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1、四年级英语下册期中测试卷及答案 听力部分一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。(每题1分。共5分)( ) 1. A his . ese C. tose( ) 2. A glss B. clas C. clc( ) 3. .shit . horts C schl( ) 4. alk B. wnt C wa( ) 5. Chiese B Cina C.Australa二、听录音,标序号。(共8分。) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选择你听到的句子。(每题2分,共1分)( )1.A.Th moneca jp adtl. Bhe mokey an jump and walk.( ).Lt

2、 goadask him,OK? BLets gand akind,OK?( )3.A.Miss Cats bananasare yello. BMiss Cats gs ae ell.( )4.A.We are n Grade For. .Warein ss ur( )A.Ti hose an thtis a pana B.Thsa pandaand that is a pnda四、听录音,选择对的的答语。(每题分,共10分)( )1. A. Yes,theyare. B.N,theare toy pans.( ) 2 Its biue. . Teyare brown.( ) 3. A es

3、,it Ay ach. B Iy wtch.( ) 4. A.Ys, I am. B. es,I d.( ) . A. Yes, I wat a parrot. . Ye,yo can. 笔试部分五、单选。(每题1分,共10分)( ). Whee_ tey_? I tinkthe ae form Xini. . is,frm .e,for C. ar,from ( ) 2. _ clasis Tom i? What B Whee .Who ( ) 3- re hse parrots? -_. A. No,t it B.Yes,heye C.No,t rn ( ) 4. Imin _wo, _S

4、ix. A clas,gade . s,grade C. Clas,Gre ( ) 5.I hae ewfiend.He is god at_. A run .ride C.wmi ( ) 6. This dress i_. A. yur sister .you sistes C. you siter ( ) .I hve a air o_. A shit Bsocks cat ( )-_ smy skr? -ts the ae. . Whre What CWse ( ) 9What oou areheshoes?-_ .Thyae bue . It bue C Teyre Tom ( )10

5、Im fm Tiet and he is formTibt,_. Ato B. t C. to 六、根据规定完毕下列小题。(每题2分,共10分)1.sthis ur res,ie?(做否认回答)No,_ _2es,I wanthe toyber. (根据答语写问句)_ _ helyour?3.I a romth A.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ fro th SA?.our glases areon your nse(对画线部分提问)_ are_glass?5.Theseare elehants.(改为单数句子)_七、情景交际。(每题2分,共1分)( ).上午起来,找不到袜子,你会问: A.Whr

6、e r ysocks? BWhereare my ht?( ).你想说你的短裤是白色的,应说: A.Mysks rewte. B y shorts arwhit.( )3.你是售货员,见到顾客应说: .Cn I hep you? B Can ou ee it?( )4.你捡到了一支钢笔,不知是谁的,你会问: Ahose isths? os this?( )5你指着远处的一群小鸟,向你的小弟弟说: A.his is hk ose rechiks.八、根据图片回答问题。(每题2分,共,10分)1. 2. -at arethee? -Wacolour i it?-_. -_. 4. -Whtisit

7、? -r areyo form,Am?-_. -_. -Where are m toycars? -_.九、选择合适的选项补全对话。(每题2分,共0分):Hi,m lce.B:,I Tom.cetomeet you,Ali.A:1_Areyu ne?B:Yes,I am.:._B: Im in lassFur.3_:No,Imin Cls The.4._:I formhe U.5._A:Im rrom the UA.A.What about yu? Biceo me you,Tom.Wa cass aryou in? D.e you in Clss our,too?E.Weearo rom?十

8、、阅读理解。(每题2分,共0分)I hv my farm(农场).Itsbig.I rbeaifl.And there aeany nimals on m farm.Look!her re chcksand pgThoe aroses,cs andshep.Iike ow vry muh.hey re htadbl.h,lk at the pigs!They are fatThreare mngreenpears and reaples on my far,too.I veryhppyn m far.根据短文内容判断正()误()( ). My farm is ml butbeutiful. (

9、 ) 2.Coare whi ndlack. ( )3.T are cicks n m fam( ) 4. Pearsre yellow ( ) 5.There are n pig on yfarm. 答案:听力材料:一、these 2. lass 3.scool4. walk 5. Chiese 二、.W:Wartse in tepicure?M:eyrteddy bars. 2.W:re hy Ca 3,Grade4?M:e,they are3.W:here s T from?M: He isfrm Canada.This pi of shors.5.W:Wa s Aie good at?M: Se is good at sngg三、1. The mok an jp and wlk.2. Les be go and sk frieds,O?3.Miss Cabnas re yellw.Weae n GradeFour.5. This a paa d th is a horse.四、1Are hey o planes?2What colour ae the shoe?3.Whose wtchi it?.eyou orm hanghai?5.Are they good at fihing?6.a avea parro?笔试答案:



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