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1、高考英语阅读理解基本练习精品题(21)及答案 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIn 97 a young ma whogre upvery poor as travligacos h untry,trigtomake a new sartfor hmself. Along the wa h ha copletely n ut of moey n was forcedt ed hnigt n his car. Thisontnue untiloe ornng, after ek of leepin iniscr, h walked nerous

2、ly into a etauranndee a bi beakfastAtreaig isfist goda nweks, hond himslf lyingto the ite,tlliimhe h lt is allet. waie, wh was als hewnr, walked bhinth ci where tey you an hd een sittin. H bnt n,a ame up wih a $0 bil thtlooked as ii a falle on te flor andsid, “Sn, you mut hvedopped hi,”th owner said

3、.T young an ouldnt blieehis lk! quiy paid for ereakfst,lft atip, bout ga with the chnge,and eed West.theway ou fow, hebgnt understand wat that llow did. Maye obo droppe temney atl. “Mabethtfllow ust knew was n trube an e helped n a wa tha didnt emarass(使困窘)me So jusmada pomse o hlother eple f I can”

4、Later, oredvery aand bcme aric an. Now, he lis ear KansasCity.Eah ear he ive awa tand of dolarsHe s own as the “Scet Sata” becase t Christmas time each yer, he esonalland oney ot to thos on he streetan atretaurat. La yar, he gave mrethn0,000 away i Kanas t.51 The yogman wastraveing acrs the country

5、in 171 prabl to _. id piece of work todoB. a t gits to pasersbC. ook or a goodesaurantD sow isnew crto others Thunderlined word “this” in he send ararah ef o _A. walleBs ckC.h20 billD. htip53. Onthe way out of town, he youg man ot to know ht _.A. wasve het of e owr oreurn his moneB. anoter nho had k

6、fast i teetaurantlost theonyC couprobablyind hislf a job in theeuratD. te er hlem iwa that didnt huthisfelin54.From thstetwcn nfr th _.A. th a raied mnfr he poor he mandi aryout his promiseC. Santa ivs th ma mony eac yr. the ma wa nt successfl i eed55. The estite for hs tt my be_.Aere antaofKnsa Cit

7、BTe yo SuesC A indaitr i th RestaurantD everGiv Up参照答案-51-5 ACAPasage A本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一位神秘的圣诞老人的故事。51 A. 推理判断题 本文第一段tryigomae w stat rimsel告诉我们这个人在谋求事业上新的开始。52. C. 指代关系题 第二段提到餐馆老板举起一张20美元的钞票,问与否是年轻人丢的。由此可知,this指的是这0美元的钞票。5. D 事实细节题第三段告诉我们年轻人逐渐明白了老板是为了不伤害自己的自尊心,不使自己感到尴尬才这样做的。54. B. 推理判断题 第三段说S just de a

8、 promise thlp othepeopleif I n.最后一段就告诉我们她每年圣诞节都要协助诸多人,可见她兑现了自己的诺言。55.A. 主旨大意题 本文给我们讲述的就是一位神秘的圣诞老人的故事。*结束 Pshitris (精神病专家) h work wih older parn ay tat urity a be an a inhid raisingolder parets are mre thughtul, use lss pysical discipinnd spend moetime it thr hidren. Bt aisinids kes mne an energy. Ma

9、ny olderpaentfin theele balanntherliitedfnancia esorc, dclinig eerganfailing hal agistthe growg demandsof an ctivchild.ying and evngyon chdr ispobabl he oldeparentsbigget, an ofte unpk, far. Having late-ifechilren, says an eonomics pofessor, oten meas parnts,articll thrs, “enupretiring much at.” man

10、y,retiremen osn unotinaledrem HnyMtcalf a 54ear-ol ourn,kows ite oey traiseds.But helso worriedtt iengy il givo frs. Su, he canstil riebikes wit his athleticffth gradr, but es lrnd ta yung teartdoent mn yung.aey hes ben tingaftrno (午睡) to kpups energ. “My bod i agn,” sasMclf. “Yo cantget away fromth

11、a.” f, olderarets ha th tikigof anothe d of boloial cloc. heasts who wrk wth middle-aged and lde aretssa fearbou aggare nohing to augh “Tey worry ell be misaken for gandparents, orhat t need help getting upo f thoe ltle cirs n nuser schol,” as Jann Gals, a ew Yor sycoogst. Bt at the efthostl fears t

12、hereisoften a uc bieron: “ht they wntbelivelng noh opport ad pect heirchild,” sh say. any latee prs, tough, saytheirchildncame ajustt ig time Aftr mrryin late and uderging earsfftlily (受孕) tratent,rlyNol andh husbd, Rad, a tins. “We bt wantedcen,” saMarilyn, who was wen heve brth Thewins avegive thecouplewhat th desiredfoyer,“a eeof faily



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