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1、2023小学生英语自我介绍小学生英语自我介绍13篇来到一个完全生疏的环境,时常须要我们进行一个自我介绍,自我介绍是相识自我的手段。如何编写一段特性的自我介绍?以下是我收集整理的小学生英语自我介绍,希望能够帮助到大家。小学生英语自我介绍1Good morning, everyone! My name is li ming hao. Im 9.Im a strong boy. Look at me! I have a strong body, two big fat hands, and two long legs.I like running, jumping and hopping!This

2、is me!Thats all. Thank you!小学生英语自我介绍2敬重的各位领导,各位同仁:大家早上好!今日我受托付来主持本月的员工大会,深感荣幸之至!希望得到大家的协作和鼓励!感谢大家!会议期间希望大家保持宁静,将 调成静音。伴随着艰辛和汗水,满怀豪情和喜悦,在各位员工努力的拼搏下,我们顺当地完成了三月份公司的各项生产任务,首先对于奋战在二号进口线坚持上夜班的同事们表示崇高的敬意,他们任劳任怨始终坚守在自己的岗位,克服了机器设备的故障,保证了客户订单的交期。其次对于坚守在基层管理岗位上的班长们表示诚心的感谢,因为他们的努力,使得广阔员工团结一心,努力工作,为6s活动的顺当开展及公司各

3、项管理政策得以落实做出了巨大奉献。我们还得感谢全体员工顾大体,识大局,不计较个人得失,为完成公司各项生产任务奋战在各条生产线上。下面我宣布4月份员工大会现在起先!今日的大会有以下七项内容:第一项内容由吴春美同志关于3月份6S评比结果及合理化建议状况汇报,有请吴春美.大会其次项流淌红旗授旗及沈金丽发表中选6S先进班组获奖感言 点评:是的,6s流淌红红旗代表的是集体的荣誉,是团队努力的成果,正因为6S活动的坚持开展才能是我们保持美丽整齐的工作环境。下次红旗花落谁家,我们将拭目以待!大会进行第三项:由班长代表文旭发言,大家欢送!点评:班长是公司与生产员工的主要沟通桥梁,属于兵头将尾。公司班组长的管理

4、好坏,将干脆影响公司产品的生产进度和产品质量,他们责任重大,希望在工作中能够得到大家始终如一的支持。大会进行第四项,有周友志同志发表关于改善的建议,大家欢送!点评:周友志的发言很精彩,是的,改善无处不在,假设大家都参加改善活动,每天进步一点点,那么我们的公司肯定会更加美妙。 大会进行第五项,由朱经理代表生产部做3月份工作总结和4月份工作安排,大家欢送!点评:朱经理总结了三月份工作的缺乏,对4月份的工作提出了希望,既然目标已经明确,我信任,通过我们全体员工的努力,我们肯定会顺当完成4月份各项生产任务。大会进行第六项由华经理对三月份质量状况的说明及4月份订单质量的要求。大家欢送!点评:质量是企业的

5、生命,我们在完成生产任务的同时,肯定要关注产品品质。我信任,质量部和生产部在洁雅公司这个大家庭里,共同努力,肯定会生产出高品质产品,满意客户需求。我们感谢以上各位的精彩发言,今日的员工大会到此结束!请大家有序退场,感谢大家!小学生英语自我介绍3good mornig!my nime is kelly. im 12.i am a girl.i am from dalian . my firmely is my mum my dad and i.my mum is worker ,my dad is a worker ,too.ia student. im in class 5 grade2.i

6、like speak english very much.hello everyone,first let me introduce myself to you.my name is qiangwei ,i am in class3 grade 1,i am 12.i like english very much.i think i will learn english in all my life.because it is so important.小学生英语自我介绍4Hello! My name is lizitian. Im 8. Im in class 2, grade3.Im a

7、shy girl. But I have a good friendShally. Shally said to me: dont be shy! Come on! Now Im a happy girl!Thats all. Thank you!小学生英语自我介绍5Hello,boys and girls.Today I am very glad to stand here and introduce myself.My name is FengJiamin,ImHello,大家好.特别兴奋今日能站在这里介绍我自己.我叫冯xx,我 2岁了.2years old. Im in Class ,

8、Grade 5. I like listening to music and playing orts.And I like ice-cream very我在五年级一班.我喜爱听音乐,做运动.我特别喜爱冰淇淋,much.Its sweet and delicious.My favorite subjects are Chinese,math and English. I thingk I am an easy-它又甜又美味. 我最喜爱的科目是语文,数学和英语. 我想我是一个随和的小女孩,going girl,and I hope everyone will like me. Thank you

9、.我希望大家会喜爱我,感谢.小学生英语自我介绍6hello everybody,im a televe-years-old student who study in changsha city daotian junior shool called qiyuan lee.im good at ping-pong,ranking the second in our team.i am also found of piano,and already pass grades five.in addition,i like eating kfc,causing my heavey.this is my

10、 first join in english match,not having enough experiment.but i hope that i can do it better!and then,i will perform. a song which call edlewise to everyone.小学生英语自我介绍7Good afternoon, teachers! Im very happy to introduce myself here. Im xxx. My Chinese name is xxx. Im 13. Im from . I have many hobbie

11、s, such as playing ping-pong, playing badminton, listening to music, reading magazines and so on. My favourite food is chicken. Its tasty and yummy. So Im very strong. Im a naughty boy. I always play tricks. And I just like staying in my room and reading books. But I have a dream, I want to be a car

12、-designer. Because Im a car fan.This is me. Please remember xxxx! Thank you very much!小学生英语自我介绍8Hello!Every one.My name is .Im a girl.Im 0 years old. Im in Class.I like playing drum.And I like cake,I think it is delicious.My favorite subject are Chinese,math and Englishi.I am very thin.I am a quiet

13、girl.Do you like me译:大家好!我的名字是xx,我是一个女孩。我十岁了。我在xx班里。我喜爱打鼓。还有我喜爱蛋糕,我认为它很美味。我最喜爱的科目是 语文、数学和英语。我特别瘦。我是一个文雅的女孩子。你们喜爱我吗小学生英语自我介绍9Hello ,teachers. I want to say something about a girl :This is a girl who is beautiful .She has two big eyes ,a small nose ,and two small ears .She likes swimming and dancing .

14、She likes learning English ,because its interesting .But she doesnt like maths ,its very difficult.There are three people in her family :father ,mother ,and her .They love her very much .Do you know this girl Yes ,this is me , a lovely girl.Hello ,teachers. I want to say something about a boy :This

15、is a boy who is handsome .He has two big eyes ,a small nose ,and two small ears .He likes swimming and playing computer games .He likes learning English ,because its interesting .But he doesnt like maths ,its very difficult.Do you know this boy Yes ,this is me , a cool boy.小学生英语自我介绍10Hello, dear friends! My name is li jing. Im 8. Im in class3, grade3.Im a lovely girl. Look at me! I have a very lovely face, two big black eyes, a red mouth and long black hair.I like English very much.Thats all. Thank you!小学生英语自我介绍11goo



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