修改LG p970手机外放声音增大(闲外放声音小的可以进来看看).doc

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修改LG p970手机外放声音增大(闲外放声音小的可以进来看看).doc_第1页
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修改LG p970手机外放声音增大(闲外放声音小的可以进来看看).doc_第2页
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修改LG p970手机外放声音增大(闲外放声音小的可以进来看看).doc_第3页
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修改LG p970手机外放声音增大(闲外放声音小的可以进来看看).doc_第4页
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修改LG p970手机外放声音增大(闲外放声音小的可以进来看看).doc_第5页
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《修改LG p970手机外放声音增大(闲外放声音小的可以进来看看).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《修改LG p970手机外放声音增大(闲外放声音小的可以进来看看).doc(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、我们的小黑/小白外放声音确实有些小,我把这情况通过邮件的方式反馈给LG官方,过了10多个小时,官方回复我了,PDF文档,我把两种方法分享给大家,让我们的小白外放声音不在鸡肋.方法1 一,在拨打电话按键下输入3845#*970#进入工程模式 二,选择第三项 Device Test 三,然后选择第十五项SOUND Test 四,再进入第五项Audio Cal Tool 五,然后再选择第一项 Sound calibration 六,选择snd devive type 选择spk_phone(也就是正数第六的个选项) headset speaker(听筒的扬声器调节) 七,在修改sna method

2、type 选择 MIDI(也就是最后一项) 八,(五、六、七所说的项目分别选一项改下面的数值,三项都要改)改到这个地方注意下面有个Get data没有?还有写着-900这也是我们要修改的地方,(-5000静音,所以我测试后觉得300(这里是正300,不是负300)是个不错的度量,所以大家在Get Data下面的Set Data那里输入300,点击Set Data空白地方就可以改数字了),输完以后就点击确认。然后就点击返回上一级菜单。还有就是根据个人喜好,设置300音量会提高很多且不会出线爆音!500和900会有爆音出现。(这个值最好根据自己歌曲音量大小设置)以上方法可以增外放音量,关于外放音质

3、可以参考方法2方法2(较为复杂) 下载原生或者官方rom在OS系统下把里面的boot.img和system.img拷贝到original_update目录下- 双击menu以linux的终端运行,类似于windows的命令行,根据屏幕提示:选择1,按回车,再按回车,在按1选择刚才拷入的boot.img和system.img,按回车后就开始分解img文件了声音驱动文件handset_0_call handset_0_closed_callhandset_play WBXML to XML 例如: wbxml_converter farfield_call.wbxml farfield_call.

4、xml调节听筒和扬声器主要是handset_0_call.wbxml. handset_0_closed_call.wbxml7 The example I gave for editing audio for firewood A2 (on the other platforms just as well). To edit the drivers we need:|Program WinHEX) i4 E/ e0 M- C)Sound driver( S; h1 r+ _. X4 AWell, actually, and patienceN2 TSo dispel our sound! A

5、s usual we start a program WinHEX, open the folder with our drivers that we will edit! . Then simply drag this any driver (which you can edit). List of drivers (which is responsible for what):7 A4 A1 d- h$ E6 |Files starting with farfield refer to the speaker:7 A+ Q2 E9 Q)farfield_call - driver loud

6、speaker during a call8 F* / j1 G i7 b( pfarfield_fm - driver speaker in FM receiver8 7 e5 p3 P( o/ g j2 0 xfarfield_play - driver loudspeaker mode proigryvatelya/mp33 u$ U1 x: I. Q1 Ofarfield_ring - driver loudspeaker mode calling signalw3 4 O7 rfarfield_rec - driver and microphone for video recordi

7、ng on a dictaphone.% p+ B2 t0 X7 K( R6 FFiles starting with PHF_ refer to the headset (headphones):4 n+ |ePHF_play, PHF_2_play, PHF_3_play, PHF_4_play - when listening to music / sounds I& u. H) PHF_call, PHF_2_call, PHF_3_call, PHF_4_call - when you talk7 K9 W3 GPHF_ring, PHF_2_ring, PHF_3_ring, PH

8、F_4_ring - when an incoming call (if enabled Silent4 T s% M2 N( v- v! w6 nBTL_play - while listening to the player through BT headset4 Q& W* t7 o6 i$ h+ xhandset_0_call - the sound of conversational dynamics3 g* _. V4 g0 q) O9 R: LSysconn_fm - radio in the headphones% k. q+ KSway any of these profil

9、es in the program WinHEX (in my example, I peretyanul profile farfield_play)- w) f8 G1 f3 yYou will see that the program will give you a bunch of all values! Do not worry .& W5 W7 & d+ The right hand column you see any names, letters, symbols, etc.In the middle column you will see a big pile of all

10、the numbers.( X- i, h; C3 m8 y, x) CIn the left column, we do not want;)oWe start editing from the right column (where there is a letter)There you will see such options as:HK.AUX01 . JG - and HK.AUX02 . JG - this volume$ B/ J) HK.SPKRN . JG - responsible for the loudness of the sound and bassKHK.SPK

11、RP . JG - suppresses all the distortion, rattle, etc.FGK.NoiseReduction - this parameter is responsible for noise suppressionQGK.DRS . HK.RX. IG - Dynamic range (a kind of equalizer for frequency)W- X- NHK.RXFILTER - the sound quality in general (sound, filtering)And not only these parameters, in ad

12、dition to these there is still much any, but basically we have enough and to edit these settings and get good sound.) On the screen you see, I started to edit a parameter HK.AUX02 . JG (I took it for example)In order to increase the value of the parameter (in addition to the volume or noise, frequen

13、cy, etc.), we need to reduce the value that is 99 ., 10, 09, 08, 07, 06, 05, 04, 03, 02 , 01, 00, FF, FE, FD, FC, FB, FA, F9, F8, F7 . since F is - E then D, I and C, B, A.- In order to reduce the volume needed to increase the value (only in reverse order)So we are doing hereYou see that was before

14、41, as I lowered to 34 - that is, the value I have fallen, and the sound will be louder. Keeping our profile, pour it into the phone - happy.& . Actually thats all . just very, you can edit other settings (for example HK.AUX01 . JG, HK.SPKRN . JG, HK.SPKRP . JG, etc.) I hope I explained everything clearly, good luck you are editing A bit taken with manual Source G electronics offers official


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