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1、 新概念第三册自学导读 Lesson59课文解释 1 in the belief that,这个介词短语在句子中作谓语动词 leave的状语。 2 those very things,就是那些东西,very在这里起强调作用,可译作“正是那个(些)”,“正是所要的”。 3 for two other reasons,lack of physical and mental energy, and sentiment,在这个句子中,lack of和sentiment是两个并列的成分,作reasons的同位语,而both of which是physical and mental energy的非限定性

2、定语从句。 4 beyond their true worth,超过它们的实际价值。 5 to such an extent that,到达了这样的程度, that后面的从句作 extent的同位语。 6 as just looking at one”s treasures is always a joy,由于观赏自己保藏的珍品总会布满了乐趣。 as是连词,引导缘由状语从句。 7 have some bearing on it,与它有关。 参考译文 人们喜爱保藏东西,有时并没有意识到自己在这样做。的确,一旦无意之中从自己的保藏品中找到某件有用的东西时,可以给人一种惊喜的感觉。那些从来不必搬家的

3、人们成了一种无所不容的保藏家。他们特地保藏那些只能被称作杂货的东西。他们在抽屉里、碗柜中、阁楼上堆放着一些不用的东西,一放就是好几年,信任总有一天需要的正好是那些东西。人们年老之后也喜爱保藏东西,不过是出于两个不同的缘由:一是体力、精力均告不佳,这二者是去除无用的东西必不行少的因素;另一个缘由是感情因素。东西搁得时间久了,便会布满着与过去岁月的联系,比方说与死去的亲戚有关。因此这些东西渐渐获得了一种超出它本身的价值。 居家度日,有目的地保藏某些东西是为了防止铺张。这些东西中我想举出线绳和包装纸为例。节省的人们翻开包裹后便把这两样必备的东西保藏起来,省得日后去买。收集小玩艺儿很简单着迷。我熟悉一

4、个人,她总喜爱从报纸上剪下流行服装的图样,等以后有钱时去买服装。由于她并不富有,她买得起这些服装的可能性非常渺茫。但她又缺乏足够顽强的意志把这一收集活动停下来。这种习惯无害,只是把写字台里堆得满满当当,以致每次翻开抽屉总能带出很多纸片四处飞扬。 作为一种严厉的业余爱好的保藏活动完全是另外一回事,它具有很多好处。它可以使人在闲暇中得到休息,由于观赏自己保藏的珍品总会布满了乐趣。人们不必走到户外去寻求消遣,由于保藏品都是存放在家中。不管保藏品是什么,邮票、唱片、头版书籍、瓷器、玻璃杯、老式家具、绘画、模型汽车、鸟类标本,还是玩具动物,从为新增加的保藏品查找摆放位置到核对参考书中的事实,总归有事可做


6、 Multiple choice questions多项选择题 Choose the correct answers to the following questions. Comprehension理解 1 What differentiates the indiscriminate collector from the serious one? aWhat he collects is only of personal rather than communal interest. bHe lacks the physical and mental energy to go out and

7、about. cHis possessions are varied but over the years they gain in value. dHe confines his collection to the home and therefore does not travel. 2 The author”s friend is typical of the indiscriminate collector in that _ . ashe keeps newspapers in the hope that one day they may come in useful bshe co

8、llects sketches of clothes to save herself the cost of buying them cshe is too narrow-minded to be able to stop a sentimental practice dshe never gets round to sorting out the clutter she has accumulated 3 The serious collector can spend his leisure time _ . aat home, as his collection is sufficient

9、 entertainment in itself bat the same time as looking joyfully at his treasures ceducating himself and others by verifying facts in reference books doccupying himself by constructing a house for his collection Structure 构造 4 _ belongings people accumulate. There are two reasons for this(11.7-9) aAs

10、they got older more bIn getting older there are more cOnly when they get older, do more dThe older they get the more 5 _ in the home in an attempt to avoid waste.(1.11) aPeople deliberately collect bPeople deliberately collect some things cPeople collect deliberately dPeople collect deliberately som

11、e things 6 -but it litters up her desk _ that every time she opens it(11.16-17) aso far bas long as cin as much dso much 7 Something to do, from finding the right place _ the latest addition to(11.21-22) awhere he puts bin order to put cfor to put dto put 8 -and then, if_ successful, to larger audie

12、nces.(11.28-29) athey will be bone is cit has been dthey were Vocabulary 词汇 9 Some things are collected _ in the home so as to avoid waste.(1.11) asystematically bintentionally cpurposefully dorganizationally 10 Collecting as a serious hobby is _ and has many advantages.(1.18) aaltogether separate brather unlike cfairly diverse dvery distinguished 11 -the right place for the latest addition to _ facts in reference books.(11.22-23) ainsuring bcertifying cidentifying dchecking 12 -but also in general matters which _.(11.23-24) astand up to it brelate to it cbear it out dcarry it off


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