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1、习思备考词汇与句型专项An imalsWords:1. arctic fox 北极狐2.cat 猫3. dog 狗4.puppy 小狗5. pig 猪6.duck 鸭7 rabbit 兔8.horse 马9. elepha nt 大象10. fish 鱼11.bird 鸟12.s nake 蛇13.mouse 老鼠14.rat大老鼠15.ka ngaroo 袋16. mo nkey 猴17.pa nda熊 猫18lion狮子19.tiger 老虎20.fox狐狸21.sheep绵羊22.chicke n 鸡23.chick 小鸡24.bear 熊25.squirrel 松鼠26.a nt蚂蚁2

2、7.deer 鹿28.giraffe 长颈鹿29.goose (geese 鹅30.zebra 斑马31.cow奶牛32.goat 山羊33.hen母鸡34.lamb 小羊35.butterfly 蝴蝶36.i nsect 昆虫37.ka ngaro o 袋鼠38. whale 鲸39.seal 海豹40.parrot 鹦鹉41.shark 鲨鱼42.hamster 仓鼠43.budgie 鹦鹉44.s nail 蜗牛45.hippo 河马46.wolf 狼47.frog 青蛙48.crocodile 鳄鱼49.goldfish 金鱼50.lemmi ng 旅鼠51.polar bear 北极

3、熊52.hare 野兔53.s nowy owl 雪枭54.ow 1猫头鹰55.bat蝙蝠56.ki ngfisher 翠鸟57.South China Tiger华南虎 58.swan 天鹅59.do nkey 驴60.bee蜜蜂Senten ces1. Act like a dog.2.Hunt like a mouse.3. Walk like an elepha nt.4. Climb like a bear.5. Fly like a bird.6. Jump like a squirrel.7. Feed the hens.8. Ride a horse.9. Milk a cow

4、.10. Shear a sheep.11. Hold a lamb.12. The giraffe is tall.13. The deer is shorl:.14. The panda is cute.15. The rabbit is funny. 16. The mon key is n aughty. 17. The tiger is strong.18. He s as gen tle as a lamb. 19. He s asrong as an ox.20. He s as fast as a horse.21. What s your favourite an imal?

5、 My favourite ani mal is习思备考词汇与句型专项(Family and job )I.Familygran dfather/gra ndad祖父,夕卜祖父father/dad 父亲/爸爸pare nts 父母husba nd丈夫brother兄,弟cousin 堂,表兄(弟)姐(妹) uncle 叔叔,舅舅,伯父 son 儿子 grandson 孙子grandmother / grandma 祖母,夕卜祖母 mother/mum 母亲 /妈妈 grandparents祖父母,外祖父母 wife妻子sister姐,妹twin孪生的,一对的aunt 姨母;姑母;伯母;婶母;舅

6、母 daughter 女儿gran ddaughte孙女How many people are there in your family?There are people in my family.Who your mother?Do you live in ? / Does your live in ?How old is yourgenius 天才superstar超级明星policeman 警察detective侦探thief 小偷,贼friend朋友pupil小学生stude nt学生teacher 教师driver司机worker 工人farmer农夫sin ger歌手hun ter

7、猎人athlete 运动员cyclist骑脚踏车的人clow n小丑bookworm书虫boss上司,老板secretary.秘书pilot飞行员dancer舞蹈演员artist 艺术家,画家model模特scien tist 科学家doctor医生,博士nurse护士,保姆player比赛者,表演者grown-up 成年人pen-pal笔友hero 英雄heroine巾帼英雄n eighbour令邻居guide导游witch巫婆officer警官,军官sheriff郡治安官,州长soldier 士兵,军人tourist 旅游者winner胜利者,优胜者What do you do ?What

8、 is your job?II . JobsWhats your work?How long have you work there? How long do you work every day?Do you enjoy your work ing there? How do you like your job?PlacesWords:l.library图书馆2. post office 邮局3.hospital 医院4.cinema电影院5.bookstore 书店 6.shop 商店7.school 学校8.ba nk 银行9.hospital 医院10. park 公园11.museu

9、m博 物馆 12.bus stop公 共汽车站13. train station 火车站14. tourist office 旅行社Senten ces:1. Excuse me, where is the library ?2. Ca n you tell me the way to? How cton-Fget3. Go straight ahead. Turn left. Turn right.4t s near / next to/ oppositeCoun tries & citiesWords:I. Chi na- Ch in ese 中国,中国人2. En gla nd En g

10、lish 英国,英国人3. the USA-America n 美国,美国人 4. Japa n- Japa nes 日本,日本人5.Australia -Australian澳大利亚,澳大利亚人 6.Spain-Spanish西班牙,西班牙人7. France-French 法国,法国人9. Canada-Canadian加 拿大,加 拿大人II. Korea-Korean 韩国,韩国人13.Beijing 北京14.Washington 华盛顿8.1 taly-Italian 意大利,意大利人lO.Germany-German 德国,德国人12. Brazil-Brazilian 巴西,巴

11、西人15. New York 纽约 16.Tokyo 东京17. Paris 巴黎 18.Sydney 悉尼 19.Rome 罗马 2O.Soul 首尔 21.Berlin 柏林22. London 伦敦 23. Madrid 马德里Senten ces:1. -Where are you from?.-Im from Chi na.2. -Are you Chinese ? Yes, I am./ No, I am not.3. -Beijing is the capital of China. Guangzhou is the capital of Guangdong.Home & Roo

12、mWords:1. house房子 2.room 房间 3.classroom课室 4.bedroom卧室5.living room 客厅 6.kitchen 厨房 7.bathroom浴室 8.dining room 饭厅9. study 书房 11.picture 图画 12.mirror 镜子 13.wardrobe衣柜14.lamp 台灯 puter电脑16.bed床 17.light 灯 18.sofa沙发19.chair 椅子 2O.desk 书桌21.table 桌子24.TV 电视 25.clock 钟26.phone电话28.washing maching 洗衣机29.air

13、-conditioner 空调32.window 窗户 33.floor 地板 35.broom 扫帚37.cup杯子38.glass玻璃杯39.bowl 碗41.spoon调羹,勺子 42.fork叉子Phrases:1. empty the trash 倒垃圾4. take a shower冲 中凉7.ope n the wi ndow 开窗10. have a sleep垂觉13. put on穿上,带上2. drink water 喝水5. read a book看书8. have a sn ack吃零食11. a nswer the phone听电话14. hang up 挂,晾16

14、. fold your dress 叠裙子 17.wash clothes 洗衣服19.use a computer 使用电脑 20.cook the meals 煮22.water the flowers 浇花23.write a letter 写信22.closet 23.plate碟子27.fridge 冰箱30.wall 墙 31.door 门36.trash bin 垃圾桶40.chopstick 筷子3. go to bed 睡觉6. make the bed 铺床9. watch TV看电视12. set the table摆餐具15. take off 脱下18. put away 把.放好21.sweep the floor 扫地Senten ces:1. -What can you do? I can wash clothes.2. -Can you set the table? Yes, I can./No, I ca3. -There is a mirro n on the wall.4. -Where is the box? Itsin / on / behin



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