【教学设计】Unit 5 Lesson 1(人教版).docx

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1、Unit 5 Famous PeopleLesson 1 教材分析本节课是第五单元的第一课时,这节课主要以介绍名人为主,主要引导学生学会介绍人物,学会使用“what do you know about sb? ” 句式 以及“be good at doing sth” , 表示某人擅长做某事。 教学目标【知识目标】1. 学会“what do you know about sb?询问对方是否了解某人。2. 学会be good at doing sth.3. 扩展对更多名人的了解。【能力目标】通过本节课的学习,学生可以灵活使用重点句式,提高与别人的交流能力,并扩展学生对名人资料的收集能力。【情感目

2、标】提高学生之间的合作与交流能力,增加学生热爱学习,用于求知的探索精神,增强学生在交流过程中的成就感。 教学重难点【教学重点】本节课重点以图片的形式向学生展示名人,以小组讨论的形式询问对名人的了解,并可以运用本节课的重点句子进行相应的作答。【教学难点】学生可能需要用大量的时间搜集关于名人的资料,如果知识匮乏,可能在交流的过程中遇到障碍,需要教师扩展学生的知识范围。 课前准备 Multimedia. 教学过程Step 1. WarmupLook at these pictures, what do you know about them? Give the students five minut

3、es to talk about them. Then ask some students to give the answers.This is Thomas Edison in the first picture. He was American. He was an inventor. He invent electric light.This is Xu BeiHhong in the second picture. He was Chinese. He was artist. He painted the famous horse.This is Jean-Henri Fabre i

4、n the third picture. He was French. He was scientist. He studied insects.This is Li Bai in the fourth picture. He was Chinese. He was poem. He wrote many famous poems.This is Hans Christian Andersen in the fifth picture. He was Danish. He was writer.He wrote many famous works.Step 2. Read and talkTh

5、e teacher divided the class into two groups and act the dialogue. The first group act Bill, the second one act Joy.Bill: What do you know about Libai?Joy: He was Chinese. He was a poet.He was good at writing poems.Bill: what do you know about Xu beihong?Joy: He was Chinese, too. He was an artist.He

6、was good at painting horse.Ask some students to answer the following questions:1. what was Li Bai good at?2. Was Xu Beihong an artist.Step 3. Learn important sentencePlease describe what are you good at? And use “I am good at”Ask some students to give the answers. .I am good at drawing.I am good at

7、singing.I am good at playing football.The teacher ask the students to master the important sentence” I am good at doing sth .”.Step 4. Learn new wordsThe teacher show some pictures and help the students remember the new words.Artist, actor, musician, writer, scientist, inventor, Chinese, German, Dan

8、ish, English, American, compose, national, anthem, Beijing opera, Shrimp, invent, light, bulb, storyThe students read the new words after the teacher until the students can read and remember them. 方式:可以采取跟读、分组读和自读等方式。Step 5. Practice and writeLook at the above posters, and fill in the following blanks.Then the teacher ask some students to answer.This is Li Bai, He was _. He was a _.He was good at _.This is Xu Beihong . He was an _.He was good at _.The teacher talk with the students about the answer.Step 6. HomeworkRecite the text.Master the new words. 教学反思略。


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