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1、暂时不对答案1 昨天这房间里没有一些人。 There _ _ people in the room yesterday.2 去年你在北京吗?_ _ in Beijing last year?3 你的第一位老师是谁 _ _ your first teacher?4 Betty 出生在哪里? _ _ Betty born?5 上周有一部好电影 _ _ a good film last week.6 这个男孩正指着桌上的那本书。 The boy is _ _ the book on the table .7 海伦害怕独自一人在森林中走。 Helen is afraid of walking in t

2、he forest _ _.8 当约翰看到他妈妈时,他从床上台跳了起来。 John _ _ of the bed when he saw his mother.9 咱们散步去吧。 Lets _ for a _ .10 马丁往四周看了看,但没有看见任何人。 Martin _ _ but could see nobody.11 十月一日是国庆节。October 1st is _ _.12 他在五岁的时候开始弹钢琴。 He started to play the piano _ _ _ _five.13 妇女节在三月八日。_ _ is on March the 8th.14 每年来自世界各地的人们参

3、观这个城市。 People _ _world visit the city every year.15 你能找出这两幅画的不同之处吗? Can you _ _ the differences between the two pictures?16 十九世纪六十年代,这有一个大剧院。 There was a big theatre here in _ _.17 琳达独自一人完成了家庭作业。 Linda finished her homework _ _.18 你还记得你的小学的名字吗? Do you still remember the name of your _ _.19 起初,贝蒂想买一个

4、红色的包。 _ _ Betty wanted to buy a red bag.20 约翰正指着窗外的那棵树。 John is _ _ the tree out of the window .21 上周他们在超市购物。 They _ some _ in the supermarket last week.22 比尔是在澳大利亚度假时遇见莉萨的。 Bill met Lisa while he was _ _ in Australia.23 他们必须排队等候三十分钟。 They must wait _ _ for 30 minutes.24 上午十点钟我们开始了我们的博物馆之旅。We began

5、our_ _the museum at 10:00 this morning.25 昨天晚饭后布莱克先生和他的妻子去公园散步了。Mr Black and his wife _a _ in the park after dinner yesterday.26 这个问题一点也不难。 The question is not difficult _ _.27 杰克和他的妈妈互相拥抱。 Jack and his mother hug _ _.28 事实上,这是一部旧电影。 _ _, its an old film.29 给孩子们更多的个人空间。Give children more _ _.30 很多年轻

6、人喜欢西方音乐。Many young people like _ _.31 这个小姑娘总是很开心,但是有时会难过。The little girl is always happy, but she _ _ sometimes.32 爱丽丝7岁的时候就会拉小提琴。 Alice could _ the _ at the age of 7.33 这种裙子在20世纪非常流行。This kind of dress was _ _ in the 20th century.34 爸爸和王先生正在握手。 My father is _ _ with Mr Wang.35 昨天我祖父母去公园散步了。 My gran

7、dparents _ for a _ in the park yesterday.36 我喜欢吃蔬菜,例如胡萝卜和马铃薯。I like eating vegetables, _ _ carrots and potatoes,37 这条街上有两家电影院。There are two _ _ in this street.38 杰克总是独自一人完成所有工作。Jack always finishes all the work _ _39. 他的家人带他环游欧洲。His parents _ him _ Europe.40. 他在许多城市都举办过音乐会。He _ _ in many cities.1.我妈

8、妈对我很严厉。My mother is _ _ me.2. 你在哪里出生的?_ were you _?3. 你的第一任老师怎么样? What_ your first teacher _?4. 在天津有很多可以做的事情。There were a lot of things _ _ in TianJin.5. 在那里玩耍真是太有趣了。Its very interesting _ _ there.6. 我家住在电影院隔壁。My home is next to the _ _.7. 我出生在陕西省。I _ _ in Shanxi Province.8. 昨天妈妈不在家。My mother isnt _

9、 _ yesterday.9. 上周末我们去公园了。We went to the park _ _.10. 三只小熊环顾了一下四周,什么都没看见。The three bears _ _, and saw nothing.11. 她拿起那个大个的碗,但是她不喜欢它。She _ _ the big bowl, but she didnt like it.12.难道没有人住在这个大房子里吗? _ _live in that big room?13. 他们起初没有注意到金凤花姑娘。They didnt notice Goldilocks _ _.14. 刚才有人敲门。Someone _ _ the d

10、oor just now.15. 他从地上捡起了那本书。He _ _ the book from the floor.16. 她指着天上美丽的星星,笑了。She _ _ the stars in the sky, and smiled.17. 他在12岁时开始工作。He _ _ at the age of 12.18. 我查出了真相。I _ _ the truth.19. 请用英语回答这个问题。Please answere the question _ _.20. 三岁时,Tony跟着他的父母搬到了加拿大。Tony _ _ Canada with his parents when he was

11、 3 years old.21. 大明决定明天去看奶奶。Daming _ _ visit his grandma tomorrow.22. 这些瓶子都碎了。These bottles were _- _.23. 他再也没回到森林里面。He didnt _ _ the forest again.24. 昨晚上这个孩子很快就睡着了。The child _ _ very soom yesterday.25. 我的哥哥也去了香港My brother went to HongKong _ _.26. 我和我的朋友在伦敦度假呢。I am _ _ with my friends in London.27.

12、前天下午四点他们到了南京。They_ _ Nanjing at 4oclock the day before yesterday.28. 昨天我在机场接我的弟弟。I met my brother _ _ _.29. 我们应该互相帮助。We should help _ _.30. 那是因为他生病了。_ _ he was ill.31. 我们和老朋友见面时总是握手。We always _ _ with our old friends when we meet.32. 我最喜欢的电影明星是李连杰。My favourite _ _ is Jet Li.33. 他昨天晚上与父亲谈论了他的学业。He _

13、_ his father about his schoolwork last night.34. 事实上,那个故事不是真的。_ _, that story is not true.35. 我的家紧挨着学校。My home is _ _ the school.36. 我们一点也不喜欢夏天。We dont like summer _ _.37. 课堂上要认真听老师讲课。_ _ the teacher carefully in class.38. 我们必须按时到校。We must go to school _ _.39. 小心,公共汽车过来了。_ _, the bus is coming.40. 他的舞曲让他文明全欧洲。 His _ _ made him famous all over Europe.



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