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1、基础教育课程改革实验学科教案教学内容Unit 4 At the Playground备课时间2011.3教学目标体现知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观1.知识目标:1)new words: football, basketball, tennis, ping pong 2)sentences: I can . I cant Can you? Yes, I can. No, I cant.2.能力目标:学会询问对方是否会某种运动。3.情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学习积极性,引导学生积极与他人合作,在活动中培养学生的协作精神和竞争意识。同时这节课学习了运动,引导学生了解健康人能做的

2、事情很多,但对于残疾人来说“ I cant” 比 “I can” 要多,让同学珍惜自己的 “I can”, 引导学生推己及人,更加关爱残疾人,珍惜自己拥有的一切。教学重点1、新单词的读音。 2、句子的灵活运用教学难点新旧知识的灵活运用教学准备多媒体、图片、纸质句型时间教 学 过 程设计意图2min23minStep1 Greeting and reviewT: Good morning, class? How are you today? Nice to meet you.Now lets sing a song and do the action. Well done, sit down,

3、please. Step2 Presentation1. T: OK, boys and girls, lets look at a short film.引入 What do you think about these people? Theyre so fat. Good or bad?Yes, its bad for his health. They should often play sports. Sports make our life healthy. Now,lets go to the playground and play some sports.(先出示PPT再拿课题卡片

4、At the Playground,教读几遍)2. 1)T:Look, guess, whats this? (遮住一部分让孩子猜) Yes, football.单词 Lets read. Football, football, football. Ask somebody read. Good. Pass the football and read. This group, please. (练习完后把football卡片贴在黑板上) Now, guess once more. Whats this?Lets read. Basketball, basketball, basketball.

5、 Ask somebody read.Who can bounce the basketball and read ?(练习完后把basketball卡片贴在黑板上)激发孩子们学习英语的兴趣,唱歌作为热身也起到活跃气氛的作用。根据猜测老师喜欢的运动引入新单词。时间教 学 过 程设计意图 Yes, we can play football and play basketball. We also can play tennis, play ping pong.Look, this is tennis. Lets read. Now touch and read.(练习完后把tennis卡片贴在黑

6、板上)Look, whats this? Yes, ping pong. (卡片贴黑板上)Lets read it three times.Look, I can play ping pong. Can you play ping pong?Who can do like this? And say “ping pong, ping pong, play ping pong”.2) (教授完4个单词后) Lets read these word each 3 times. Read these phrases 3times. OK, now lets play a game. It named

7、 “Whats missing”? 猜出来的同学奖励2 1)T: Now, look at the blackboard. I draw some pictures and you guess. Whats this? Play? Lets read them 3 times. T: This boy said:“I can play football.” “I cant play”And this boy said: “I can play basketball.”“I cant play” 2)T: Lets have group competition. Ill give you 1 m

8、inute and you must say “xx can play xx” “xx cant play xx”.看哪组说得多,奖励。师统计.31) T: OK, look. Who is he? S: He is YaoMing.T: And this is a reporter. Lets listen. What are they talking about?(录音内容:记者:Hello, Yao Ming! Can you play ping pong?姚:No, I cant. 记者: Can you play basketball? 姚:Yes, I can.)T: Yes, Y

9、aoMing can play basketball. Can you play basketball? (拿出句型条) 齐读几遍,group1 read “can”, group2 read “can you”, group3 read “can you play”, group4 read “Can you play basketball?” Who can read this sentence? Please read after her/him. Now answer my question. Can you play ping pong? Yes, I can.(拿出卡片) No,

10、I cant. Lets read and do. I say you do. I do you say.通过猜测单词不仅巩固了新知还引出新句型。听录音是英语课中必不可少的,听完后及时评价,使孩子们得以重视。时间教 学 过 程设计意图15minStep3 Consolidation1. T: Now lets practise the dialogue with you partner. Lets begin. Who can try?内容: -Hello! Lets play tennis. -Sorry. I cant play tennis. -Can you play ping pon

11、g? -Yes, I can. -OK. Lets go.2. T: Now, lets play a game. Pass the card. If you hold the card, you should answer a question. All of you ask him: Can you play.? according to my action. OK?3. T: All of you did a good job. Now, please take out the paper.Lets have a survey.Name: LucyName: HaoTianCan you

12、 play football?Yes, I can. T:Are you finished? Let me see.T: OK, please look at the screen. She is Helen Keller. She is a writer. But she cant see. She cant hear. What can she do? She can read by hand. She can hear by heart. 可她完成了一系列比如大家耳目能祥的假如给我三天光明。对于残疾人来说“ I cant” 比 “I can” 要多,让同学珍惜自己的 “I can” 。So please cherish everything. 请大家珍惜自己拥有的一切。Step5SummaryT: Who is winner?Step6 Homework1. Copy the new words in Lesson1.2. 回家听第1课录音,模仿跟读。板书设计教学后记


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