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1、Book 5 Unit 1 1.win a gold medal赢得一枚金牌2.up and down 上上下下3.the others其他的(人或物)4.set a world record创造一项世界纪录5.Good luck ! 祝好运!6.Thank you! The same to you. 谢谢!你也一样。7.do ones best尽某人最大的努力8.give up气馁;泄气9.believe in信任,相信10.be able to能做11.at age 13在13岁的时候12.catch up with . 赶上;跟上13.the Olympics / the Olympic

2、 Games 奥林匹克运动会14.set/break/hold a world record 创立/ 打破 / 保持一项世界纪录15.break ones record 打破某人的纪录16.call 把 称为pete for 为而竞争18.watch the Olympics on TV 在电视上看奥运会19.the first Olympics 早期的奥运会20.in 776 BC 在公元前776年21.win a gold medal in shooting 赢得了一枚射击金牌22.one of the events of 2010 2010年大事之一23.What do / does m

3、ean?=What do you mean by ?=What s the meaning of ? 是什么意思?24.take turns to do /take turns doing 轮流做某事pete in 参加做某事pete with sb. 与比赛27.shoot at sb/sth 朝某人/某事 开枪28.shoot sb/sth 击中或打死某人/某物29.in the long jump 在跳远比赛中30.the womens 100-metre freestyle 女子100米自游泳 31.at the same time 同时32.silver medals 银牌33.at

4、 the 1992 Olympic Games 在1992年的奥林匹克运动会上34.in the northeast 在东北方向35.It seems+(that)从句 看起来像36.seem to do 好像去做某事37.asas possible = asas sb. can / could 尽可能38.school sports meeting 校运会39.cheer team 拉拉队40.be proud of 为而骄傲41.be the pride of 是的骄傲42.Dive right in ! 跳进水里43.Best wishes to you ! = Good luck to

5、 you ! 祝你好运!44.take part in 参加45.at age 13 = at the age of 13 在13岁的时候46.be over 结束47.be good at 擅长48.be good for 有益于49.Congratulations! 祝贺你50.make a poster制作海报51.put up 张贴52. jump over 跳过53.have a good idea 有一个好主意54.soccer field 足球场55.write down 写下56.jump rope 跳绳57.sit-ups 仰卧起坐 put-ups 俯卧撑 58.tape t

6、o 把固定在59.throwinto 把投入.60.two more times = another two times 再两次 61.jump as far as you can 尽可能跳远62.many others 许多其他的63.getready 把准备好64.get ready for 为做好准备65.sothat 如此以至于.66.cheer for 为欢呼67.such an interesting day = so interesting a day 多么有趣的一天68.at the end 结束时69.the other day 几天前70.the next morning

7、第二天早上71.in the last Olympics 在上届奥运会72.medal in basketball 篮球金牌e in twentieth 排名第二十名74.stop doing sth 停止做某事75.Its time for 到的时间了76.dream of/about 梦想77.“Dream Team” in diving 跳水梦之队 78.10-metre platform 十米站台79.the 3-metre springboard 三米的跳板80.the youngest world champion 世界最年轻的冠军81.not anymore = no more

8、不再82.diving coaches 跳水教练83.eighty-five kinds of dives 八十五种跳水的方式84.any others 任何其他的85.either or 要么要么86.neither nor 既不也不87.one by one 一个接一个地88.climb through 爬上89.use to do 用作90.fall off 落下91.hope + that 从句 希望 92.hope to do sth 希望做某事93.practice doing sth 练习做某事e out 出版95.a group of stamps 一组邮票 96.host c

9、ountries 东道主国家97.raise money 筹款98.Merry Christmas ! 圣诞快乐 ! Unit 21.break a world record打破一项世界纪录2.Thats very kind of you, but . 你对我太好了,可是3.hold a world record保持一项世界记录4.be located in/on座落于;位于5.on average通常;一般来说6.on record记载下来的7.four times as . as . 是的四倍8.Thats wonderful/great. 太好了。9.find out了解;发现10.al

10、l over the world遍及全世界11.play soccer 踢足球12.have an idea 有主意13.get tired 累了14.take turns 轮流15.more fruit and vegetables 更多的水果和蔬菜16.some day 某一天17.Thats wonderful ! 好极了!18.Thats very kind of you19.hold a world record 20.three metres tall 三米高21.in book22.on the Internet 在互连网上23.Grand Hyatt24.Three Gorge

11、s Dam 三峡大坝25.the Great Wall 长城26.write down 写下27.Why dont we/you do sth?=Why not do sth?为什么不做呢?28.倍数的表达法:(1)A+be+倍数+as+计量形容词原级+as+B (2 ) A+be+倍数+i+计量形容词比较级+than+B (3) A+be+倍数+the+i+计量名词+of+B29.比较级+and+比较级或more and more+多音节形容词原级 “ 越来越”30.the+比较级,the+比较级 “越.;越.”31.the same as 和一样32.make a list of 列一个清

12、单33.in eight seconds 在8秒中内34.so far 到目前为止35.as far as I know 据我所知36.land animal 陆地动物Unit 31.make money 挣钱,赚钱2.pay for 为付款3.business hours 营业时间4.have success in 在(方面)成功5.be hard/easy to . 做很难(容易)6.take turns 轮流;交替e up to 从一地来到另一地;到达8.Thats fine. Ill take four, please. 很好,我要买四个。9.any other 其他的10.go ov

13、er to从一处到另一处;走过去11.Thats too much/expensive. Im afraid I cant afford it. 太贵了。我恐怕买不起。12.push a product推销产品13.Whats the price of.? 的价格是多少?14. four for a dollar 一元四个15. need to do 需要去做16. something good to eat 一些好吃的东西17.pay for 为付钱18. think of 想出19. Whats the price of=How much? 多少钱?20. sth cost sb.+钱 某

14、物花费某人钱21. be open 打开22. push the door 推开门23 on the ground 在地上24. be ready to do sth 准备好去做某事25. notice sb.doing sth 注意某人正在做某事26. supply sth to sb.=supply sb. with sth 向某人提供某物27. on business 出差28. business lingo 商务用语29. have a meeting 开会30. get a job 找到一份工作31. by cheque 用支票32.set a good example to sb. 给某人树立一个好榜


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