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1、天津市2023年中考英语真题一、单项填空,从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1 My mother is making _ apple pie and I want to try _ piece. Aa; anBa; 不填Can; aDan; 不填2 _ teacher talked to _ about the stories of the Silk Road. AOur; usBOur; weCOurs; usDOurs; we3 People all over the world love pandas,

2、and the panda has become a _ of China. AfestivalBpoemCguestDsymbol4 Would you like to visit Tianjin University tomorrow?Sorry, Im afraid I _. Ill work as a volunteer in my community. AcanBcantCmustDmustnt5 The grapes are very _ and they also taste good. AeasyBlazyCboringDfresh6 Sam did _ in his stud

3、ies this year than last year. AwellBbetterCbestDthe best7 To keep healthy, Damings grandparents _ in a park every day. AexerciseBcoughCsleepDwait8 David learnt _ when he was five. AswimBswimsCswamDto swim9 While we _ an English song, some visitors came to our class. AsingBwill singCwere singingDare

4、singing10 If I dont talk _, my old grandmother cant hear me. AquicklyBloudlyCsuddenlyDquietly11 Lisa is a popular monitor. She _ her classmates and teachers. Atakes part inBgets on well withCgets into trouble withDkeeps clear of12 Some photos of the moon _ in the Space Club next week. AshowsBis show

5、ingCwere shownDwill be shown13 You should turn off the lights _ you leave the room. AuntilBbeforeCalthoughDso14 Do you remember _?Sure. On the evening of May Day. Ahow we got to the Jiefang BridgeBhow did we get to the Jiefang BridgeCwhen the Jiefang Bridge opened itselfDwhen did the Jiefang Bridge

6、open itself15 Oh, no! My mobile phone is missing!_. Go to the lost and found office. They might have it. ADont worryBThanks a lotCIt sounds greatDThats cool二、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Tom had a bad toothache. His mother wanted to take him to the dentists (牙科诊所

7、), but he 16 . He was afraid of the 17 when the dentist had to extract (拔出) his tooth. Toms mother told him that if he did not visit the dentist, the pain would get 18 . At last, Tom had to agree. There were not many people at the dentists. 19 , it was Toms turn. He walked nervously into the room an

8、d sat down. The dentist looked 20 and said hello to him with a smile. He asked Tom to 21 his mouth. And then he told Tom that he had to extract the bad tooth. The dentist gave Tom an injection (注射) and 22 him that he would not feel any pain. Tom really did not feel any pain. Then the dentist advised

9、 Tom to brush his teeth twice a day and taught him the 23 way of brushing his teeth. He also told Tom not to eat too many sweet things 24 his teeth would be healthy. After that, Tom 25 how important it was to protect his teeth. 16ArelaxedBrefusedCnoddedDjoked17ApainBtrustCsuccessDtraining18AnicerBsm

10、allerCwarmerDworse19ASometimesBRecentlyCSoonDEspecially20AdangerousBfriendlyCnoisyDcareless21AfillBshutCopenDcover22AallowedBaskedCwarnedDpromised23ArightBbraveCweakDrich24AbutBso thatCorDwhether25AregrettedBhopedCrealisedDguessed三、阅读理解,阅读下面的材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 阅读理解In

11、the morning, Daniel and Peter finished their breakfast quickly. They put on their school uniforms (校服), took their school bags and walked quickly to the bus stop. They had to wait for their school bus as usual. They waited for half an hour but the bus didnt come. The two brothers were starting to ge

12、t worried. They did not want to be late for school. Just then, Daniels classmate, Ben, came with a football on his bike. They were surprised to see that Ben wasnt in his school uniform. Ben stopped in front of the two brothers and asked, Where are you going?To school, replied Peter quickly. Why aren

13、t you ready for school, Ben? Daniel asked. Have you forgotten that today is a school holiday? laughed Ben. We have no lessons today!When Daniel and Peter told their mother about it, they all laughed. At last, the brothers joined Ben in playing football in the field nearby. What a special morning!26W

14、hen did the story happen?AIn the morning.BAt noon.CIn the afternoon.DIn the evening.27How did Daniel and Peter feel when their school bus didnt come?AAngry.BExcited.CLonely.DWorried.28Why were the two brothers surprised?ABen was a football fan.BBen wasnt in his school uniform.CBen had a bicycle.DBen was leaving school.29The bus didnt come because _. Athe weather was badBthe driver was sickCit was a school holidayDthere was something wrong with it30What did the two brothers do at last?AThey went to the cinema.BThey played football with Ben.



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