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1、Units 110 综合能力评估第I卷(选择题,共65分)一、听力部分(共20分)IJim的父母恰巧都要出差,他需要独自照料自己几天。请听临走之前他的妈妈在叮嘱他什么事情。你们从下面的图中选择相应的图画()(10分)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPII听录音,请将每个人与其所做事情的目的用线连接起来。(5分)PeopleWhich one is tryingAnnato save energyRosato recycleLily Kingnot to harm animalsMarkto re-use rubbish in different waysMarianot to cause pol

2、lutionIII. Jack和Rose在路上遇到了什么事情?请听录音。选择正确的选项(5分) 1. What were Jack and Rose doing on that Saturday morning? AThey were looking for a monkey. BThey were going to play in the park CThey were going to see Roses grandparents 2. What did they do when they found the little monkey? AThey sent the monkey to

3、the circus at once BThey asked a policeman for help CThey took the monkey home right away 3.What did the policeman mean by saying “take the monkey to the zoo”? ATo sell the monkey to the zoo BTo find the monkeys mother in the zoo CTo ask the zoo-keeper to look after the monkey 4. What did they think

4、 about the policemans words? AThey thought the policeman was asking them to find a home for the monkey BThey thought the policeman asked them to play with the monkey in the zoo CThey didnt think it was a very good idea. So they went away. 5. What were they going to do with the monkey this Sunday? AT

5、hey were going to see Roses grandparents BThey were going to a birthday partyCThey were going to send it back二、笔答部分(共45分) I单项选择(15分) 1 Does he study_ working_ his friends? Ain; by Bon;with Cby;with Dby;on 2 What about_ spoken English after class? Apractice Bpracticed Cto practice Dpracticing 3. I am

6、 very _ in typing, _ I am not good at it. A. interested; but B. interested; and C. interesting; so d. interesting; or 4. There used to be a boarding school there, _? A. dont there B. didnt there C. isnt there D. doesnt there 5. Do you think eighteen-year-olds _? A. should allow smoke B. should be al

7、lowed smoke C. should be smoking D. should be allowed to smoke 6. We should allow them to choose _. A. their own lifestyle B. them own lifestyle C. theirs own lifestyle D. they own lifestyle 7. If I_ you, I _ give it to Microsoft research. A. am; will B. am; would C. were; would D. was; would 8. Mum

8、 is very proud _ her son. A. for B. of C. to D. with 9. By the time we _ there, the bus _. A. got; had left B. get; left C. got; left d. got; has left 10. Wheres Jill? She _ in the office. I saw her there just now. A. may be B. must be C. can be d. should be 11. She likes music _ she can sing along

9、_. A. which; to B. who; with C. whom; to D. that; with 12. Is he the boy _ youre looking _? A. that; B. which; for C. who; for D. whom; 13. Would you like some tea? _. A. Give me a cup B. I dont like it at all C. Thanks, But Im not hungry C. Yes, please 14. Where have you _? I have _ the teachers of

10、fice. A. gone; gone to B. gone; been to C. been; been to D. been; gone to15. When _ this stone bridge_ ? In 1935.A. did; build B. was; built C. does; build D. is; builtII.完形填空(10分) 根据汉语提示,在下面这篇展望未来的科技小短文中的空白处填入适当的单词,使句意正确、完整(10分) 在将来,生活会更美好。家家有可视电话(visionphone),不出门就可以看病、买东西。孩子步可以在家里通过电视和广播接受教育。有机器人为

11、你干家务活。有些人可能去月球度假,有些科学家可能在海底生活。 In the future, life will 16 much better. Maybe there will be visionphones in every 17 . People can have a medical examination without a 18 or nurse in the room and do some 19 without leaving their homes. And what 20 education? There will be more educational programs 21

12、 the radio or TV. So many children who live in faraway village dont need to 22 to school every day. They 23 at home. Each family will have a robot. Robots will help people with their housework. Perhaps some people will go to the 24 for a holiday and some scientists can live under the 25 .III. 阅读理解(2

13、0分)A “If you want to see a thing well, reach out(伸出手)and touch it!” That may seem a strange thing to say. But touching things can help you to see them better. Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round. But by holding it in your hands, you can feel how smooth(光滑)and cool the ball is. You can

14、feel how heavy the glass is. When you feel all these about the ball, you really see it. With your skin, you can feel better. For example, your fingers can tell the difference between two coins(硬币)in your pocket. You can feel a little drop of water on the back of your hand, too. All children soon learn what “Dont touch!” means. They hear



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