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1、2009-2010上学期期中测试八年级英语试题一 单选(20分)( )1.There will be _pollution and _trees in the future.A. more,much B.less,many C. less,more( )2.The old man lives in a _ house _.A.lonely ,alone B. alone, lonely C.lonely,lonely( )3.There are _ of students in the school, but only _of them are girls.A. hundreds, two h

2、undred B. hundred ,two hundreds C. hundreds, two hundreds ( )4.What do you think your life _ in ten years.A.will be B. will like C. will be like ( )5.She didnt write _ so she didnt pass the test.A. careful enough B.carefully enough C. enough careful ( )6.Whats the best gift you _ ? - A camera to my

3、dad.A.have given B. have received C. received( )7. Im _ at the _ news.urprise ,surpising B.surprised, surprising C.surprising,surprised( )8.How much did you _ for the gift ?A.spend B. pay C. cost ( )9.I agree _ all of them _ you .A.with , for B. to ,and C. with , except ( )10.I dont know if she _ ba

4、ck .If she _ back, I will let you know first.A.comes, comes B.will come ,comes C.will come ,will come( )11.I find _ difficult to get on _ him.A. that ,with B.this ,with C.it ,with ( )12.There are so many kinds of pens here. I cant decide _.A. where to choose B.to choose with C.which one to choose( )

5、13. I dont know _ .A.where is your ID card B.where your ID card is C.your ID card is where( )14.The best time _is July . You can spend a happy time _.A. fish ,fishing B. to fish, fishing C.fishing ,fishing( )s not right _you _ to school late.A.of , to get B. for, to get C.for ,get ( )16.People will

6、live _ 200 years old . A. to B. to do C. to be( ) 17.The old man has _ friends , so he often feels lonely.( )18. What does this paper _ ? A. write B. say C. says( )19.If you become rich, you will have a difficult time _ your real friends.( )20. Dear, can you _ Mike ? I am busy cooking now. A. dress

7、B. put on C. wear二 完形填空(10分) The best way of learning a language is by_21_it. The best way of learning English is to speak English as _ 22_ as possible . Sometimes youll get your words mixed up and people will not_23_ you. Sometimes people will speak too _24_ and you cant catch them. But if you keep

8、 your sense of humor (幽默感), you can always have a good laugh _25_ the mistakes you make . _26_ be unhappy if people seem to be laughing. Its _27_ for people to be laughing at your mistakes than to be angry _28_you when they dont understand_29_ you are saying. The most important rule for learning Eng

9、lish is “Dont be afraid of making mistakes. _31_ makes mistakes.”( ) 21. A. use B. using C. to use ( )22. A. much B.many C. little ( )23.A. understand B.see C. hear( )24. A.slowly B.loudly C. quickly( ) 25.A. for B. at C. with( ) 26. A. Not B. Dont( ) 27 . A.much better B. much good C.very better( )

10、 28( ) 29.A. What ( ) 30. A. Anybody B. all C. Nobody三、词汇部分 (15分)A. 根据首字母填空 (5分)1、Mark is going to o_ a party this weekend.2. Do you think there will be r_ in our homes.3. You dont know his adress .I dont know it , e_ .4. I a_ with my friends about the things yesterday.5. There are many workers in t

11、he f_ .B. 用所给词的正确形式填空。(10分)1. If he _ (not do) his homework, hell be sorry.2. There _ (be) an English movie next Sunday.3. Today is her _ (twenty) birthday.4. Why not _ (ask) your teacher for help?5. What about _ (get) a scarf for your mother.6. My friend Sally exercises every day. So she is the _ (

12、healthy) in our class.7.Ask the students _ (not talk) in class.8. The girl _ (call)Lucy is my best friend.9.Its _ (bore) to listen to the same story.10. Gift _ (give) is different in different countries.四、 句式转换 (5 分)1 The girl is eight years old. (同义句) This is _ _ girl.2. They will come back in two

13、days.(划线部分提问)_ _ will they come back?3. I dont know what I should do .(同义句)I dont know what _ _.4.The box is very small . The dog cant sleep in it.(合并句子)The box is _ small for the dog _ _ in .5. The monitor is never late for school, _ _ ?(完成反意疑问句)五、情景交际(共15分)A. 阅读下面的对话,从方框里7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成对话,并将其标号填入

14、前面的括号内。(5分)A. Then you will always be very busy . B. Do you like traveling ?C. But how about your English ?D. I see .E. Its hard to see.F. What do you want to be in the future ?G. What about traveling ?Li Ping ( A ) and Yang Bin ( B ) are talking about what they are going to do in the future .A:What are you going to do after lea


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