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1、转高手旳SA 写作诀窍-Hw to Write a 12 ay in Js 10 Dys网上找到旳,分享一下:&h TD0HB0 / V3 T,E# 3 3 w Th SATEssay/ !P! o: #M _: % q(u1 ?3 b xKeyoints: W9 8y; 9 s7e% g* Q15 r- 1 Cratey wmlae aka “Univrsa emplae.”#r+ j&O Ot+ f3 l2. Resarchyr5defauteapes.! Y$9 w 0 3. Lar t wri a srog h entence: $A; 4 q, A1 H( J n4. Work n

2、rasitions.* 8 8 C: 6 5. Create anieesting itroductin andatron oncuion C(V) m K# ? *:g( C # f) E3 a T. o hHaving taug lass on how take the ST fr oethn 10arnow,I fd the SATessay secio to be the asie andmosredictabl section ofthe tst. ecool tingaout thissecion itha he Colleg Barn only tt you on alime r

3、ane ofromptsand our esponse(s)can beustomize,repared, ractce,admasered. a ntlking bot ting on theST, butbigpepared for al posibe scenrs, tthe in hat nohig csprse you.3 . u%9 # H! s1 L % S3 c5 ,y (7W5 MCMnacdemies and rte tors laimhat you cano prepae apecfiess a partcar topi advan, but Idiage.Thisec

4、of th SAT candeed be redictd,pepare, and msteredboe ou n step int thesst8 R i( a 2y( -yI |9 6B. * y X33Q+ itTe SAT Essay: The 80:20 Ru y0 C 7 C+ ! Gd Ok- G ; o5 VLets takea tifappoh to h SATesy. Unlike he masetiof he SAT, heverbal sctio isered by ny studenteause ofth abudnce f vance vocabuary, mmrul

5、s,npreitb dng gens,and esayrmpts O2 O; / T4Q/M9 ) - A); 3 q 7TStuents ruently ask: 0T! C5 2 V& )Y#S; O n4 D Q s; S8 Ps1.owanySATwordssould Iemor? - m1 % + S E6 9 F/ 2 Whih boos shouldI red o prepae for thecrticalraing secon?% i6 y T& Y a/ i3. How abut dictis and idioms? ow mny re there? E7S( Y $ m:

6、4 a I predc posible ssay prompts?# $e: D5+v s- 9 6 . Ca I gaaee t east a ol-digit sorny eay?0 r7 ,X& z$ R MM!E- j v!D T$N%v- i-?My respnses are:,W3 t; Vg# P; d; t I A: c/ s9 $h! g 3,00-5,000, dending on yu preis expouetoe SAT.k n) g4 $Y0 J 8 x2. ombiatof nos, magzs,jurnals, andtextboo (RyanTp 0 Pcks

7、), 3 d-Z Z 5 e0 9 U. es han 0 ims addicins g% Q4 z2 x1 B4. Absoltely!q& ; & T,. Absolutely, ye!! 4 h) o8 p-L 9 5 o#t t7 P(i8 |, f6 d uMyapch is this: Istead of tryin tofigur ut wa romptsnd/orpssg txpect,wy oncenrate n the deg of te ATisef n his cset SATssa so n matte hat s ron atyo, you are not siy

8、suised and yo an cam yorsef byhavng ae-b-st plnalrea in pac 6 ; ; f& N% U%65Y( g# c0 x. 6 ) ( W3 q4 q/w P: vSo, ame p wihthe“80:2ue” his rule appie notony toheSA, u aso t he ACT, RE, ad GA. hconept mple: Fdays to predictandpreare fr 0%o theet,ad onywory about2%(wch can alsbster) duri teest Hw?ipl Ag

9、in,eanthe design, puyourse n theColegeadshos, nd lerne tricks o you ont fall no ttras. Iwill give youplety oemp and guideins, s dnt pac! 7 k/ j$i, G- W8 2 0t 7 8 M3 E: |$?*v$ v7 kss ofeSAT Esa i- ( q: d c3 & b L1.o ae only gien 25 minus tocomptethe essa. Bt rust me when y te thereal tet,is n going t

10、o fel likawhle25iutes. Mae seyo iv yrlf lesstimeen rccin(1-18minutes), oucanuild up mentl and physical samna. ( s5 -! h) Y/q2Y L. H # k+ W% D2.Be ware of he sychological eet of stion1. Te ssay wilalwabe t fitstion f he T.Ifyou mss it u frwhatveraon, its going t aun you or teet of he es. Bu if yual i

11、t, yo ll gin the confdene t ontine to therestof theetions.3F, m0 $ Z# g; * X0 ( : o7c: p W,K3.Man cmies ay it is K to use “I”btagin Isay o.Altogh “”i acebe t eresyour pesonl ont(s) of view,it weaken your thesis. If yu en with “I believe,” you arepresetnyour personal, undametall iased oiion hrefore,avoidusing“I” if pssibe. F&q) b2 t$ t ! N 1 # / W! p) o&g;s% 4.Essa are scred y t gradrs. c rads on ace f 1-(r oaf12).Rember, hough, tha each grader hs onla mnutorso rad


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