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1、必须掌握的词汇84486必须掌握的词汇 : 2011-01-15 (四会单词:342个;三会单词:188个共530个) 1、家庭成员:四会:father mother brother sister friend dad mum 父亲 母亲 哥哥、弟弟 姐姐妹妹 朋友 爸爸 妈妈boy girl man woman son男孩 女孩 男人 女人 儿子 三会:grandpa grandma cousin children aunt uncle 祖父 祖母 表兄弟、表姐妹 儿童 姑、姨 叔叔外研社p21A:How many people are there in your family/B:Ther

2、e are four- my father , my mother, my sister and I. I havent got any brothers.A:Have you got any aunts or uncles/B:Ive got one aunt and two uncles.2人体(body):四会:head face hair eye nose mouth ear hand arm leg foot 头 脸 头发 眼睛 鼻子 嘴 耳朵 手 胳膊 腿 脚三会:shoulder knee toe finger tooth (teeth) 肩膀 膝盖 脚趾 手指 牙齿(复数) 北

3、师大p157 Touch your nose/ toes Open your mouth Pat your face Clap your hands. Stamp your foot3颜色(colour):四会:red blue yellow orange green pink black white红色 蓝色 黄色 橙色 绿色 粉红色 黑色 白色 三会:brown grey purple 棕色 灰色 紫色北师大p156, 159 Whats that? Its a catWhat color is it? Its black and white.Is the apple red? Yes,

4、it is.Is the flag green? No, it isnt. 4、食物(food):四会:rice meat fish soup cake bread hotdog Coke tofu 米饭 肉 鱼 汤 蛋糕 面包 热狗 可乐 豆腐 juice milk water tea cheese egg sweets potato tomato 橙汁 牛奶 水 茶 奶酪 鸡蛋 糖果 土豆 西红柿三会:hamburger chicken French fries coffee noodles peanut 汉堡包 鸡肉 炸薯条 咖啡 面条 花生icecream biscuits choco

5、late 冰淇淋 饼干 巧克力5、水果(fruit):四会:apple banana pear peach orange grape 果 香蕉 梨 桃 橙子 葡萄三会:strawberry pineapple watermelon mango 草莓 菠萝 西瓜 芒果6、衣服(clothes):四会:clothing Tshirt shirt coat hat cap sock sweater 衣服 T恤衫 衬衣 外套 帽子 帽子 袜子 毛衣 skirt shorts dress shoe 裙子 短裤 衣服 鞋子三会:trousers sandle slipper pocket swimsuit

6、 jacket 裤子 凉鞋 拖鞋 口袋 游泳衣 夹克7、天气: 四会: sun snow rain windcloud 太阳 雪 雨 风 云 Sunny snowy rainy windy cloudy 阳光充足的 下雪的 下雨的 多风的 有云的,阴天的 cold hot warm cool 冷的 热的 温暖的 凉爽的北师大p 1641 Whats the weather like today? Its hot.Its fine, but cold. Put on your coat. Whats the weather like in Beijing today? Its warm, tak

7、e off your overcoat.外研社p242Whats the weather like in spring? Its warm in spring. Whats the weather like in summer? Its hot in summer. Whats the weather like in autumn? Its cool in autumn. Whats the weather like in winter? Its cold in autumn.Rain, rain go away.Come again another day,Little Johnny wan

8、ts to play.8、数字四会:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二三会:thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 first second third 首先 第二 第三 9、家居:四会:house home phone desk chair door window table bed 房子 房间 电话 课桌

9、椅子 门 窗户 桌子 床computer TV CD电脑 电视 光盘 三会:bedroom sitting room bathroom kitchen radio video 卧室 客厅 浴室 厨房 收音机 录像机cooker camera lamp blackboard floor classroom炊具 照相机 灯 黑板 地面 教室北师大p168, 1701. A: This is our classroom, in the classroom there is a clock,There is a door.There s aB: what else? Is there a record

10、er/A:Yes,there is.Is there a dog?A: No, there isnt.2. This is our school. In our school, there is a playgroundThere are three offices.There are many classrooms in our school. What else are there? Are there any trees? Yes there are.Are there any animals?No, there arent.10、文具:四会:pen pencil ruler eraser bag book 钢笔 铅笔 尺子 橡皮 书包 书三会:pencilbox pencilcase crayon sharpener铅笔盒 铅笔盒 蜡笔 卷笔刀 11、动物(animal):四会:cat dog monkey panda rabbit duck pig bird


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