Maybe I’ll be a writer.doc

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《Maybe I’ll be a writer.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Maybe I’ll be a writer.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Maybe Ill be a writer课 题Maybe Ill be a writer教材出版社外语教学与研究出版社年级三年级下册课型听说课学时第一课时教学内容1. Teaching materials 教材中的对话Amy: What will you be in the future?Ling ling: Maybe Ill be a writer. I love books. What will you be?Amy: Maybe Ill be a film star. I like films. What will you be,Daming? Daming: A footballe

2、r. Lingling:And you,Sam?Sam: You are bad children.Come to the police station with me now!Lingling: Youre not a policeman,Sam!Sam: Not now.But I will be.2. 设计学案:1)根据构词法将单词填写完整;2)听力策略训练,听对话将正确答案连线。教学目标知识目标:学习单词:singer,teacher,film star,writer,footballer,doctor,nurse,policeman,runner,driver; 学习运用句型:Wha

3、t will you be in the future? Maybe Ill be.能力目标:学生掌握关于询问他人今后的职业梦想、诉说自己的职愿望的表达方式,让学生总结出V+er/or 变成名词的构词法以及弄清will的句子中的缩写形式及读法。情感目标:通过学习课文,使学生乐于开口说说自己今后的职业梦想,激发他们诉说的愿望。课时安排本课教材内容出自新标准英语第六册的第4模块第一单元,本单元作三个课时安排。本节课是第一课时,课型为听说课。Teaching & Learning procedures(The first period)Step 1: Leading in 1. Greetings2

4、. Warming up T:Boys and girls, lets sing a song, ok? Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes. Are you ready? One, two,three, go!【设计说明】用正常、快、慢三种速度做律动。【设计意图】调动孩子们的积极性并训练其反应能力。 3.Leading in T: Well done! Do you like this song? Do you like singing? S: Yes! T: So do I!When I was a pupil, my mother asked me:Wh

5、at will you be in the future?(指课题)I said:Maybe Ill be a singer.Step 2: Presentation 1. Learn the new words 1)singer:Do you know singer?Ok, now, look at the picture.Whos he ?Jay is a singer.【设计说明】课件出示周杰伦的照片,在黑板上板书单词,学生跟读,High and Low Voice,请学生说出singer的构词特点2) teacher: Jay is a singer.How about Miss He

6、? Miss He is a. 【设计说明】出示老师本人上课的照片,引导学生说出teacher这个单词,请学生观察这个单词最后两个字母。3) writer:Do you know Harry Potter ? She is the writer of the book.【设计说明】出示作者J.K.罗琳的照片。板书单词,学生每次比老师多读一遍。4) film star: Harry Potter is a film, and Daniel Radcliffe is a very famous film star.【设计说明】出示Daniel Radcliffe及范冰冰的照片,让孩子们理解单词含义

7、,并让孩子们分析film star 的构词特点。5) runner:Look at me, what am I doing?Yes,Im running.Look at the picture.Who is he?【设计说明】出示图片,板书单词,read one by one, rising tone and falling tone,让孩子们分析runner的构词特点。6) footballer: The next one is also about sports.Look, whats this?【设计说明】出示贝克汉姆Beckham照片,由football导出footballer,boy

8、s and girl read the words respectively.7) policeman: Do you know other kinds of job? Listen!【设计说明】出示警车的声音,再出示警察图片,police+man,read three by three.8) driver:another one!【设计说明】出示出租车的声音,再出示司机图片,drive+r, read two by two9) doctor,nurse :The next one! 【设计说明】出示救护车的声音,再出示医生、护士图片,read line by line,并请学生说出docto

9、r与其他几个单词词尾的不同之处.10) Do the exercise:【设计说明】把单词按构词法分类完成学案1的练习【设计意图】培养学生的观察、分析能力并有助于记忆新学单词2. Practice T:Just now,we know ten words about jobs, now lets have a competition. Ill divide you into two groups.You are group one and you are group two.【设计说明】在黑板上贴两棵苹果树及喜羊羊和灰太狼头像,讲解比赛规则 1)抢答比赛【设计说明】从泡沫盒里抽出卡片,谁第一个

10、读出来就请谁上来抽卡片,并为该组加分。 2)Back to Back.【设计说明】老师给上来的两名学生每人发一张单词图片,老师说:“Back to back!”两个学生把图片放在胸口背靠背站着;老师说:“Walk!”学生各自朝前走;“One,two,three,go!”学生回头,看谁能先说出对方的单词。【设计意图】提高学生的学习兴趣,让孩子在玩中学,并训练其反应速度。Step 3: Presentation and consolidation1.The dialogue 通过动画呈现SB Unit1 Activity1.告诉学生:“今天Amy和其他几个小朋友在讨论他们以后的职业梦想。他们是怎样

11、说的呢?”Lets see!【设计说明】用学生喜爱的动画形式让其初步感知课文,了解课文的大概意思。 【设计意图】整合学生所学知识,通过不同方式使学生掌握本单元的主要内容。2. Read the text 【设计说明】课件出示动画及文字,让学生跟读课文,并讲解I will 的缩略形式。【设计意图】图文并茂,学生能发挥各感官作用来学习课文。3.Play a game:Telephone. T: Ill tell the first student of each group a sentence, then you should pass it one by one quickly and qui

12、etly. The winner will get two apples.【设计意图】让每个孩子都开口练习句子,比赛更能激励学生的积极性。4.Play a game:Guseeing GameT:OK,now,lets continue our competition.Please look at the screen.There are nine numbers on the screen.You can choose any number you like.And it will show you a picture.Team 1 ask“What will you be in the f

13、uture?”and one student of team 2 should answer“Maybe Ill be a .” Ill give you a model.【设计意图】增加趣味性,提高学生的参与性5. Lets chant. T: I made up a chant,do you want to listen to it? Ok, listen carefully!【设计说明】课件先出示5个对话,听完一遍后请学生复述,可以不按顺序,说得越多,分越高;然后全体学生再一边拍掌一遍念,老师指一个单词,学生念一段。6.Act the dialogue 【设计说明】同桌之间互问互答,再请

14、同学上来表演。老师与一名同学合作,进行引导和示范,可用笔或纸当话筒。7. Do the exercise. Listen and Match(课件描述:动画播放图片,同时播放声音,请学生根据所听到的完成学案2练习。)8. Lets count.【设计说明】评分、总结。Step 4:Homework1. Listen to the dialogue. Try to recite it. 2. Do a research.Please ask ten classmates about “What he/she will be in the future?”and fill the form.【设计

15、意图】1.听读作业的布置对学生记忆和再现所学知识很有帮助,并能培养良好的朗读习惯。2.做调查,调查朋友们的职业梦想,并记录下来。 Step 5:Farewell Farewell the students with the song Goodbye, teacher.主要特色与创新之处1. 充分关注文本:充分利用教材内容,用图片、动画及音频资料教学让学生易于接受信息,掌握单词和句子。2. 比赛的方式能提高学生的主动性,各种游戏能让孩子轻松愉快地掌握好单词和句子。3. 有效设计学案,让学生在初步学习构词法的基础上记忆单词。4. 英文儿歌能让孩子们朗朗上口地说出句子。 学 案 Maybe Ill be a writer1. 根据构词法将单词填写完整sing write doct run tea


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