Unit12 The Earth.docx

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1、Unit12 The EarthPeriod 1沁水县东关小学 张灵娜Teaching aims:1.能听、说、读、写单词:Earth, part, forest, land, ocean, rubbish; 能听、说、认读短语:so many, plastic bag。2.能用句型“We should(do),We should stop(doing)”提出保护环境的建议。3.树立爱护地球,保护环境的意识。Teaching important points:1. Words: Earth, part, forest, land, ocean, rubbish, so many, plasti

2、c bag2. Sentence: We should stop cutting down so many trees.Teaching difficult points:We should stop (doing)句型中动词 -ing的用法。Teaching procedure:Step 1 Warming up Greeting and free talk about colours.Step 2 Lead inShow “地球仪”,引出“The Earth”,并板书。Step 3 Presentation and Practice1. Learn the new words: part,

3、 forest, land, ocean.T:How many colours are there on the Earth? What are they?T:There are many different parts on the Earth.T:(Point to green)green part( 板书part)T: What are the green parts?S: They are forests.T: The green parts are forests. (同上学习land, ocean)Write the words in the blacks.(完成Step 1)Re

4、ad the sentences together.2. Read and answerT: The children in Ms Guos class are talking about the Earth.Lets listen.T: Whats wrong with the Earth now? Read this dialogue again and try to find the answer.(完成Step 2)S1: The Earth was clean and beautiful in the past, but now some parts are dirty. 3. Re

5、ad and discuss in groupsT: What should we do to help the Earth? Now read the dialogue again and find the answers, then discuss in groups.(完成Step 3)4. Learn “rubbish, so many, plastic bag”(课件出示We should stop 并板书rubbish) 5. T: We know “should + 动词原形”.Read the sentences.What can you find?Choose and fill.Step 4 Consolidation and Summary1. Act it out 2. Summary Step 5 Homework 1. Listen to and read Students Book page 80.2. Finish “Think and write” on page 85.3. Write the new words three times.Blackboard design:landforestUnit 12 The EarthoceanpartrubbishWe should stop doingEarth


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