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1、Unit 5一、词汇测试。A.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. What will you do if you go to the old_ (folk) home to visit?2. Among the students Tom works the _ (hard). 3. Lucy cant go to school today because she is_ (bad) ill. 4. Many_ (charity) sent money to help the poor people.5. If you become a _ (profession) athlete like Yao

2、 Ming, you can make much money.B.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. He won the first place in the long jump, so he is a c_.2. That old man makes a l_ by collecting and selling waste paper. 3. My Chinese friends tell me Chongqing is f_ for “Hot Pot”. 4. They said they enjoyed t_ during the winter holidays.5. Jacks fa

3、ther is a l_; he knows a lot about law.二、用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. Thank you for_ (remind) me the time of his coming.2. When I came to the check-out, I_ (realize) that I had no money with me. 3. My English teacher always lets me_ (choose) the answer more carefully. 4. Tom is a good football player; he is good

4、 at_ (play) football.5. The students will go to the Summer Palace if it _ (not rain) tomorrow. 6. If you helped me with my English, I_ (not fail) the exam. 7. It_ (hurt) your eyes to read in such poor light.8. I like watching the children_ (swim) and jump.9. Mary asked Li Ming _ (help) him with his

5、Chinese.10. Can you finish _ (read) this book in five days?三、句型转换。1. Can you tell me how I can get to the nearest post office? (同义句) Can you tell me _the nearest post office?2. Work hard, or you will not pass the exam. (同义句) _you_ work hard, you will _ the exam. 3. They are having an English evening

6、. (用tomorrow作时间状语改写句子) They _ an English evening tomorrow.4. Some students go to school by bike every day. (同义句)Some students _ school every day.5. There is only one sheep on the farm. (对划线部分提问) _ are there on the farm?四、单项选择。( ) 1. Listen! Somebody is coming. No, _ is coming. I cant hear_.A. somebo

7、dy, anybody B. anybody, somebody C. nobody, anything D. somebody, somebody( ) 2. We _ go on a picnic if it _ rain tomorrow.A. dont, isnt B. dont stop C. shall, doesnt D. arent, doesnt( ) 3. He always thinks of _ more than himself.A. other B. others C. the other D. the others( ) 4.Get up early or you

8、 cant _ the early bus.A. catch B. catch up C. catches D. catches up with( ) 5. Da Shan speaks Chinese _ for us to understand.A. good enough B. enough good C. well enough D. enough well( ) 6. If you dont want to go swimming, I _.A. wont; too B. also wont C. wont, either D. wont ,neither( ) 7. He was_

9、 tired _ he couldnt go on working. A. tooto B. suchthat C. sothat D. toothat( ) 8. Its hard_ the work in two days. A. finishing B. to finish C. finish D. finishes( ) 9. Our teacher said sound_ much more slowly than light.A. traveled B. was traveling C. has traveled D. travels.( ) 10. I dont know if

10、she_. If she_, let me know.A. comes; comes B. will come; comes C. comes; will come D. will come; will come( ) 11. You_ to school tomorrow if you go to look after your mother in hospital.A. dont need come B. dont come C. neednt to come D. neednt come( ) 12. Everyone knows that “I” _ a word and also a

11、 letter in English.A. am B. is C. are D. be( ) 13. She said that she _ more time in English next year.A. will spend B. will take C. is going to cost D. would spend( ) 14. What an_ story! Im much _ in it.A. interested, interesting B. interesting, interestedC. interesting, interesting D. interested, i

12、nterested( ) 15. Oh, its you, Lily! _ you _ here.A. I dont know, were B. I didnt know, areC. I knew, are D. I think, were五、完形填空。Mr. Smith was an old miser (守财奴). He had a lot of 36 , but he never bought anything 37 . He and his wife lived in an old house outside the town. He often went to the shop 3

13、8 in order to save some money. In the 39 , as soon as it was dark in the room, he 40 . He had no TV but bought a cheap radio and often 41 the advertisements.The old man had no 42 , his wife was often ill. He wouldnt send her to the hospital. He thought he would 43 much to the doctors if they looked her over. He bought a few medical books and bought some 44 for her.One night, Mrs. Smith felt unwell.


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