was my idea and I developed it.在学校是我发起的辩论社团,这是我的主意,也是我发起的。There are a few shareholders behind this new investment but all the rest


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