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1、M5U3Project 制卷人:饶鑫琰 审核人:张柳Learning aims:1 To manage the main idea of the two passages.2 To learn some useful words and expressions.A篇:Man and nature1 Read the article and give the main idea for each paragraphParagraph Main idea Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 42Read it again and answer th

2、e following questions.1. What have people done to nature?_2. If we continue in this way, what might happen?_3. What did developed nations do decades ago? What are they concerned about now?_4.What are poorer nations doing now? Whats their purpose for doing so_B篇:GM food: hope or danger? Read the seco

3、nd article “GM food: hope or danger?” and answer the following questions1. What are peoples different attitudes towards the study of genetics?_2What is one aim of GM research talked about in the article?_3What are the problems about GM food and GM plants?_4What is many countries attitude towards GM

4、food? Why do they hold such attitude?_Language points:1 Phrases:in this way_ in favor of_-from the point of view of some people_ focus on_ meet ones own needs_ blame sb. for sth._Cause/spell a catastroph_ decades of _ at a fast rate_ hundreds of thousands of acres of_work together_ after all_open up

5、_ defend oneself against_at present_ be limited to_rather than _ have an effect (effects) on_-give permission to_ be cautious with_2 难句分析:1. Other people argue that such thinking may cause a catastrophe, unless we start to look around and understand how a clean environment benefits us all. (P58)。_ar

6、gue v. 争辩,辩论,主张 argue with sb. about /over sth. 因某事同某人争论 argue for / against sth. 为赞成或反对某事而争辩 argue that 主张 argue sb. into / out of doing sth. 说服某人做/停止做某事 1). They are still _, we could hear them down the road. 他们还在吵,我们在路上都能听见。2). The report _ tax increases.这篇报道反对加税。3). We _ the waiter _ the price o

7、f the meal我们跟服务员争论这顿饭的价钱。4) You should argue him _ _ hurting himself. 你应该说服他别再伤害自己。5). I _ that we need a larger office. 我据理力争我们需要一个更大的办公室。2 Not everything that is best for nature is good for people. _拓展:not 与以下词构成部分否定:all, everyone, everywhere, every, everything, both全部否定的词:none, nobody, no one, ne

8、ither, never, nothing, nowhere练一练:1)并非所有的鸟都会飞。_2)他们俩都不去那儿。_3)他们俩并非都去那儿._3. Many developed nations are now concerned about saving nature rather than developing or destroying the nature.rather than 而不是, 连接两个并列成分。我想要一杯冷饮,而不是咖啡。_-是Mr Smith,而不是他的工人们,要为这次意外负责。_宁愿做而不愿做would rather do than do= would do rath

9、er than do=prefer to do rather than do我宁愿呆在家里,而不愿去逛街。_拓展:would rather+从句 (虚拟语气)1表示与现在或将来的愿望, 从句用过去式2表示过去的愿望, 从句用过去完成式我宁愿下个月来。_4.Would everyone say that economic development should be stopped in favor of nature?a) do something in favor of 对有利 b) be in favor of 赞同in favour of 有利于,赞同(接名词、代词和动名词)ask a favour of 拜托某人do sb. a favour = do a favour for sb. 帮助某人 favour sb. with sth.对某人施恩惠Will all those _ the proposal raise their hands? A. in relation to B. instead of C. in hono


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