MOOC 综合英语 IV-南阳理工学院 大学慕课答案

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1、 MOOC 综合英语 IV-南阳理工学院 中国大学慕课答案1.1 The nature of language1、问题:Which language feature does the sentence “A rose by any other name wouldsmell as sweet” illustrate?选项:A、Arbitrary.B、Duality.C、Productivity.D、Displacement.正确答案:【Arbitrary.】2、问题:Which of the following are the features of language?选项:A、Product

2、ivity.B、Displacement.C、Cultural transmission.D、Interchangeability.正确答案:【Productivity.#Displacement.#Cultural transmission.#Interchangeability.】3、问题:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for humancommunication.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】4、填空题:language is a system of two sets of structures. On

3、e issounds and the other is_.正确答案:【meaning】5、填空题:The main functions of language areconceptual and _.正确答案:【interpersonal】1.2 Language origins myths1、问题:Which of the following does not belong to the verb of communication?选项:A、tell ofB、speakC、maintain D、find正确答案:【find】2、问题:The common central messages s

4、hared by most myths about origin of languageare _.选项:A、who/what cause the emergence and/or diversification of languageB、how the language originated and/ or became diversifiedC、why the language originated and/ or became diversifiedD、when the language originated正确答案:【who/what cause the emergence and/o

5、r diversification of language#how thelanguage originated and/ or became diversified#why the language originated and/ orbecame diversified#when the language originated】3、问题:Scholars still have got no definitive conclusion about the origin of language.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】4、问题:According to divine theor

6、y, language diversification is always a punishmentby a God or Gods.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】5、填空题:The major theories can be grouped under three broad categories: thecreation theory, the invention theory and the _ theory.正确答案:【evolution】1.3 Language origins linguistic theories1、问题:Which of the following d

7、oes not belong to invention theory of languageorigin?选项:A、Bow-wow theory.B、Evolutionary theory.C、Pooh-pooh theory.D、Yo-he-ho theory.正确答案:【Evolutionary theory.】 2、问题:“Pooh-pooh” theory _ that this _ the jumping-off point forlanguage.选项:A、is maintained, isB、is maintained, wasC、was maintained, wasD、was

8、 maintained, is正确答案:【is maintained, was】3、问题:According to invention theory, language was invented by god/gods.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】4、问题:On the whole, in regard to the theories of the origin of language, invention is aprogressive step compared to divine-origin theory, but is less progressive compared

9、toevolution theory.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】5、填空题:Onomatopoeic words the evidence for _ theory.正确答案:【bow-wow】1.4 Popularization of Putonghua1、问题:Who is against the promotion of Putonghua nationwide? _.选项:A、The author of Letter AB、The author of Letter BC、The author of Letter CD、The author of Letter D正确答案:

10、【The author of Letter D】2、问题:Which of the following words/phrases is NOT an indicator word/phrase of anconclusion?选项:A、consequentlyB、The question I am raising isC、the point Im trying to make is D、points to the conclusion that正确答案:【The question I am raising is】3、问题:Which of the following statements i

11、s wrong?选项:A、Issue is a question or controversy responsible for the conversation or discussion.B、Conclusion is the message that the speaker or the writer wants the readers to accept.C、Reasons are the explanations or rationales for the conclusion.D、In an argument, the conclusion is more important tha

12、n the issue and reasons.正确答案:【In an argument, the conclusion is more important than the issue and reasons.】4、问题:Dialects in China total 300 different languages, 292 living languages and 7extinct language.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】5、填空题:The basic elements of an argument areissue, _, and reasons.正确答案:【concl

13、usion】1.5 Hand gestures and communication1、问题:In Britain, which of the following pictures is used to show the numeral “one”?选项:A、 B、C、 D、正确答案:【】2、问题:Which of the following gestures does the sentence “Extend the index fingerand curl its tip” describe?选项: A、B、C、 D、正确答案:【】3、问题:Gestures allow individual

14、s to communicate a variety of feelings and thoughts,including _.选项:A、contemptB、hostilityC、approvalD、affection正确答案:【contempt#hostility#approval#affection】4、问题:Gesture is defined as a form of non-verbal communication or non-vocalcommunication in which visible bodily actions communicate particular mess

15、ages, eitherin place of, or in conjunction with, speech.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】5、填空题:The words for the five fingers of human hands are thumb,_,middle finger, ring finger, and little finger.正确答案:【index finger】1.6 Language learning 1、问题:The interpreter in the video clip is _.选项:A、Yao MengyaoB、Zhou YuC、Zhang JingD、Zhang Lu正确答案:【Zhang Jing】2



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