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1、张江集团学校2014学年第一学期预初英语摸底试卷时间:60分钟满分:100分2014.09.01Part 1Vocabulary and GrammarIWrite the right phrases according to the given Chinese. (10*1=10%)1打羽毛球_2吃早餐_3看日历_4总是友善对待他人_5从来不调皮_6土地污染_7在太空博物馆_8计划一次去的旅行_9制作一本相册_10在展示栏上_IIChoose the best answer. (选择)30*1=30%( )1Welcome to Zhangjiang group School. I hope

2、 everyone will have _ good time here in the coming four years.A/BaCanDthe( )2-Can your father drive?-Yes, and he usually _ me to school.AdroveBis drivingCdrivesDhas driven( )3The Smith family always go to church _ Christmas.AatBonCinDfor( )4The shoes are beautiful. May I _?Atry it onBtry on itCtry t

3、hem onDtry on them( )5Which word pronounces a different vowel (元音)?AhereBgirlCdirtyDheard( )6We decided to change that by _ on the Internet for some useful information.AsearchingBsearchCsearchedDhas searched( )7He is looking at us _, he gets _.Aangry, angryBangrily, angryCangry, angrilyDangrily, ang

4、rily( )8_ event youre going to join in, the 400-meter race or the 100-meter race?AWhatBWhichCWhich oneDWhich kind( )9Can you help me _ my English?AonBforCwithDof( )10The Yangtze River is one of _ in the world.Athe longest riversBthe longest riverCthe long riverDa long river( )11When did you _ there

5、yesterday.Aget toBgetCarrive inDarrive at( )12At the age of 30, he was already the inventor of many great things. What does the underlined part mean?AWhen he isBWhen he wasCBecause he wasDBefore he was( )13There is still _ juice left in the bottle. Finish it off.AlittleBa littleCfewDa few( )14- _ do

6、es the show last?- About 100 minutes.AWhenBWhatCWhat timeDHow long( )15At the university of Oklahoma, new policies went into effect after a _ student died in 2004.A19 years oldB19-years-oldC19-year-oldD19 year old( )16I have two uncles. One lives in Beijing, and _ is in Shanghai.Athe othersBthe oneC

7、the otherDanother( )17Ill just throw a white sheet over my head, cut out two holes for eyes and call _ a ghost.AmeBmyselfCmineDmy( )18Grandpa is over seventy, _ he still goes jogging every day.AbutBandCsoDor( )19- You didnt go to the party, did you? - _. What a shame I missed such a wonderful party!

8、AYes, I did.BYes, I didnt.CNo, I didnt.DNo, I did.( )20When you want to introduce another person, you say _.A“Let me introduce myself”.B“How do you do?”C“This is”D“How are you doing?”( )21Hurry up! Its time _ lunch.AtoBforCinDon( )22Her parents want her _ a pilot some day in the future.AbeBto beCwil

9、l beDbeing( )23It is early Sunday morning. Everyone in my family _ busy reading.AareBisCwasDwere( )24Look at the photo. Im _ with my grandfather in the pool.Ago fishingBfishingCfishDto fish( )25-I dont have an aunt. -I dont have an aunt, _.AtooBalsoCeitherDonly( )26He likes _ the piano. He would lik

10、e _ a musician.Ato play, toBto play, beingCplaying, to beDplaying, being( )27_ piece of useful advice you gave me!AWhatBHowCWhat aDHow a( )28_ visited Hong Kong during National Day.AMy mother and IBI and my motherCMy mother and meDMe and my mother( )29Physics _ much harder than English, I think.Aare

11、BisCwasDwere( )30-The children are cooking breakfast. Do they need any help? Ill be glad to help _.- No, thats OK. _ can cook breakfast by _.Athem, They, theirselvesBthem, They, themselvesCthey, Them, theirselvesDthey, Them, themselvesIIIWrite the words according to the phonetic symbols. (根据音标写单词)5*1=5%1Chinese people always have Spring Festival in _ dnjurior _ februri.2Ive been there _ :lredi and dont want to go again.3The date of the next meeting was down in my _. dari4I went to that same with my mom and Tom on my _ twelf birthdayIVFill in the blanks with the given w


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