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1、(英语)英语语法填空专项及解析一、语法填空1Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blanks with the proper form of the given word; for the blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. When I w

2、orked part-time in a local bookstore at my early age - so easily - pictured, if you do not work in one, as a kind of paradise where not only _ one read his own favorite books but also encounter charming young ladies (one of my personal fantasies) who browse eternally among Toni Morrison or Ernest He

3、mingwast thing that chiefly struck me was that really bookish people are a rarity, _ there are vast numbers of those who consider themselves to be such. Often they will introduce themselves when they enter the bookshop _ book people and insist on telling you that we love books. They will wear T-shir

4、ts or carry bags with slogans explaining exactly how much they think they adore books. It is clear that the way they dress themselves is quite similar to that of us bookish people, but that is _ the similarities between them and us begin and end. And _ (sure) means of identifying them is that they n

5、ever, ever buy books. These days it is so rare that I find time to read that, when I do, it feels like indulgence, more so than any, other sensory experience. When an important relationship in my twenties _ (break) up the only thing I could do was to read, and I amassed a pile of books _ I sank and

6、escaped from the world around me and inside me. The landscapes of Yu Hua, Wang Shou, Ernest Hemingway, George Orwell, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Harper Lee and others protected me from my own thoughts, which were pushed into the background, where _ could silently process without bothering me. I created a p

7、hysical wall on my desk, _ (make) from the books, and as I read them the wall slowly came down until it was gone. In a more real sense, books are the best way in which one enriches his own life and the enormous numbers of them out there in the world excite me, especially when I visit second-hand boo

8、kstores with no intention _ (search) for a certain book. It is like casting a net and never knowing what you will find when you gather it in. As Goglo put in it in Dead Souls: Once, long ago, in the years of my youth, in the years of my childhood, which have flashed irretrievably(不能挽回地)by, it was a

9、joy for me to drive for the very first time to a place unknown.【答案】 can;although;as;where;the surest;broke;into which;they;made;to search 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者记叙了自己热爱读书的感受以及读书对自己的影响。 (1)考查情态动词。句意:在书店里,一个人不仅可以阅读自己喜欢的书,还会遇到迷人的年轻女士,她们总是在托妮莫里森和欧内斯特赫明之间流连。根据句意,该空表示“可以,能够”,故填can。 (2)考查状语从句。句意:让我印象最深刻的是,真正爱读

10、书的人是罕见的,尽管有很多人认为自己是这样的人。根据句意,该空表示“尽管”,且引导从句,故填although。 (3)考查介词。句意:当他们走进书店的时候,他们通常会自我介绍为“读书人”,并坚持告诉你“我们爱书”。根据语境,该空意为“当作,作为”,故填as。 (4)考查表语从句。句意:很明显,他们的穿着和我们这些书呆子很相似,但这就是他们和我们之间的相似之处开始和结束的地方。该空引导表语从句,空处作地点状语,故用where引导该从句。故填where。 (5)考查形容词。句意:确定他们身份的最可靠的方法就是他们从来没有买过书。该空修饰名词means,应用形容词的某种形式,结合语境,该处表示“最可

11、靠的方法”,应用最高级形式,故填the surest。 (6)考查时态。句意:当我二十多岁的时候,一段重要的关系破裂了,我唯一能做的事情就是读书。该空作谓语,且叙述的是作者二十多岁的时候的情况(即:过去的情况),应用一般过去时态,故填broke。 (7)考查定语从句。句意:我积攒了一堆书,沉浸其中,逃离我周围和内心的世界。_7_ I sank是定语从句,修饰books。sink into固定短语“陷入到中”。books作into的宾语,先行词为物,应用关系代词which代之。综上,该从句应用into which引导。故填into which。 (8)考查代词。句意:余华、王守、海明威、乔治奥威

12、尔、陀思妥耶夫斯基、哈珀李等人的风景保护着我,使我不受自己思想的干扰,我的思想被推到背景中,在那里它们可以无声无息地进行,而不打扰我。where _8_ could silently process without bothering me是定语从句,修饰my thoughts,该空在从句中作主语,指代my thoughts,指代复数名词用they。故填they。 (9)考查非谓语动词。句意:我在我的书桌上用书做了一堵实体墙,当我读它们的时候,这堵墙慢慢地倒了下来,直到消失。_ (make) from the books是定语,修饰a physical wall。a physical wall

13、和make之间是被动关系,应用过去分词作定语。故填made。 (10)考查非谓语动词。句意:从更真实的意义上说,书籍是丰富自己生活的最好方式,而世界上大量的书籍让我兴奋不已,尤其是当我去二手书店却无意寻找某本书的时候。_ (search) for a certain book是定语,修饰intention,intention后常接动词不定式作定语,意为“的打算,的意图”。故填to search。 【点评】本题考点涉及情态动词,状语从句,介词,表语从句,形容词,时态,定语从句,代词,非谓语动词等多个知识点的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,并结合

14、相关语法知识,进行分析推理,从而写出正确的单词形式。2阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The Forbidden City in Beijing, home to the Palace Museum, houses more than 1.8 million cultural relics and is one of the worlds most visited tourist attractions. _ (mark) the 600th anniversary of the Forbidden City, the Palace Museum will h

15、old a series of events throughout 2020.Over 20 exhibitions will be held, _ (cover) different areas such as history, art, festivals, and so on. For the special occasion, Along the River during the Qingming Festival, one of Chinas most _ (wide) known masterpieces, will go on display in September 2020. For _ (it) best preservation, this treasured artwork is seldom fully exhibited. The painting _ (display) for the first time back in 2005 to celebrate the museums 80th anniversary. Such _ rare sight is expected to draw huge crowds. In addition, the museum will also display exhi



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