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1、如何写建议信一:审题立意1.应用文范畴 2.常用一般现在时;以第二人称为主 3. 三段式: 首段:提出对方问题; 使用过渡句,引出下文。 主体段:针对其问题提出自己的建议/忠告(以三个左右为宜) 末段:总结建议、表达自己的祝愿。二:经典模板句子1. 首段:(起始句)I am sorry to hear that you have trouble /difficulty (in) doing sth(问题)。(过渡句)However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to help

2、 you. / I think you can make it if you follow the advice below.2. 主体段:过渡词 first/firstly/first of all/to begin with second/secondly/meanwhile/moreover/in addition/whats more / furthermore third/thirdly/finally/most important of all/last but not least3. 末段 As long as you act as what is mentioned above

3、, you will find the situation is not hard to settle/resolve/solve/deal with. They are only my personal suggestions. I hope they can do you a lot of good. Its only if you act as what is mentioned above and.that you.三:词汇积累1.对别人友好2有帮助的且忠实可信的全心全意地3乐于助人4.了解别人的喜好5.找到具有相同兴趣的朋友6参加讨论或更多的课后活动7不遗余力地帮助某人8患难见真情9

4、万事开头难10按照上面所说的那样做11做某事有困难.12听取某人的建议13回以微笑14此外,另外15我认为关心别人胜过关心自己很重要16绝对不要根据外貌和衣着来看一个人17成为一个好的倾听者18不同意某人19做某事比作某事要好 20众所周知21很重要22做某事没意义23这样做24处于麻烦之中25陪伴某人四:连词成句 如果你听取我的建议,这种状况是很容易改变的。 如果你向别人微笑,你就能让对方感觉很自在,这样别人肯定也会对你回以微笑。 我认为关心别人声国关心自己也很重要,同时决不能通过外貌和衣着来看一个人。 当你不同意别人时,讨论比吵架要好。 众所周知,相互吵架没有任何意义,且那样做除了伤害彼此

5、什么也解决不了。 最后一点但不是最不重要的一点,帮助别人以及忠实可信是非常重要的。 不论什么时候你的朋友有麻烦,都绝不要离他而去,而是要陪着他并不遗余力地帮助他。 记住:患难见真情。 (运用强调句型)只要你全心全意地对待别人,你就肯定会交到很多好朋友。五:组句成章Dear Xiao Dong: Im sorry to hear that you are having trouble in making friends. However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to he

6、lp you . To begin with ,to make friends, you must be friendly to others. Thus, smile is necessary. If you smile at others, you can make others feel at home and others are sure to give you a smile in return. I think it also important to think more of others than of yourself and you should never judge

7、 a person by his appearance and clothes. Secondly, youd better try your best to be a good listener. When you disagree with someone, its better to discuss than to quarrel. As everybody knows, there is no point quarreling with each other and nothing can be resolved by doing so except hurting each othe

8、r. Last but not least, being helpful and faithful is of great importance. Whenever your friend is in trouble, never leave him but keep him company and spare no efforts to help him. Remember: A friend in need is a friend indeed. It is only if you act as what is mentioned above and treat others wholeh

9、eartedly that you are sure to make a lot of good friends. Yours sincerely Miss Wang词汇积累:1.对别人友好Be friendly to sb.2有帮助的且忠实可信的Helpful and faithful全心全意地Wholeheartedly乐于助人Be wiling/ready to help sb.3.了解别人的喜好Learn about their likes and dislikes4. 找到具有相同兴趣的朋友Find friends with the same interest6参加讨论或更多的课后活

10、动join in a discussion and more after-class activities7不遗余力地帮助某人Spare no efforts to help sb.8患难见真情A friend in need is a friend indeed.9万事开头难All things are different before they are easy.10按照上面所说的那样做 Act as what is mentioned above11做某事有困难Have trouble/difficulty doing sth.12听取某人的建议Take ones advice13回以微

11、笑Give you a smile in return14此外,另外In addition15我认为关心别人胜过关心自己很重要I think it important to think more of others than of yourself.16绝对不要根据外貌和衣着来看一个人Never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.17成为一个好的倾听者Be a good listener18不同意某人Disagree with sb.19做某事比作某事要好Its better to do sth than to do sth 20众所周知As everybody knows,.21很重要Be of great importance=be very important22做某事没意义There is no point/sense doing sth23这样做By doing so24处于麻烦之中Be in trouble25陪伴某人Keep sb company



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