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1、M8U11. recommend sth. to sb. 像某人推荐 -2. antique 古董3. the language characteristics 语言特点4. have nothing to do with 与 - 无关5. have a place in 在- 中有一席之地6. an award-winning film 获奖影片7. bother to do sth. 费力去做 -8. contemporary life 当代生活9. novel 小说 ; novelist 小说家10. one chapter at a time 每次一章11. A great write

2、r is lost to the world. 世界失去了 - 。12. author 作者13. drug abuse 毒品滥用abuse sb. 虐待某人abuse ones trust 辜负信任abuse the authority 滥用职权14. a desperate criminal 绝望的 /走投无路的罪犯 be desperate to do sth. 非常想做 -be desperate for sth. 极端渴望 -desperately adv. desperation n.15. tension 紧张16. a twist in plot 情节的曲折 hatch a p

3、lot 密谋 plot (plotted)17. generous adj.Generosity n.18. become vain and ashamed of19. have rigid ideas 有固执的想法20. civil adj.21. be bent on doing 一心要做 -22. theme 主题23. on the run 在逃跑中的24. violent 暴力的 violence n.25. a gifted painter 一个有天赋的画家26. live up to ones expectations 不辜负 - 的期望27. millionaire 百万富翁2

4、8. reunite with 和 - 重新团聚29. resist 抵抗,抵制30. be bound together 被束在一起31. be worn out 被穿破,累垮32. brand new 崭新的33. have little talent for 对- 几乎无天赋34. let out a sad sigh 发出一声叹息35. Up flew the kite. 风筝往上飞了。36. the greedy stepmother 贪婪的后妈37. wear wags 穿得破破烂烂的38. get possession of sth. 掌控39. come to ones res

5、cue 拯救某人40. supreme 极好的41. have a reputation for 有 - 的名声42. a poor family with many debts 负债累累的家庭 be in debt 负债的 pay off one s debts 还清债务43. a monument in honor of sb. 纪念某人的纪念碑 / 馆44. adore 崇拜; 非常喜欢 adorable adj.45. touch on strong feeling 涉及 -46. be intended to be 是为 - 而设计的47. in tune ( 音乐,节奏 ) 合拍4

6、8. melt 融化M8U21. the universal language 世界语言2. be cast in = play a role in 在 - 中扮演角色3. couldn tbe a more awesome film= a best film4. a stubborn and cruel princess 一个固执冷酷的公 主5. be condemned to death 被判处死刑6. ask for her hand in marriage 向女子求婚7. fall in love with sb. at first sight 对 -一见钟情8. disturbing

7、 令人不安的9. be unwilling to do sth. 不愿做某事10. seize sb. 逮住某人11. demand that sb. should do sth.12. evident = obvious13. scold sb. for sth. 责备某人某事14. mercy n. 同情 merciful adj.15. meet the deadline 在截至期前16. an opportunity= a good chance 良机17. make friends with 和 -交朋友18. on the pop chart 在流行音乐榜上19. have its

8、 roots in 根源于20. have a tendency to do- 倾向于= tend to do -21. spring up 快速大量出现22. on the decline 在下降中 decline the requests 拒绝请求23. think of sth. as 把 - 看作= view sth. as24. become a hit on the charts 成为榜单上的大热门25. seek to do sth. 寻求 - ( sought )26. prejudice and discrimination 偏见和歧视27. come close to 接近

9、,靠近28. break up with sb. 和某人分手 The team broke up. 队伍解体了。 Their marriage broke up. 婚姻解体了。M8U31. still lifes 静物画2. have an output of 出产量为3. architecture 建筑; architect 建筑师4. experiment with 用 - 尝试5. reach a consensus/ agreement 达成一致意见6. come on the market 上市销售7. calculate 计算 calculation n.8. be typical

10、 of 是 -的典型 (风格,做派等 )9. abandon the idea= give up the idea 放弃10. impression n. 印象impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的be impressed by 对 -印象深的11. light and shadow 光与(阴)影12. commit(ted) oneself to doing sth. 全身心投入做 某事 = devote oneself to doing mit a crime 犯罪commit sb./oneself to (doing) sth. 使保证做 - , 承诺 -commit a ma

11、n to hospital. 把-转交 -保留 /处理13. receive a great reward for his effort 努力得到回 报reward sb. for sth.= give sb. a reward for sth. 回报 某人14. be worth upwards of millions of dollars 价值超过 百万美元15. be off to 出发去 -16. an art gallery 画廊17. passer(s)-by 过路人18. souvenir 纪念品19. gain admission to the university 被大学录取

12、= be admitted to20. reflect the scenery of 反映了 的风光21. win a scholarship 赢得奖学金22. The painting measures three metres tall.这幅画高三米。23. be made out of slices of bread 用面包片做成24. put on the apron 穿上围裙25. a variety of 一系列的,各种各样的26. cut up tomatoes 切碎西红柿27. draw the outline 勾勒轮廓28. lay out 布局,展开29. sound di

13、sgusting 听起来恶心30. dip(ped) into the ink 蘸墨水31. have a go (at sth.)= have a try 试一试32. try sth. out 实验,尝试M8U41. representative 代表人2. be financed by 受- 资助3. in defence of sb.= in one s defence 为- 辩护4. point out 指出5. regardless of 不管,不考虑6. make no restriction(s) on 对 - 无限制7. deliberately= on purpose 故意

14、地8. boycott 联合抵制9/ hatch a plan/ plot 密谋10. on a modest budget 依靠11. be sponsored by 受- 资助12. be exposed to 暴露于;接触 exposure n.13. contradict sb./sth. 抵触;和 - 相矛盾 = disagree with sb. Be contradictory to sth. = not correspond with14. resemble sth. in sth. 在 - 和相似 = be similar to- in -15. reject the ide

15、a16. lose the edge as 失去 - 的优势17. a broad range of 一系列的18. in the minority 处于少数 (处于多数 in the majority )19. overlook = ignore, miss 忽视 Overlook the sea 俯瞰大海20. have a chance to 有可能做某事 It s likely that- =Chances are that-21. have a preference for 偏好 -22. top-ranking 顶尖的23. give out awards 发出奖项24. be swift t o do sth. 迅速25. finish the laundry 洗好衣服26. such a disappointment 让人如此失望的事27. tiresome 讨厌的28. shoot a


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