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1、11606采煤工作面消突评价报告 煤 矿 名 称 编 制 人 防突机构负责人 总 工 程 师 年 月 日center pin checks and anchoring the inner cylinder. According to While coupling alignment should keep oil out of cavity and locate the rotor axis neck raised are within the prescribed limits, there should be no gaps, Horn, Horn and Horn 0.05mm feel

2、er gauges fit into. Center coupling, condenser water filling and water-filled according to factory requirement. For coupling three supported rotor Center, the mouth under the coupling between the value should be as stipulated in the manufacturer, usually 0.150.25mm. In the case of coupling connectio

3、n, if possible, lifting only one bearing end of the support bearing of the rotor, remove the bearing, fitted with special tiles and special lifting tools, disc rotors, check the journal flutter tile, should generally be less than 0.10MM. When the couplings and rotor comes when there is a conflict, t

4、he coupling Centre shall prevail. shaft looking for: . Provisional bolt confirmed the positioning of the rotor size, as well as the coupling between the adjustment shim thickness accuracy, drawings to meet the technical requirements. Plane, cylindrical and clean the coupling bolt

5、holes should be clean and without burrs, scrap iron and grease-free, relative position of the coupling according to the drawing requirements are. Coupling top screws, round distance apart, indicators to monitor movement of the aircraft, its value is allowed to pass the value axis moving, mounted adj

6、ustment pads, note pads installation direction guide pin coupling with process end closed. The back wheels slowly tightened, when 2mm or so, with standard white bars where two back wheel bolt hole measurement above and below, confirm two back wheel bolt hole concentricity. Then, the symmetrical hori

7、zontal mount two temporary bolts tightened, attention to monitor dial indicator, then install the symmetrical temporary bolts, this time sites slowly moving rotor, in the measured circumference of 8 equal parts back wheel rim rock, each measuring relative changes in value should be less than 0.02mm.

8、 coupling reamed and paired bolt reaming die reamer, adjustable reamers, boring mill, in several ways. General requirements before reaming or boring,七公里煤矿11606采煤工作面消突评价报告评价组成员签字表序号项目或专业姓名所属单位现任职务备注1编制人员23评审人员456评审组长目 录前 言2一、编制依据2二、评价范围2三、评价过程简述2第一章 基本情况3第一节 工作面基本情况3一、工作面与周边关系3二、工作面

9、与地表关系3三、煤层及瓦斯情况3四、工作面通风情况4第二节 瓦斯情况5一、矿井瓦斯情况5二、工作面瓦斯赋存5第三节 矿井瓦斯抽放系统6第二章 区域综合防突措施8第一节 区域预测8第二节 区域防突措施9一、开采保护层9二、预抽回采工作面瓦斯9第三节 区域措施效果检验9第四节 区域验证10第三章 评价过程及依据12第四章 最终评价结论13附图:1、 矿井通风系统示意图2、 11606采煤工作面抽放钻孔平面设计图3、 11606采煤工作面抽放钻孔竣工图前 言一、编制依据1、煤矿安全规程(2010版);2、煤矿瓦斯抽采基本指标(AQ1025-2006);3、预抽回采工作面煤层瓦斯防治煤与瓦斯突出措施效

10、果评价方法(MT/T 1037-2007);4、防治煤与瓦斯突出规定。二、评价范围评价范围为11606采煤工作面原切眼煤壁往外90m(运输巷11点后26m至运输巷开口位置范围内,回风巷11点至回风巷开口位置范围内)段。三、评价过程简述1、项目可行性分析根据已采取的区域防突措施,其措施的控制范围及经抽放后的残余瓦斯压力或残余瓦斯含量达到防治煤与瓦斯突出规定的要求(小于0.74 MPa),可进行评价。2、成立评价组组长:牛永文 成员:游尔燚 高家宝 魏玉宝 3、矿技术部门收集相关资料,整理汇总后进行评价工作,得出最终结论并形成评价报告。第一章 基本情况第一节 工作面基本情况一、工作面与周边关系11


12、1606工作面布置在16#煤层中,煤层最大厚度为2.0m,最小厚度为1.6m,平均厚度为1.8m,煤层厚度较稳定,煤层倾角为7,容重1.5t/m3;工作面的走向长345m、倾斜长80m,回风巷平均埋深259m,运输巷平均埋深为242.5m,工作面采用炮采落煤,全部垮落法管理顶板,采煤工艺为打眼-装药(分段装药)-移溜-回料-打柱-连线-分段起爆临时支护-出煤。 根据贵州省织金县织金煤矿区文家坝井田南段精查地质报告中煤层瓦斯分析表中提供的数据,矿井+1200m标高以上M16煤层瓦斯含量平均约为14.19m3/t。 16号煤层瓦斯压力实测值测定地点煤层底板标高(m)煤层埋深(m)瓦斯压力(Mpa)回风井上段1446750.08辅助进风井外段14481130.35主平硐外段14431270.45主平硐里段14282150.52辅助进风井里段14243230.72 16号煤层瓦斯含量预测值测定地点煤层埋深(m)瓦斯含量(m3/t)回风井上段752.11辅助进风井外段1132.82主平硐外段1272.24主平硐里段2152.63辅助进风井里段3232.8516号煤层瓦斯压力增长梯度为0.29Mpa/100m.四、工作面通风情况矿井采用分列式通风,安装FBCDZ-NO17/290型防爆轴流对旋式通风机,采煤工作面采用“U”型通风,配风量为756m3/min。



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