MOOC 英美诗歌欣赏-河北师范大学 大学慕课答案

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1、 MOOC 英美诗歌欣赏-河北师范大学 中国大学慕课答案单元测验1、填空题:The _ is a long narrative poem of great scale and grand style, typically arecounting of history or legend or of the deeds of a national hero.正确答案:【Epic#%_YZPRLFH_%#epic】2、填空题:_ is the repetition of the same soundsusually initial consonants ofwords or of stressed

2、 syllablesin any sequence of neighboring words.正确答案:【Alliteration#%_YZPRLFH_%#aliteration】3、填空题:_ is used when one word or phrase is substituted for another to which itis closely related.正确答案:【Metonymy#%_YZPRLFH_%#metonymy】4、填空题:_ refers to the poet or the imaginary speakers attitude toward hissubje

3、ct, his reader or himself. It could be happy or sad, gloomy or light, serious or satiric,calm or excited, etc.正确答案:【Tone#%_YZPRLFH_%#tone】5、填空题:_ refers to the repetition of certain sound in words, usually at the end ofpoetic lines.正确答案:【Rhyme#%_YZPRLFH_%#rhyme】单元测验1、问题:The epoch of Renaissance witn

4、essed a particular development of Englishdrama. It was _ who made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama.选项:A、Christopher MarloweB、Thomas LodgeC、Edmund SpenserD、Thomas More正确答案:【Christopher Marlowe 】2、问题:Christopher Marlowes best plays include the following except _.选项:A、The Jew of

5、 MaltaB、The Tragical History of Doctor FaustusC、Cymbeline D、Tamburlaine the Great正确答案:【Cymbeline】3、问题:Choose the one which is not Edmund Spensers work.选项:A、The Shepherds CalendarB、Astrophel and StellaC、The Faerie QueeneD、Amoretti正确答案:【Astrophel and Stella】4、问题:The Faerie Queene is an epic written in

6、 _.选项:A、Spenserian stanzaB、blank verseC、heroic coupletD、sonnet正确答案:【Spenserian stanza】5、问题:“Shall I compare thee to a summers day?” is the beginning line of one ofWilliam Shakespeares _.选项:A、songsB、playsC、comediesD、sonnets正确答案:【sonnets】6、问题:In 1593 and 1594, William Shakespeare published his two nar

7、rative poems,which are Venus and Adonis and _.选项:A、ArcadiaB、StellaC、The Rape of LucreceD、Volpone正确答案:【The Rape of Lucrece】单元测验1、问题:Ben Jonsons comedies are “comedies of _”. Every character in hiscomedies personifies a definite “humour”.选项: A、humoursB、mannersC、charactersD、errors正确答案:【humours】2、问题:The

8、 following are Ben Jonsons main works except _.选项:A、Every Man in His HumourB、VolponeC、The AlchemistD、The Merchant of Venice正确答案:【The Merchant of Venice】3、问题:Choose the poet who does not belong to the Cavalier group: _.选项:A、Sir John SucklingB、Richard LovelaceC、George HerbertD、Robert Herrick正确答案:【Geor

9、ge Herbert 】4、填空题:As an important critic, Jonson was an ardent supporter of _ and took afirm stand for the “three unities” in play-writing.正确答案:【classicism】5、填空题:In 1648 Herrick published his poems in a thick volume with the two titlesof _ and _.正确答案:【Hesperides Noble Numbers】6、填空题:As a core compone

10、nt of the so-called “ Cavalier Poets”, Herricks poetrymainly falls on the traditional theme of _.正确答案:【carpe diem】单元测验1、问题:Metaphysical poetry is notable for its surprising _ (奇喻).选项:A、paradoxesB、conceitsC、imageryD、symbols正确答案:【conceits】 2、问题:George Herbert is called the _ of the Metaphysical school

11、.选项:A、founderB、pioneerC、saintD、hero正确答案:【saint】3、问题:At the beginning of the poem“Virtue”, the poet compares the sweet day to thewedding of the earth and sky. Here, _ is used.选项:A、metaphorB、simileC、personificationD、hyperbole正确答案:【metaphor】4、问题:But though the whole world turn to coal, / Then chiefly l

12、ives allude to_.选项:A、the Greek mythB、John Donnes poetryC、William Shakespeares playsD、the Bible正确答案:【the Bible】5、问题:In the line Only a sweet and virtuous soul, /Like seasoned timber, never gives,the poet uses not only allusion but _ to convey his idea.选项:A、simileB、metaphorC、understatementD、parodox正确答

13、案:【simile】6、问题:Miltons poetry has a _ style, noted for its sublimity of thought andmajesty of expression.选项:A、mightyB、gentleC、grandD、exquisite正确答案:【grand】 7、问题:Miltons masterpiece Paradise Lost is written in _.选项:A、terza rimaB、heroic coupletC、blank verseD、sonnet正确答案:【blank verse】8、问题:Methought I Saw

14、 My Late Espoused Saint is written in _ sonnetform with the rhyme scheme of abba abba cdcdcd.选项:A、EnglishB、ItalianC、ShakespeareanD、Spenserian正确答案:【Italian】9、问题:The Old Law in Miltons sonnet Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saintrefers to the _ law.选项:A、VenetianB、CriminalC、MosaicD、civil正确答案:【Mosaic】10、问题:The reversed conception of day and night in Miltons sonnet Methought ISaw My Late Espoused Saint is a famous _.选项:A、parodoxB、oxymoronC、hyperboleD、allusion正确答案:【parodox】11、问题:_ is a far-fetched metaphor in which a very unlikely connection between


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