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1、 初一基本测试题考试时间:0分钟 温馨提示:本试题用于考察前段时间所学内容,题目比较容易,望在规定期间内完毕!一 单项填空1. -What clour is the bk? -ts _ oran.A. n B. a C D t. Thisnte ba.Its _. A. m B I C mie D. e3. -Oh, your ie isvery nce. -_ A. Ta ight B. No, s notne C.Yes,it . Thn u4 The woman sixy, bt se _youn. A.i Bsee Clook D.watch. Its im_ln. t go hoe.

2、 A o B i C fo . n. -_ s your ca? -he black on. A.Wat B. Wh C. hic D. o7-_stoy?-It n thed A. Wh B. here C. Wha D. hos. The shoesar too old.t_ over thre. A. it they C. their . them9. Euse me. Ca you _ my watch, ease? A. look B. ok ike C. ooafe . lok at10. Lok _ thebckoa ad liten _ h techer. A./ / B at

3、; o C. after;/ D. on;afer1. -Whoe ress s tis? -Its _. A. Lucy BLuys C. Jim DJims2. The irl _ he prp ot i is ister.A. t B.inC.on D. wth1. Theis a bird_he tr. A i . o . to D o14. Ther areman _ in or scol. wman teaher . wmn teacher C. womn tacher D. wmn tachers15. -s thee a balluder tedek? -_. . es, it

4、is B. e, ther . o, hee ist D o, there is16. here_se bokanpencl nthe es.Aa .i C. are D. 17.-Let mehelp yu. -_. A oue welcoe B. Tank very muh C. Dont wry DYes, ths18. _ old mn s _nglishtecher A Te;a B. A; an CThe; the D. A;a1. -hat _ iv plu ix? -Its eeen. A am B. is C are D. /20. -Wha _ yo see in the

5、pcture? -Ian ssom flos us B.an C. are D d二. 完形填空 Ts i a picture of Kt_1_. hat canw _2_ in he pictu? Look _3_t, plae. heman _ teblac at is Kaes ather, Mr. reen. Te_5_i the red seate isrs. ree. They_6_youg. The bbyis Kate.The litte bo isaes _, Ji _8_ te abehin rs. rn? Oh,hes _9_ bthe,Mr.Read. He _1_ y

6、oung, too.1. A. flie B. fiy parnts D. rother2.A o B. do C. se .t. A. at . ft . or Dup4 A. B.f .in Dto5 A. mn B. gi women D. mn6. . are B.is C. ooklike D.looking7 A. siser . brther . athr D. aunt8 A hts BWe C. os .ow s9. A. is B. hr C. ur D. thir10 A. loksBa . lok D. very三. 在B栏中找出A栏英语句子的对的答语 (A) (B)1

7、How re yo? I am n Rw62. Can y spl i,plas? B Fine, ank you. Howdo yo d? C. Yes, b-o-, book.4. Wh roware yon? D. It i ten5. Whas toplus eigh? E. Nce to eet yu, too.6.Ncetmeo. F. Iam 14.7 How ld are ou? ng Ping is.8. Whosnt her? H. Its ee9. Where is thg? I. Is oo10. Wat isths in Enish? J How dyou o?四.

8、完毕对话:在对话背面的句子中选出对的的填入空白处im: Exuse me, Ann. os black dgists? Is tours?n: Lemhaea oo._1_. I tink its ms.y dog is rwn.Jim: m, look a te dogbehinh tee._2_?Sa: ory, it is m My do ac a wite I thik t lookslike MarysJim: _3_?Sam: Shes m find Loo! Shes over hre e gond ask h.Jm: _4_.Sm: H, May! Ita dgyrs?Mary

9、: _5_.Sm: Its velydog! Dnt los i!Mar: Ye, thank youA. hos Mar K,les oC. Oh, o itsnt meD.,es. Its ieE. s it yors五. 用所给单词的合适形式填空1. _ (H) en is i_ (I)pencilbox.2. _(o)shoe_ (e) une th d.3. _ (Wo) newule isthis?4. -A these trousers _ (yu)? -No, he ant _(w)5.stie _ (go) a play aes6. Thi is y pe. Please give i t _ (I)7. I have to _ (baby).8. ook! Tht is a _(China) a. I is_ (mytecher) swetr10. Nw her _(pnt) are inAmeria.六. 阅读理解 (A) Bo a bor in a biand ic faily. Hs faer a uiversityprfssor. He tahs Ameicanhistoy. H mother s aecapable womn. S is the manarof bi compay.She ens a lt of moe, co


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