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1、1)What is the right route about li Daiyu and Lin Qians trip in Canada?Got to Thunder Bay reached Calgary crossed the Rockey Mountains arrived in Vancouver went through a wheat-growing province rushed across the top of Lake Superior, through the great forests and southwards TorontoA. B. C. D. 2) Why

2、are the cousins not flying direct to the Atlantic coast?A. Because they have not so much moneyB. Because they want to take the train to have a good view at CanadaC. The aero plane is so fastD. The distance from the west coast to the east isnt so long3) What is “The True North” according to the text?

3、A. The northern part of CanadaB. The name of part of CanadaC. The name that they call the whole countryD. The name of the train that goes across Canada4)Which sentence about Canada is NOT true?A. Vancouver is the warmest part of CanadaB Canada is bigger than America and is the second biggest country

4、 in the world C. The cousins are able to cross Canada in less than five daysD. Most Canadians live within 320kilometers of the U.S.A border5)It can be inferred that ships are able to reach the centre of Canada because ofA. the port -Thunder Bay B. the Great Lakes C. the Lawrence River and the Great

5、Lakes going there D. the Lake SuperiorOttawa渥太华 Ottawa, Canadas capital, sits on the border of the province of Ontario in central Canada, next to Quebec. The capital region stretches out on both sides of the Ottawa River to include parts of two Canadian provinces Quebec (to the north) and Ontario (t

6、o the south) has a “continental” climate (大陆性气候,hot and humid in summer, cold and snowy in winter). This is one of the worlds coldest capitals, with a mean (平均的) temperatures of -10.7 in January has a population of 1.081 million (in 2000) is one of Canadas bilingual communities, with nearly half a m

7、illion people speaking both English and French Attractions: The Rideau Canal (里多运河) was one of the great engineering acts of the 19th century. In winter, a section of the canal (7.8 kilometers) becomes the worlds longest skating rink. The Central Experimental Farm, a 500-hectare (公顷) agricultural re

8、search facility of the federal government, was founded in 1886 and today is a “farm in the city”. The capital region has one of the worlds successful greenbelts. It is a 200-square-kilometer belt of protected wild and rural land located in the southern part of the capital. Over a million tulips (郁金香

9、) bloom in the capital region in spring. The original bulbs were a gift from the Netherlands (荷兰) as a legacy (传承) of Canadas role in the 1945 liberation of Holland. Quebec魁北克 Quebec province is home to 11 Aboriginal nations (土著民族).Quebec city, a city in the province of Quebec, is the third largest

10、city in Canada. Most of the people living there speak French as their first language. It also has many historic areas from the early days of Canada.Topicwise 课文链接 Ottawa 本文词数:230 建议用时:452 难度:易 Ottawa lies in the northeast part of North America in Canada. The Ottawa River is to the north of the city.

11、 The population of the city of Ottawa is about 830,000, and the Ottawa Region has about 1,146,790 people. Located at the junction(交叉点)of three rivers, Ottawa is regarded as one of the worlds most beautiful capitals. The city also borders the province of Quebec. Both French and English cultures can b

12、e found in Ottawa, which creates a very active cultural feeling and results in a truly unique experience a North American city with a European charm. The city has people from many different ethnic(种族的)backgrounds, including Germans, Lebanese, Italians, and other people from Europe and Asia. Througho

13、ut the year, these groups celebrate their traditions in many colourful cultural festivals and events. Canadas federal government is in Ottawa, and it is a major center for the arts. The city still has the charm of a small city, and has many wide-open green spaces, parks and wild areas. Ottawa is to

14、the northeast of Toronto. It takes about four hours to drive there from Toronto. Visitors can easily find ways to go to Ottawa. Everyone can have a good time in Ottawa, because there are more than a dozen national museums and galleries, and lots of festivals and activities. Questions: 根据文章内容判断对(T)错(F)。 1. Ottawa is a North American city with a European charm. 2. Canadas federal government is in Ottawa, and it is a major center for economy. 3. People who is fond of the arts would like to visit Ottawa.


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