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1、Unit6Anoldmantriedtomovethemountains.Period6SectionB3aSelfCheck【课型】写作与复习课学习目标1.能熟练运用下列短语。plan to do,go to bed,send to,because of,go out,come from,put on,walk around2.能熟练掌握并使用下列重点句式。(1)He went to get some white stones before he went to bed that night.(2)Hansel had no stones,so he dropped pieces of br

2、ead.(3)Once upon a time,there was an emperor.He loved buying and looking at clothes.(4)They told the emperor the clothes they made were special because only clever people could see them.(5)They heard the voice of an old woman coming from the house.学习过程【课前预习】根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1.The doctor tried his best

3、 to s the sick boy and he succeeded.2.Where do tigers live?They usually live in the f and mountains.3.Where is your grandfather?He is taking a walk a the park.4.Can you look after my little sister when I go out?Dont worry.I will stay here u you come back.5.The TV play was so t that all of us cried.【

4、课堂探究】探究一:词形变换1.shoot(动词)射击;发射(过去式/过去分词)2.magic(形容词)有魔力的;有神奇力量的(名词)魔术师3.excite(动词)使激动;使兴奋(形容词,常用于描述事物)令人兴奋的;令人激动的(形容词,常用于描述人)激动的;兴奋的4.West(名词)西方;西部(形容词)西方的;西部的5.marry(动词)结婚(形容词)结婚的;已婚的6.gold(名词/形容词)金子;金币/金色的(形容词)金的;金质的7.wife(名词)妻子;太太(复数)8.lead(动词)带路;领路(名词)领导探究二:重点短语1.a little bit 2.instead of 3.turn.

5、into 4.once upon a time 5.fall in love 6.get married 7.work on 8.两者都不9.第一次10.计划做某事11.在月光下12.在地上13.由制造探究三:重点句型1.这个故事怎样开始的?the story?2.那么你认为愚公的故事怎样呢?So do youthe story of Yu Gong?3.他不能把自己变成一个人,除非他能隐藏自己的尾巴。He cannot a man unless he can hide his tail.4.谁敢吃我的房子?Who is to eat my house?5.愚公除了移山还能做什么?What c

6、ould Yu Gong do the mountains?6.对于这个故事你们有不同的意见,而且你们两个都没错。You have different opinions about the story,and you are wrong.7.你们一醒来就必须和你们的父亲一起去森林。you wake up,you must go to the forest with your father.【课堂练习】一、选择方框内合适的单词或短语填空。gold,shout at,were afraid to,as soon as,show1.The watch is made of and its very

7、expensive.2.The baby stopped crying she saw her mum.3.Dont the old man.Its not polite.4.We are lost.Can you us the way to the hospital?5.Although they were clever,they tell the truth.They didnt want others think they were stupid.二、单项选择。1.I often take a shower I get up in the morning.A.beforeB.afterC

8、.becauseD.unless2.Look! Many people are swimming in the river the hot weather.A.because ofB.because thatC.untilD.as soon as3.My friend Li Ling worked hard, she got good grades this time.A.ifB.unlessC.soD.because4.Who is in the room?I hear someone in it.A.laughsB.to laughC.to laughingD.laughing5.The

9、little girl has a very nice and she will be a singer in the future.A.voiceB.lookC.shapeD.character三、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1.那天晚上在睡觉之前,他出去找了一些白石头。He went to some white stones he went to bed that night.2.韩塞尔没有石头了,所以他丢了一些面包屑。Hansel had no stones, he pieces of bread.3.从前,有一位皇帝。他喜欢买衣服看衣服。,there was an emperor.

10、He loved and at clothes.4.他们告诉皇帝他们制作的衣服很特殊,因为只有聪明的人才能看到它们。They told the emperor the clothes they made were special clever people see them.【自我反思】1.我的收获:2.我的易错点:参考答案课前预习1.save2.forest3.around4.until5.touching课堂探究探究一:1.shot2.magician3.exciting;excited4.Western5.married6.golden7.wives8.leader探究二:1.有点儿;稍

11、微2.代替;反而3.把变成4.从前5.爱上;喜欢上6.结婚7.从事;致力于8.neither of9.for the first time10.make a plan to do sth./plan to do sth.11.in the moonlight12.on the ground13.be made of探究三:1.How does;begin2.what;think about3.turn himself into4.brave enough5.instead of moving6.neither of7.As soon as课堂练习一、1.gold2.as soon as3.shout at4.show5.were afraid to二、15.BACDA


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