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1、中考英语作文功能话题讲练:路线的描述一、出发地点 When you co高考资源网me / get out of 当你走出; When you come/ get to/reach. 当你来到; 二、行走路线(一)表示行走路线的句型:Go _ (on to). 一直朝前走(到)。Go _/ _ the street/road. 沿着街道/马路走。Turn right/left at the first _.在第一个十字路口向右/左转。Take the first_ on the left在第一个拐角处向左拐。Keep _/going along/down.继续向前走。 (二)常用的表达方式:

2、Go straight on to the second_ _ and then turn right.一直朝前走,到第二个交通灯,然后向右拐。Go down the street and take the second turning _ _ _. 沿着街道走,在第二个拐角处向左拐。 Go _ till you come to the next crossing. 一直朝前走,直到下一个十字路口。Keep walking/going along/down the street. Take the first turning on your left.继续沿街道向前走,在第三个拐角处向左转。K

3、eep going before you come to a department store.在你到达百货商店之前继续向前走。 Turn right at the _ of Bridge Street _ Riverside Road. 在桥街的尽头向右拐,进入滨河路。_ the street/river and then turn right.穿过这条街道/河流, 接着向右拐。三、方式距离u行走方式的表达: _ the No. 10 Bus to Peace Cinema. You cant _ it. 坐十路公共汽车去和平电影院。不会错过的。 Take a bus and get off

4、 at the _ _. 坐公共汽车,在第四个车站下车。 Take Bus No. 3 and it will _ you right there. 坐三路车,它会把你送到那儿。 Its too far to _. Better take a taxi. 步行很远,最好坐出租车。 You must get off at the _stop. 必须在下一个车站下车。v 行走距离的表达: Its about 200 metres _ _ here. 从这儿大约200米远。 Its ten _ _ from here. 从这儿乘车有十分钟的路程。 Its not far from here. Its

5、 only about ten _ _. 距这儿不远,大约十分钟步行的路程。 Its about 200 yards _ the street.这条街道前方大约200码的路程。四、表目的地 Its just around the _. 就在拐角处。 It is _ the post office. 就在邮局对面。 Its _ _ the book store. 就在书店隔壁。 Its _ the fourth _.在四楼。 Youll _ /find it. 你就会看到它。 Its _ there. 就在那儿。 Its just in _ of you. 就在你前面。作文模板We are go

6、ing to (举行活动) at(in, on) (时间)at(in) (地点). It is not very difficult to find your way to this place. Now let me tell you the way to this place.When you get out of (某地一), you can take Bus (几路公交车)to (某地二),and get off at the second crossing. Walk across the crossing to the east until you see (某地三) on you

7、r left/right. Turn right there (at the corner) and go straight ahead. Then you can see (某地四) is on your right. The place is opposite to (某地五). Find Room (几号房间) and we will be meeting you there.我们将要在 时间 地点举行 。这个地方不难找,现在我告诉你去该地的路。当你从 走出,你可以乘坐 公交车到 ,然后在第二个十字路口下车。走过十字路口朝东走,直到看见你左边(右边)的 。朝右拐(在拐角处拐),继续向前走

8、。这时候你会看见 在你的右边。这个地方在 对面。找到 房间,我们在那里等着与你会合。We are going to hold a birthday celebration at 3 oclock in the Golden Star Hotel for our beloved physics professor, who has just come back from France. We would like to invite you to be present at the party. Now Id like to tell you how to come to this hotel.

9、 First of all, you can take Bus No.101. After two stops, you may get off at the Jinshan Road stop. Walk forward and turn left at the first crossing. Then walk along the street about two hundred meters, and youll see the Golden Star Hotel on your right. Go into the hotel and register your name on the

10、 front reception desk. After that you can go directly to Room 203. Surely, you will have no trouble finding the room. We will be expecting you there. 3:00 pm May 1 st, 2008【书面表达练习1】仔细观察下面一幅图画,根据图画的内容,写一篇词数100左右的英语短文。情景:假定你叫李红,家住香港。你和几个朋友约定星期六在中心公园聚会。现请你写封信邀请Brown女士参加,并根据下图告诉她来中心公园的路线。参考词汇:have a gat

11、hering party(聚会) 这是一篇图画说明文,根据图画,指明路线,如何到达中心公园。注意观察图画,确定出发点、行走路线、目的地,灵活使用表达路线的表达语。Dear Mrs Brown, We are so glad that youre coming to join us on Saturday. Here is how you can find us. _ Yours, Li Hong【书面表达练习2】假定你叫张华,你的同学李明即将去上海学习。现由你写一封便函给你们的朋友Jim,约他聚会。内容要点如下:(1)聚会时间:本星期五下午3点30分;(2)聚会地点:东风路225号,李明家。(3)按下图所画路线告诉Jim怎样去李明家。注意:(1)便函用英语写,并注明便函的时间:2003年4月9日;(2)内容包括说明部分和要点;(3)字数:80120。April 9th, 2003 Dear Jim, _



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