九上地三单元 讲义.doc

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1、unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes 重点单词:silly earring concentrate study design present opportunity volunteer experience mess sleepy newsletter achieve importance succeed point 重点词组:instead of stay up concentrate on at present in a mess ole peoples home in the way be of imp

2、ortance care about 重点语法:被动语态 倒装句1. Teenagers should be allowed to 公呕吐with their friends every night.Allow allow sb to do sth. S.b is allowed to do sth The boy allows his dog sleep with him.E,g. 1.We students are allowed to join the Party. 2.They are not allowed to go into the school unless they are

3、in school uniforms.3. Is he allowed to go alone?二 Sixteen-year-old students should be allowed to get their ears pierced.Get s.th.done使得某事被做Have s.th. doneE.g. When did you have your hair cut recently?We had our new house rebuild.He made his girlfriend cry.练习:1. 他妈妈太忙了,所以每到周末就让人把他们的房子打扫一下。2. He just

4、got the his drivers license._3. 你早上整理床铺了吗三 He should stop wearing the silly earings. He should be stopped wearing the silly earings .Stop to do sth,Stop doing sth.E.g.T he students stopped talking when the teacher came in.He stopped smoke.He stopped smoking.四 He needs to spend time with friends.need

5、 to do sth.1.Do you need any paper?2.He needs time to buy something.3.The bike needs mending again.Spend 花费,度过All people had spent a relaxing summer vocation.Did you spend a good night?观察下面的句子:She spent 24yuan on the earings.She spent 24yuan (in) buying the earings.The earings cost her 24 yuan.She p

6、aid 24yuan for the earings.It took her 24yuan to buy the earings.你得出结论了吗?如何区别 take spend cost ,pay 五倒装句-We have a lot of rules t my house.-So do we.She has had lunch at school, so have we.1.肯定句:so+ 助动词/情态动词/beWe wont attend the meeting ,if she doesnt go.She didnt attend the meeting,neither did we.2.

7、 否定形式:neither + 助动词/情态动词/be3. 其他形式的倒装句:副词和介词短语放到句首的时候句子要用倒装句。E.g. There are 3 boys and 2 girls playing on the playground.Look, there goes the bell.Hurry up!there comes the bus.Hardly had he got up early.At the foot of the Great Wall stands an tall old tree.注意:当句子的主语是名词的时候句子用倒装,但是当句子的主语是人称代词的时候句子不用倒装

8、。Here you are!There they run!Here is your book.练习:1.-Do you think we need a coffee pot? -I dont drink coffee,and _its not necessary.why not a tea service? A. So do we B.neither you do C. So you do D. Neither do you 2. I will stay at home,_A. So she is B. Neither is she C.so will she D.neither is she

9、 六 “也”too also either as well She also taught us maths as well.You can take either of the book.Either of us has finish the task.Jerry didnt stop complain.七 Stay up She is allowed to stay up until 11oclock.We stayed up till after midnight to see the New Year in.八 Do you worry that you will fail a tes

10、t? I m very sorry to hear that you failed the exam last term.Both of us failed in the test.九 (表语从句)The problem is that all my clsassmates think the uniforms are ugly.The trouble is that we have a lot of work to do day and night.The problem is that both our parents and teachers think that we would li

11、ke to contrate on our clothes than our studiesWould like to do sth.Would like to do sth rather than do sth.1.Little baby would like to stay with family rather than stay with strangers.2.The soldier would like to die rather than live with his knees bent.3. I must concentrate more on my new task.4. Md

12、dle school students should concentrates on their studies.练习:1.当我累得时候我就不能集中精力了。 2. 她睡觉的时候宁愿灯开着也不愿灯关着。 3. The boy is weak _Chinese.But he is good _ math. 4. The works wear glasses to keep their eyes _. A. Safe B.safely C. to safe D. To be safe 十一 Have chance to do sthLast year I had an opportunity to

13、volunteer at the local hospital.Do you have an opportunity to communicate with foreigners.At presesnt they had no chance to take part in the Olympic Games.十二 Should I be allowed to make my own decisions? (reading)1. He is on the school team and has always wanted to be a professional athlete.Professi

14、onalprofessionprofessiorwanted to be2. My wife and I have watched him every one of his races.(同意句转换)3. But we do think that our son needs to realistic.he needs to think about what will happen if he doesnt become a professional runner in the end.If you work hard ,you will achieve your good dream.He achieved his dreams at last.4. My parents have taught me the importance of working hard and not just to to what I enjoyed.the importance of the importance of independence the importance of trust What I enjoyedI dont know what to do .He thinks that its very i


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