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1、Unit4 (错题)一、根据句意及中英文提示,写出相应的单词。1. Do you do morning (锻炼)every day?2. Does David do afterschool (活动)in the English Club?3. Lets play the game (one), we should sit round the table.4. We should (练习)speaking English every day.5. There are (少数的,几乎没有) people in the room.6. Millie is late for school. She i

2、s a good student.7. My father is ( not in ). He isnt at home. 8. There is a ( not much ) milk in the bottle .9. I often have a with my classmates about our class meeting on Monday afternoon.10. I you have a good time at the party.二、用in, on 或at 填空1. My father often reads newspapers breakfast.2. We us

3、ually have a party for the New Years Day the night of December 31st.3. Children in China star school the age of 6.4. The boy was born a cold winter morning. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. What your brother (do)this weekend?2. Sally wants ( be )a teacher when she grows up (长大).3. We often (swim)in the swimming poo

4、l in summer.4. Wednesday (come)after Tuesday.5. We all know how (do)the work.6. You can drink some water after eat some bread.7. That girl practises ( read ) English every morning. 8. Its time for you (walk) home now. Dont stay out too late.9. It takes Millie about ten minutes (walk) to school every

5、 morning.10. Their first class ( start ) at 8:00 in the morning.11. After supper, my father and I go (walk) for an hour.12. Millie begins (class ) at 2:00 p.m.13. Sandy is from England . She is my (good ) friend.14. Mike is a happy man. He has ( happy )all his life.15-How many ( lesson ) do you have

6、 in the afternoon?-We have three.16.Does a snake( 蛇 )have ( foot ) .17. I am very busy and I dont have much time ( write ) to my penfriend . 18. George, (open) the door, please. 四、 选择填空。1. David often practises English songs under the tree.A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sings2. the morning of the

7、weekends, many people go dancing by the lake.A. On B. In C. At D. Of3. We clean our room every Sunday morning.A. on B. in C. / D. at 4. Monday can not help people, but we can not do anything without (没有) it.A. always ; 不填 B. always ; usually C. 不填 ; sometimes D. never ; only5. This shop is from 8:00

8、 to 9:00 p.m. It at 9:00 p.m.A. opens ; closes B. open ; closes C. opened ; close D. close ; open6. We have seven lessons every day. And Maths my favourite subject.A. are B. is C. does D. do 7. -Can you on time?-No problem, Nancy.A. wake up me B. wake up C. wake me up D. wakes me up8. Ill see a doct

9、or two the afternoon October 12.A. at ; on ; of B. at ; on ; on C. in ; on ; of D. both A and B9. Day is on June 1.A. Childs B. childrens C. Childrens D. Childrens10. March 8 is Day.A. womans B. womens C. Womens D. Womens11. -When is Christmas Day? -Its on .A. October 31 B. October 1 C. December 25

10、D. January 112. I often get up eight Sunday morning.A. at ; at B. at ; in C. at ; on D. in ; on13Is it time have lunch? A. to B. in C. for D. at 14. She is a polite girl. She often says thanks others. A. to B. with C. about D. for 15. You like English very much. What about ? A. his B. he C. her D. s

11、he 16. She is a polite girl. She often says thanks others. A. to B. with C. about D. for 五、句型转换1Lucy helps me and I help Lucy,too.(同义句)Lucy and I . 2. We help Kitty clean the windows every week.(划线部分提问) Kitty clean the windows every week.(划线部分提问)3. Our school library is usually open from 8:00 a.m. t

12、o 4:00 p.m. (划线部分提问) School library usually open?4. I would like to say hello to my grandpa.(划线部分提问) like to say to your grandpa?5. Get up, Jim. (改否定句) .Jim.6. The boy on the bike is my classmate. (划线提问) your classmate?7. He does his homework every evening. ( 划线提问 ) he his homework?六、 汉译英1我不知道今天做什么。I today.2我弟弟每天下午四点半进行课外活动。My brother every day.3我妈妈每天早上六点半叫醒我。My mother every morning.4. 你们每天几点钟做早操? What time every day?5 我很喜欢上学。I enjoy studying in 4 / 5


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