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1、全国68所名牌小学毕业会考试卷精选(三)听力部分一、 选出你所听到的数字或单词。1. A. 55 B. 50 C. 52. A. thirty B. Thursday C. thirsty3. A. along B. among C. alarm4. A. hand B. hard C. heart5. A. wall B. walk C. word6. A. four B. flower C. floor二、听句子,看看他们正在吃什么,用线连起来。1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 三、根据所听到的对话问题,选择最正确的答案,将其序号填入括号内。1. A. On his desk. B. In

2、 his bag. C. In her bag D. On her desk.2. A. Twelve B. Two C. Twenty D. Twenty-two3. A. Ten paper boxes. B. Ten small books. C. Ten pencil-boxes. D. Ten big books.4. A. In the box B. Over there C. In the little bin(废物箱) D. In the bag5. A. Its Room 201 B. Its Room 102 C. Its Room 301 D. Its Room 103四

3、、听对话,将句子补充完整。1. Both Shelly and Mike have_ and _on Tuesdays.2. Shellys favorite subject is_, and Mike likes_best.3. Mike has_ art classes on _.4. Shelly has music on_.笔试部分一、请你仔细观察下面的单词,根据第一组的变化规律,写出另一个单词。1. Imy they_2. ChinaChinese Japan_3. workworker drive_4. gogoes have_5. longlonger big_6. slowsl

4、owly loud_7. newold hard_8. teacherteachers man_9. singsinging dance_10. walkwalked play_二、 根据汉语提示,用正确的短语或单词完成句子。1. Where does water _(从.来)?2. Id like to _(吃西红柿)。3. Do you like to _(看电视)?4. Tom_(在读书)in the park now.5. Can the little boy_(扫地)?6. What is _(桌子底下)?7. He is going to _(画画)with his sister

5、tomorrow.8. They _(打篮球) every afternoon.9. When do you often_(上学)?10. My sister likes to _(浇花).三、单项选择。1. Her father is _engineer, her mother is _doctor.A. a; a B. an; an C. an a2. Jack will_ to school with Jim.A. go B. going C. goes3. Let_ go and give this book to_.A. me; his B. me; him C. mine; him

6、4. The bottle of milk is_. Could you give me a full one?A. heavy B. empty C. small5. Would you like _, please?A. some apple B. many milk C. some tea6. There _a door and four windows_the wall.A. is; in B. are; in C. is; on7. The girl is wearing_.A. a red skirt B. a white blouse C. a black trousers8.

7、When did you_ home yesterday?A. comed B. came C. come9. Han Mei_ her black bike.A. isnt riding B. not is riding C. dont ride10. -Do you have a red pencil? -Yes, I have.A. some B. any C. no四、句型转换。1. Tom does homework every day.(改为一般疑问)_2. My brother is twelve.(就画线部分提问)_3. The boy is taking a shower.(

8、改为否定句)_4. Whats the price of your bag?(改为同义句)_5. They are working very hard.(改为感叹句)_五、根据对话内容,从多个选项中选出五个能填入空白处的最佳选项。A. What about you?B. Would you like black tea?C. Do you have any eggs, madam?D. Would you like something to eat?E. Black tea or iced tea?F. Can I help you?G. Thank you very much.Woman:

9、_(1)_Ben: Yes, madam. What would you like to drink, Tony?Tony: Id like some tea.Ben:_ _(2)_Tony: Iced tea, please. _(3)_Ben: Id like some lemonade._(4)_Tony: Yes, Id like a pizza, please.Woman: What would you like on it, sir?Tony: Mushrooms, green peppers and onions, please.Ben: All right. _(5)_Woma

10、n: Yes.Ben: We want a cup of iced tea, a glass of milk, a glass of lemonade, a pizza and two eggs, please.Woman: OK.(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_ 六、阅读理解。Tom is a little boy, and he is only seven years old. One day he went to the cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He bought a ticket and then went in. But after two or three minutes he came out, bought a second ticket and went



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