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1、A Comparison Between Chinese Etiquette and the Western Etiquette中西方礼仪差异AbstractSince different countries have different histories and cultures, there are a lot of differences in the habit of conducts and the ceremony, especially between China and the West, the jokes and the mistakes caused by misund

2、erstanding is not unusual. This shows that the understanding of the different etiquettes between Chinese and the Westerners is absolutely necessary. In the office, to understand each others customer will be conductive to the exchanges between the countries. A person who understands others rituals an

3、d folk customs can be seen as respecting for others and can be easier to make a good impression on the other side. Along with the constant development of Chinese culture and the Western culture, Chinese ritual and the Western ritual are fusions. The Westerners have accepted the reasonable factors in

4、 Chinese culture and other important feelings. Chinese people have gradually accepted the advanced civilization of the Western culture and etiquette style. However, in real life, the etiquettes impact due to cultural differences between China and the West still exists. The paper explores the differe

5、nces between Chinese etiquette and the Western etiquette to make Chinese communicate with the Westerners more easily.Key WordsEtiquette; comparison; Chinese etiquette; the Western etiquette 摘要由于各国的历史和文化底蕴不同,各国人民在进行礼尚交往时的习惯也有不少差异。特别是中西方之间,礼仪上的差异很大,因为不了解这些差异而引起的误会和笑话也不少见。由此可见了解中西方交往的习惯差异是很有必要的。往大处来说,一

6、个国家无论是在政治上,还是在经济贸易中,了解对方国家的礼仪习惯,将有利于各国之间的交往。从小处来说,一个人了解对方的礼仪和民间习惯,是对对方的尊重且容易给对方留下好印象,以便交往的顺利进行。随着中西方文化的不断开展,中西方的礼仪正在相互融合,西方人逐渐接受了中国文化中重情感等合理因素,中国人也逐渐接受了西方文化中先进文明的礼仪和交往方式。但在现实生活中,由于中西方文化的差异对礼仪产生的影响还很多,为此本文探讨研究了中西方礼仪的差异,使中西方人们之间的交往更加容易。关键词礼仪;差异;中国的礼仪;西方的礼仪 Introduction Etiquette is the process and mea

7、ns to show respect to each other in interpersonal relationship by certain, common procedures. The Etiquette can be said to be a persons external appearance of inward cultivation and quality. Firstly, it can help people raise their self-cultivation. Secondly, it will promote social interaction and im

8、prove peoples interpersonal relationship. It also can purify the society. Since different countries have different historical and cultural backgrounds. There are a lot of differences in the ceremony, especially between China and the West. The understanding of the differences between Chinese etiquett

9、e and the Western etiquette are absolutely necessary. The paper explores the differences of Chinese etiquette and the Western etiquette. In modern society, it seems that the world is getting smaller and smaller, people are very active with frequent exchanges. Many countries are paying great attentio

10、n to combine international etiquette with national etiquette creatively. Etiquette is the common wealth of Chinese civilization and the Western civilization. . The Important Role of Etiquette and the Value of the Study of Chinese Etiquette and the Western EtiquetteEtiquette is an important part of h

11、uman life. It has many functions. So it plays an important role in human society.A. The Concept of Etiquette and the Reasons for Studying EtiquetteEtiquette is the process and means to show respect to each other in interpersonal relationship by certain, common procedures. Etiquette can be said to be

12、 a persons external appearance of inward cultivation and quality. From the aspect of communication, interpersonal etiquette can be regarded as a kind of art, a method of communication. It is a common respect for person and a friendly practice in interpersonal relationships. From the respect of trans

13、mitting, interpersonal rituals can be roughly divided into chief etiquette, business etiquette, service etiquette, social etiquette, foreign etiquette and several other major branches. Firstly, it can help people to raise their self-cultivation. Secondly, it will promote social interaction and impro

14、ve peoples interpersonal relationship. It also can purify the ethos of society. From the point of view of collectivity, etiquette can create the image, improve the customs ultimately and achieve the purpose of enhancing the economy and social benefits. Etiquette, which is an important part of the co

15、mpanys culture and the entrepreneurs spirit, is a major attachment of groups image. Almost all international enterprises have a high standard of etiquette and regard etiquette as an important part of groups culture. At the same time, it also can be regarded as the important software to obtain intern

16、ational fame. Therefore, studying etiquette is the trend of the times and the actual need of enhancing the competition. B. The Value of the Study of the Western Etiquette and Chinese EtiquetteSince different countries have different histories and cultures, there are a lot of differences in the habit of conduct and the ceremony, especially between China and the West, the jokes and the mistakes caused by misunderstanding is not



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